Are Americans stupid?

Are Americans stupid?

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But I’m gonna say no


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majority of americans actually support more gun control

That Mexico number is bullshit, what says the US's isn't too? Reported.

They do?
Why isn't anything done then


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It’s just white trash, making every other group look good.
Eventually they will have to move to a big city. Most country living towns can’t afford to have white trash mess the town up.

Those numbers already been debunked. The idiot school administrators were putting the wrong numbers on that line.
The real number is only 19, if I remember correctly.


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>heh let's use a metric like "school shootings" to make places like Mexico or South Africa seem safer than the US
Why do shill retards do this? Who do they think they will fool?

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There killing cops in Italy now.
What’s next for the white trash American

some kids are edgy

Only if they uncritically accept your picture's data.
School shootings may include things like a gang fight a 3AM in a school parking lot. A justified use of a firearm by a law enforcement officer protecting a school.

Liar. Kys you fucking faggot.

Release the prisoners from your prisons.

>Greenland has the same level of homocides as some parts of Africa

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that's why per capita sometimes is a shitty metric.

We’re absolutely retarded.

they support armed guards in schools BUT "think of how scared the children will be"

It’s true
Your just a paranoid white trash,
Bruce Jenner American Olympen a boomers dream


>hurr if you let criminal run free there'd be more murders
That's why we don't do it

*just paranoid

I wish we could be safer like in Mexico.bhurr durr

Bruce Jenner the American boomers man of men.
White people

How many of those are actual school shootings and not just some kid bringing a BB gun to school

>There killing cops in Italy now.
>What’s next for the white trash American

Your mother.

*Olympian boomer's

Police respond to emergencies, with guns
Our military deploys, with guns
Our politicians hire men with guns to protect them
Our celebrities hire people with guns to protect them
Rich people hire people with guns to protect them
I have a gun to defend myself

We protect our children... with a sign that says "no guns allowed"
Our universities and entertainment venues have the same sign.

So yeah, were pretty fucking stupid.

I wonder why that could be....ah I guess we'll never know.

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Surprisingly so it seems, how else would Trump and his ilk skulk in the shadows?

>just give us your guns.
so what i can be helpless with all these pyschopaths out there everywere yea right

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All American beef
How can Americans look up to a tranny

schools are gun free zones tho

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Fuck off kike

Srsly. Idk why everyone acts like its something that happens every day (like niggers killing each other)

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Just saying but if a flare gun goes off inside a school it counts as a school shooting.

"Yeah you stoopid americunts should be more like us british, we're totaly not murdering each other by the fucking dozen or anything."

But no seriously Britain is a fucking shithole where even our cops are being stabbed to death in London. We've had no school shootings but more people have been murdered London than in New York.

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I fail to see the relevance of them being mostly Inuit. It’s not like they have any bad blood between them.

The US is an example of everything that ails multicultural empires, but on steroids.
When you walk in the streets of LA, or Chicago or New York, the people you walk past, for the most part, have nothing in common with you. Their skin color, their religion, their culture, their ancestors aren't similar to yours. Hell, they might not even speak the language, which is the minimum requirement of belonging in society.
Only homogeneous societies are stable societies.
Is it any wonder then, that so many mutt teens strike out at the other?

Multicultural societies, have never, and will never work.
If you're unconvinced, take a look at Brazil. That's your future Amerimutts. And I get rock hard thinking about it.

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Think again there American. Your prison systems are financially collapsing and they have no other choice to release the prisoners.

>I fail to see the relevance of race and crime
I guess you need to lurk moar then lad.

Why do you cucks compare yourself to some third world central American country that is barely heard of and not to Europe when replying, what's wrong with you?
Do you have brain damage?

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Bro that pic implies Poland is less significant then all the countries on that list. Fake news.

this desu
for what it's worth, i'm sorry the boomers bombed you Serb user. Rest easy knowing most of them will be abused in nursing homes by their pet niggers.

>Your privatized prison system is collapsing, so much so that people are wondering why they make millions each year with more and more prisoners.

Because it is less significant than any of those, are you stupid?

Do up korea or nam again. Send the chinks a message.

No one will take Americans guns.
Your Olympic god had a sex change
And you try to sell people that your freedoms are in jeopardy
Government control of the people’s emotions
Just take a opioid every American is.
Over population no one have kids.
Let’s be Americans and dress the same.

The kraken

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>Because those darn ice fishermen are known to be incredibly hostile towards non-ice fisherman.
Who really is the newfag here?


So we can shoot the shooter and fight the government. Google "bundy standoff"

americans are pathetic

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>why do you compare yourself to the thing OP compared you to?
Gee user, idk. I guess it's a fucking mystery why I would rebuke the argument that OP fucking made.

>compared to Europe
Obviously we are going to have higher crime rates than anywhere in Europe, we have more niggers. Nobody is denying this and i'm not sure what your point is here?

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My mom is ugly
So Americans like ugly

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>Literal infinite amount more guns per capita than US because of mandatory possession
>0 school schootings
Yep, the problem is guns and not niggers bringing gang warfare into schools, laughable mental health system that pumps already volatile kids with amphetamines, and a radically unstable social and political climate that makes a spectacle out of nutcases and extremists

How much cock did you suck before coming up with that retarded rebuttal you stupid faggot?

Lolz. Thanks professor. Richest nation in the world with no close second.

> ice fishermen are known to be incredibly hostile towards non-ice fisherman.
What the fuck are you even talking about? What does race-relations have to do with homicide rate? We aren't discussing "Inuit murders of Europeans in Greenland" we are discussing the murder rate in Greenland which is clearly mostly Inuit-on-Inuit.

Are you brain damaged or something? Where are you going with this? What is your argument/point here?

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Control yourself, I will control me

The boomers seen to look up to Bruce Jenner back in the day.
Birds of a feather

I'm not sure what you are attempting to prove by showing statistics where US looks safer than Swaziland and Lesotho to an eastern European?

Explain it to me like I was five, please.

>more guns per capita that US
Otherwise you are correct.

Those stats are false. They count shootings that happen near schools, suicides in school parking lots, and accidental discharges from police at schools.

Is trump pregnant ?
Look like he got some man boobs his
Nell carter but doesn’t fool the world

Scouts motto is literally be prepared. You can be certain that man is a patriot.

>does not include the most recent stats
>the ones that passed newyork
>you know the ones that contradict your narrative

How does that make them false in any way?
And we have 10x less population than US, do you think we have 10x less school shootings?

Are you stupid?

Imagine being so cucked that a piece of metal on someone's hip elicits such a response.

>Assuming it’s Inuit-on-Inuit
>Equating US pavement apes to ice fisherman in the middle of fucking nowhere
>I’m totally not pulling this out of my ass user
>what are you brain damaged?
Were done here

There you go. Send all the white trash.
At lest they won’t be shooting in America

>sucking euro dick and apologizing for shit that had nothing to do with you

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Listen, here’s the issue I’ve always had with gun control. We have the 2A so the government doesn’t fuck us over, problem is WE ARE TOO BRAINDEAD TO PUT IT TO USE AND REALIZE HOW FUCKED WE ALREADY ARE. I’d say when people found out about MKUltra that was the cutoff; either we overthrew (or at least made SERIOUS changes) or we continue on the course to where we are now.

We’re in the endgame now. No matter how bad Uncle Sam fucks our taught little assholes, we are at the point where we won’t do anything about it. So yeah, what’s the fucking point? Either the US Gov drags on their goal of enslaving us all by letting us have our guns or they take the guns and enslave us immediately, the outcome is the same. We’re headed down the same path and the only thing that can knock us off of it is a happening that changes everything.

TLDR: Who cares if they take our guns, we’re fucked either way. We know we’re fucked because of all the injustices against the people committed by our own government and subsequent complete inaction of Americans. This is putting it simply.

I know this is reddit spacing but I want it to be easy to read so fuck you.

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Fuck off barbarian slave

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>iTs jUsT a PiEcE oF mEtAl loL xDDD

Or stand around like the police
Or maybe video it
Don’t get involved you may get sued

It's false because most of them aren't school shootings. I don't understand what you're asking in the rest of what you said. You're like a babbling woman. Mind your business and stay in your nanny state if you're afraid of guns. That's like me complaining about lightening striking people in your country.

I personally think, that guns should be banned(excluding hunting and sports), but i'm wondering, if USA hypotheticàlly bans guns to civillians, how would they deal with tons of weaponry, which are already bought by their owners? Do guns ban supporters have some plans on compensation for weapon owners after ban? And who will pay for this gun removemenat campaign? I just don't get it, how all this gun prohibition campaign would work on practice.

America has more niggers than all of the other countries listed, combined.

>Guys this EuroKEK is triggered by some doorknob at their belts haha

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>explain it like I was 5
Ok. Well, you see, the thread started off with OP posting about "school shooting rates" which showed the US as much higher than places like Mexico and South Africa. The obvious implication he was trying to make was that the US was "less safe" than those places. I responded to OP with a world map of the Homicide Rates (the most meaningful statistic in virtually any argument about this stuff) to show that he was being retarded. Shortly after I posted this, you came out of nowhere screeching about how stupid *I* was for comparing the US to 3rd world countries (nevermind that it was OP who did this, and I was merely correcting him). At this point I posted a graph to you that showed how the US Black murder rate was much more in-line with Africa's while the US White murder rate was not really comparable. Then you decided to keep going on this tangent arguing a point that I never made (I guess because you're mentally challenged or something?).

The US is absolutely less safe than most European countries (other than places like Lithuania or Ukraine). I never once said it wasn't, yet you keep hounding that point as if you think you've "defeated me" or something.

Now I'm sitting here confused because I truly do not understand what point you are trying to make here?

>hurrr US is unsafe!!!!
Yes, it is. We have niggers.

Any more questions? Care to clarify you point perhaps?

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Did you guys ever get the screen doors on your submarines sorted?

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No one blames the gun when the cop kills a nigger.

You guys in the United States of America have weird problems lol

>I just don't get it, how all this gun prohibition campaign would work on practice.
It won't nigger

>"Americans made up 4 percent of the world's population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms." U.S civilians own 393 million guns. That is 3 times as many guns as the armed forces of the Russian Federation (30.3 million), China (27.5 million), North Korea (8.4 million), Ukraine (6.6 million), United States (4.5 million), India (3.9 million), Vietnam (3.8 million), Iran (3.3 million), South Korea (2.7 million), Pakistan (2.3 million), and all the other countries (39.7 million) combined. American civilians own more guns "than those held by civilians in the other top 25 countries combined."

>"American civilians own nearly 100 times as many firearms as the U.S. military and nearly 400 times as many as law enforcement." Americans bought more than 2 million guns in May 2018, alone. That is more than twice as many guns, as possessed by every law enforcement agency in the United States put together. In April and May 2018, U.S. civilians bought 4.7 million guns, which is more than all the firearms stockpiled by the United States military. In 2017, Americans bought 25.2 million guns, which is 2.5 million more guns than possessed by every law enforcement agency in the world put together. Between 2012 and 2017, U.S. civilians bought 135 million guns, 2 million more guns than the combined stockpile of all the world's armed forces.

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Are you a boomer ?
Did you like Bruce Jenner ?
Do like trannies ?
What freedoms you have. You have been tricked by a tranny. Operation Bruce Jenner.
All you boomers liked a tranny do you feel gay ?
Are you gay for liking a tranny ?
I really can’t take any Americans seriously

Project much?

You are trying to compare USA with other countries.... In case if you have not noticed - it's very VERY DIFFERENT --- it has something other countries don't -- FREEDOM.
With freedom come dangers and responsibilities. You are expected to be armed and defend yourself and your family.

>Assuming it’s Inuit-on-Inuit
They are 88% of the population you retard, and the other 12% are mostly Danes, who have a tiny homicide rate in their homeland, it's an absolutely safe assumption you mong.

>Equating US pavement apes to ice fisherman in the middle of fucking nowhere
I never said they were equal (protip: that's what "equate" means).

>i'm totally not pulling this out of my ass
What are you even talking about? Furthermore why/how is this even relevant to the original argument?

>what are you, brain damaged
Sorry if I offended you, I was mostly memeing, but i'm genuinely getting curious now because I still have no fucking idea what you're trying to say here.

My assertion is that Greenland having such a high murder rate and the fact that it is 88% non-white/non-east asian are PROBABLY related. (Basically, race affects crime)

>we're done here
if you say so.

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Must be nice just like TV 90210. We are talking about mass shootings and not TV well we did mention Bruce Jenner.

Lethal weapons have existed since forever, we haven’t always had “assault rifles” but historically there was nothing really stopping a psycho from murdering random innocents in a public place. That is the nature of life, we are vulnerable.

Why do mass shootings and school shootings happen today? It can’t be simply the presence of guns. There were always weapons, and gun control has never been as strict as it is now. The problem is something cultural and psychological occurring in American society. A nihilistic and hateful mindset is more common than in the past. It’s caused by abusive and/or neglecting parents, and a general culture of individualism and hedonism. People feel lost and abandoned, and bitter when they cannot successfully pursue hedonism.

Here if you want to have a gun, you pass one test to rule out retards and get it.
What fucking freedom are you even talking about?
How do you have some freedom we don't?

Oh I'm sorry, I guess I should just celebrate the fact that our country bombed a white nation to hell to help "muh pooor innocennt muzzies". Never apologize, cuz MURRRICA amirite? XD

That was 100% written by a criminal.

Do you suck black dick too because of slavery? Absolute fag.

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ah yes, saying "that bombing in my lifetime was wrong, sorry it happened" is the equivalent of "sucking his dick"