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Why are more people being gay now?
Robert Cruz
Joshua Reed
Tyler Nelson
Ah yes, you now see the gay paradox.
If homosexuality is genetic then how is that Gene passed down, and or seeming to increase in people despite the fact that homosexuals cant reproduce with one another.
It's an inferior genetic trait, yet it's some how becoming increasingly more common. Makes you think
Ryder Sanders
Because the Soviets won the cold war.
While we went to the moon, and spent billions on spying, they spent the same amount of money donating to Western Universities.
Seriously. Its that's simple. Type "Yuri Bezmonev" into a search engine and enjoy the rabbit hole.
Jeremiah Adams
They can’t reproduce genes, but they can produce HIV.
How is everyone supporting that?
Is it because of their “love”?
Jeremiah Wright
They were always gay, they were just in the closet and pretending to be virulent social conservatives back in the day. Now they're out of the closet and they're virulent socially authoritarian progressives.
Fuckin' homos got no chill dude. They're psychologically incapable of just leaving other people the fuck alone. They were the "GOD HATES FAGS" bible thumpers back in the 80s and 90s and literally everyone back then knew it and openly said it. Like "wow, that guy is clearly overcompensating for the fact that he is a faggot". Then they turned around and blamed straight people for "oppressing them" once they started to come out of the closet.
Homos have always been a virulent plague upon society, they just used to be underground. In a lot of ways it's much better that they are exposed to sunlight in the modern world, so everyone can see what a rotten and despicable evil they are.
Just keep in mind that even though politics and policy and "sides" and culture changes, the people are more or less a constant. The same fucking faggots you see marching down the street today and getting in your face and trying to force you to submit to a specific set of rules that they deem ideal were the same people 100 years ago thumping on their bibles and telling you that you were gonna go to hell if you masturbated or looked at a woman the wrong way and they were running around hanging niggers in the woods and shit cuz that is just the pathology of the faggot.
The pathology of the faggot is to be a violent, unhinged, emotionally incontinent control freak. They are sado-masochists. The act of homosexual buttsex is inherently sado-masochistic, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that they are sado-masochistic in all other areas of their life too, they just try to hide it. Homos are big into subversion and manipulating. They hide everything. They hid their true sexual natures before it was socially acceptable to reveal them. They hide their true dark psychological nature now.
Kayden Reed
Gay uncle theory. in tribal days, families with a gay offspring would have someone to help the other family members without competing for the women. This is why its more likely for 4th or 5th children to turn out gay rather than 1st or 2nd.
Gays dont produce hiv. Hiv is an std that is spread through sex, only degenerates will have enough random sex to transmit it. Also mostly just kills blacks
Juan Parker
I hate foreign influences so much. They created a dystopian society for us
Samuel Adams
There is a direct correlation and causative link between OP's birth and the rise of homosexuality
Gavin Hall
Blame your arrogance, stupidity and weakness.