Feel a constant, dreadful anxiety about almost everything

>feel a constant, dreadful anxiety about almost everything
>finally break down one day and pray to god like I did as a kid
>ask for the strength to carry my burdens
>completely surrender my desire for control to a higher power
>instantly feel better

Holy shit wtf god was real this whole time?! Should I go to church?

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Yes, go to a few different ones.

it's primitive but it's amazingly powerful. men have always found solace in looking to a higher power. do what you need to do.

That's called the placebo effect...if you want something, you can have it, but you must BELIEVE that you can have it. That's God, in a nutshell.

Also, based doomer Hitchens.

this never works for me, afraid that I am not of the elect. what do. bros?

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What people don't realize is that religion isn't about the promise of some fantasy heaven after you die. You can have a meaningful relationship with God right now on earth while you are alive. that is heaven. Just accept Christ, he is the path and the doorway.
Its not BS

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That meme is aweful, I love it.

Shut the fuck up boomers.

Jesuschrist the lord died for every single one of your sins. He didnt just paid for them, he knew every single one of them. You are forgiven thanks to him.

If Jesuschrist himself appeared in front of you, and asked you to forgive the sins of your father, the sins of your mother, and the sins of all the people who had not gave you respect, would you grant it?

Your life would be diferent when you understand the power of forgiving. It will remove all the weight that is currently dragging you down each time.
Someone cut you off while driving his car? Forgive him and carry on.
Someone just mocked you for being different? Forgive him and carry on.

Jesuschrist wants you to live a free life, out of any physicial and mental strings that are currently keeping you on the trenches. Its time to get out of the trench and live.

When you are not forgiving someone, who is carrying that burdem? Them or you? Who is actually suffering for the things of the past?