More reasons soldiers off themselves other than ptsd

imagine serving for x months/years and come home to your lazy, ungrateful baby momma fingering herself in front of some puppy and kitty porn in sexting format.
you just spent months/years away missing your baby and this is what you get for your service.
and you ain't getting in any of it because how dare you even think of that, you jerk.

thank you for your service

Attached: pattisaurousrexfanfare.jpg (750x1179, 361K)


What am I looking at?

that is a terrible looking pussy

Attached: 1562860115166.jpg (786x771, 150K)

this girl looks disgusting

>having a wife to come home to after being deployed
What timeline did you come from user?

Attached: k.png (500x593, 169K)

No one cares about your problems.

is that a trans vagina?

Not your personal blog.

that twat looks rank

that cooter is roughly 6 cunt hairs away from being considered a fur suit.

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why anyone thinks having a gf/wife while serving in the military works is beyond me. i'd never make such a mistake

The cheating dependapotamus is so fucking cliché it's a wonder zogbots bother to get married.

Attached: 1408461227706.jpg (665x997, 380K)

eww I give up. I'm gay now

Attached: 9daafd772a07304dff82b0b5783e4e84d780c200925b70ebb2aab1d986de035f.jpg (650x727, 27K)

>belf display pic
>overweight hairy puss

Attached: 1541013925525.png (211x239, 10K)

getting married means getting out of the barracks and making a shitton of bonus $$ just for not being single.

It's a massive incentive, barracks life is shit as fuck compared to having your own home and extra money to spare. Nothing wrong with it in theory, just the quality of women tend to be absolute trash. The quality of military men is pretty low too I guess, but even the friends I had who were great guys all got divorced. Actually I can only thing of one guy who is still married.

>met my wife in high school
>have been with her since we were 17
>27 now
>have only ever had sex with each other

Well, user wasn't wrong...

And this all boils down to the nature of most women.

>Not being Air Force
Imagine having to be married to live off base.

that is a vagina

A vagina.

I thought it was a neo-cunt at first. Looks like a dude's nappy crotch.

Opinion discarded

>those hairy man legs
that's a yikes from me

I love how pussy cucks always think they will get karma with faggot beta cuckold nsa interns if they jerk off the problems of zogbots. Zogbots off themselves the same way people kill themselves if they leave their kid in a car like or let their daughter marry Tyrone. Literally not one credible person gives two ticks about the imaginary macho i piss further than you shit which was the performance benchmark in retarded faggot world.

Boys, that is a females dogs shaved pussy I'm afraid to say. Let the fapping commence.