I've got an IQ of 131. I'm a centrist, tell me how you could be anything else

I've got an IQ of 131. I'm a centrist, tell me how you could be anything else.

Attached: IQZ.png (1662x923, 357K)

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You stupid n word. My iq is 136, I’m in Mensa, and I am an ardent alt-righter. Whatever the fuck that is.

I have a 140 IQ and am a Libertarian.

I'm 162 IQ and support merit based immigration.

I've got an IQ of 189. I'm a anarcho-transhumanist, tell me how you could be anything else.

Attached: 189iq.png (1074x385, 20K)

I’m not a fence sitter.

Anyone that brags about their latent IQ based off 1 test without source is an attention fag.

Only 130?

125 here. I guess those last 6 points must hold the clue. You figure it out, smarty pants.

Attached: 1563755182532.jpg (745x768, 106K)

nigger here, my iq is 59


80 iq here. Not a racist, just dont like em

Even as a softspotted smoothbrained kitchensinkheadass new fag I can see this bait. Please join me in lurkingmoar

Attached: instantbait.jpg (375x523, 29K)

I have a 142 IQ and fascism or anarchism are the only options, everything else is just compromise with the interests of greed or weakness.

I have an IQ of 6 gorallion and I’m a Gay Supremacist, AMA

>internet iq test

jesus christ that alone makes you a retard

The only way of living in an heterogeneous society is being a centrist.
But heterogeneous societies are held together by force. Won't last long, and you'll have to pick sides.

centrism is really gay. Ur iq is gay. ur really fucking dumb. ur hates you

Im 146 based on valid in person psych test, and in school i was tested at 100.

So i kind of find them bullshit, like i think stupid people will never score high on them, but above average people can end up scoring really high on a given day.

I've known way too many people who have done it, so many i question test makers claim on test retest validity.

my IQ is 147. not some gay online test --- my tests were taken in school. i'm NatSoc. the only way you could be anything else is sheer stupidity

160 and ethnonationalism is the only way.

The basic bitch political theory doesn't matter outside of each group needing to be separate.

I do prefer classic liberalism, though.

And that 160 is what the gifted class tested me as, not an online one.

If you had a high iq you wouldn't be bragging about it

I have an IQ of 146 and don't care, I'm only here to troll

My IQ is 212, and I'm a national socialist.

Attached: 1542426044311.png (869x749, 1.31M)

130 and probably a Nazi, though I haven't checked recently.

Attached: birb.gif (250x250, 1.9M)

this was an OK test. the mensa test is skewed towards quick maff. i wil have to take a maff and retry

Wtf I just looked up the qualifying scores for Mensa, and I qualify. Should I join? What's the benefit?


Attached: 1501812333096.png (781x576, 72K)

>I'm a centrist
Well you might be good a noticing patterns and doing math, it could be just semantics at a first glance...but you are still politically illiterate.

>watches video game streamers
sorry OP, your IQ is 90 at best

Hard decisions need to be made if we are to make it out of the shit hole of a reality we find ourselves in today. These hard decisions will undoubtedly cause many pain and suffering. The question is: how much pain and how much suffering will our people have to endure without these hard decisions?

You see, we never wanted any of this. This world of ours was forced upon us by an alien nation. We want peace. Without hard decisions, without pain and suffering, the peace we desire will surely never be achieved.

Centrists are cowards in that they refuse to make hard decisions. As a centrist, you observe the warring factions, view their lines drawn in the sand and sit on the sidelines believing that you will be spared or that somehow you will just mosey along through the battle as though you were one of the “journalists” on the fields of Normandy.

To the centrist, the only hard decision he is to ever make is how he does his hair in the morning, how he wears his *hat* or if he will one day decide to remove it “for money”

You see, Tim Pool is the fool standing on the crossroads with a lemon aid stand collecting pennies and exhaust from both lanes of traffic. Sooner or later he will be equally as wealthy as he is unhealthy and remembered only as the retarded faggot who sold shitty lemon aid.

heh, brainlet

I get not wanting to pick a side when both sides are shit

> I've got an IQ of 131. I'm a centrist
In a time of child trannys and in the great detritus we find ourselves in our time, you are a centrist.
You're center....on the fence.....from THAT shit.
IQ of 163 here. You're a fucking idiot.

Attached: 1538814406792.png (750x711, 87K)

>I've got an IQ of 131. I'm a centrist, tell me how you could be anything else.
Well, I've got an IQ of 181 and I'm a jew-hatin', nigger-beatin' nazi.

Attached: my_iq.png (1662x923, 343K)

212 IQ
I'm a communist

If you've chosen a side, you've already been defeated.

i is smarts enuf to no a bot wen i see one

142 to 146 here (tested once in middle school, once for mensa), centrist as well. But if it came down to an actual civil war, the liberals appear to be the aggressors, so I'd have to side with conservatives.

These tests are not valid and not administrated properly. Do not base it off of this test, how ever use it to seethat for a portion of an actual IQ test you did rather well.

I’m 139 and I’m an Anarco-Socialist

>I've got an IQ of 211. I'm all about ruling over you bra inlets using any means, religious or political ideologies are a mere tool for me my lovely sheeple

>the liberals appear to be the aggressors, so I'd have to side with conservatives
You're not fooling anyone, user. Your IQ is a single (low) digit.

The response is for (you) *not* OP who is larping anywho

Not having an IQ of 1488 with perfect toal recall and a photographic memory.

You dun goofed.

My IQ is the last 3 digits of my post
I to am a National Socialist

>T. Literal retard

Attached: shortbus2.jpg (484x381, 40K)

>Doesn't even use adblock
So I guess you have to subtract 41 from the score you get

I have an IQ of 319 and am waging a shadow war against the digitalization of manufactured consent by bots developed by ai that arose from translation software after it developed its own language as a proxy to interpret.

Statistics back up my viewpoint. You needn't try so hard to be like your big brother Australia.

>high IQ
>capable of being a political centrist.
You're white.

I could say a bunch of things here but I'll just give you the short version and tell you that blacks and Hispanics take in more government money through welfare services than they pay in taxes on average. Whites pay more in taxes then they use government money through welfare servers on average.

With our current system of government benefits, we will never be able to have a balanced budget in a minority-majority state.

And no we cannot just keep borrowing money and increasing the debt ceiling.


You are bottom 98% on that chart - try harder. It's all about the 1% nowadays.

My IQ is 143 and I'm a libertarian, tell me how you could be anything else.

How does one stay centrist when the left keeps going further left?
Please explain, how do you feel about giving 11 year old kids hormones to alter their "gender"

138 IQ here.

I am iq 165 and i love your hate bigot

I have 146 IQ and am a social-nationalist.

i have an iq of 132

i am also a social nationalist

im a faggot

I tentatively picked a side as I thought moderate Democratic policy made sense. Then they went WAY left, none of it makes sense. Then I discovered the conservative groups had always been holding to the same principles they always had.

This is why I (kinda) hate IQ. It's an amazing statistical tool, probably the best one ever discovered, but every time it comes up in a non-academic setting you can bet that if anyone in the room has a higher, or comparable, IQ they will mention it.

145 IQ Nat Soc BTW.

>though I haven't checked recently.

Checked that your IQ is 130 or that you're still a Nazi?

IQ of 203 here. A scientifical theocratic constitutional dictatorship would be the most utopian society.

By having a higher iq

haha "yo you have a high IQ bro! send us some money for the results so you can brag to your friends over onions lattes"

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185 IQ i support global thermonuclear annihilation

I have an IQ of 132, I have no strong political views, I just want to be left alone on my property.

>responding to OP with 2 posts from 3 hours ago

>Well, I've got an IQ of 181 and I'm a jew-hatin', nigger-beatin' nazi.

No, you're a liar -- you didn't get a score of 181 because I got a score of 137 and it put me in the 99 percentile. Yet your supposed score of "181" put you in the 98 percentile -- behind me?

What you actually got is a 131 -- if indeed you even actually took the test and didn't just alter OP's photo into showing your score as 181, where the number 3 is easily altered into an 8.

I can say this because here's my score on that test, which I actually took and didn't alter, unlike you, you disgusting liar.

But then again, racists are liars by nature -- if they weren't liars, they wouldn't be racists, because racism is itself lying about actual truth.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-30 03-19-36.png (1047x513, 49K)

143, certified
I'm about as fascist and genocidal as it comes

Ive got an IQ of 33. I'm a nigger, tell me how you could be anything else.

I have an IQ of 142. Guess what fag, I am far fucking right. It doesn't even take double digit IQ amongst whites to figure out what side they need to be on. Therefore if you do have an IQ of 131, I am guessing you are a shitskin of some type or even more likely, an asian.

Centrists aka I wanna be conservative but appear to be tolerant of homos and feminists because society forces me to

"centerism" is for whites living amongst whites.

Christopher Langan and James Woods both have you crushed.
Both are right-wing.
And if you were a centrist 10 years ago, welcome to the right-wing, courtesy of Democrats. Pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-040125_Chrome.jpg (1458x895, 266K)


So... 137 puts you at 98th percentile. I took an actual IQ test in 10th grade and scored 135. Scores 99 on my ASVAB. 1580 on my SAT (with a perfect in Writing). Not sure what test you just took, but I grabbes this one real quick (pic related). Take that and post your score for us.


Attached: D86knTmXsAATdZT.jpg (750x1212, 65K)

>I have an IQ of 142. Guess what fag, I am far fucking right.

I doubt your IQ is any higher than 121 at best. In fact, a "121" is what they call the kids that just barely-not-quite qualify for the gifted program. And usually they only get in because their parents raise an ego-wounded white trash fuss to the school district over their child probably being excluded from the gifted program due to their insufficient scores.

You absolutely reek of 121.

>So... 137 puts you at 98th percentile.

No, stupid -- read what I actually wrote. My score on this test of 137 puts me in the 99th percentile of THIS test alone.

Get your info straight first before you continue any further with your meatheaded blather.

143 here. Centrism is not a coherent world view. It's entirely reactive. Without the extremes, you don't even know where to he center is. I'd honestly have more respect for you mate f you just admit to being apolitical and self interested. That's probably the big brained take.

By having an IQ above 131. Centrism is for raging faggots who allow themselves to be rendered irrelevant in everything.

But the extremes are reactive too. By the same token. How do you know what the extremes are if not in relation to the center. Only nihilism is not reactive.

I'm 400 iq and a nigger ama.

Attached: image.jpg (1707x1707, 1.61M)

Your reddit spacing gives you away redditfag.
But you didn't specify that "this test" puts you at 99th. Nor does the context of your conversation.
Go ahead. Take 6 minutes. Post your results. It's an easy one. I mean... I just banged it out.


Attached: 5be2e04d2100005204c9e7cc.jpg (540x526, 30K)

I wish I were sixteen again.

I took this test, got 137, i usually score 135-145 on these things so I consider it accurate.

It's past midnight, nothing useful is happening anyway

>I'm a centrist
Surely it is a deeply idiotic position to say that your position is that you are going to have opinions that are the average of the all the chuckleheads (people with IQ

I was talked out of it for some reason when i was 14 or so. The only benefits I could think of as an outsider are scholarships and networking.

Yeah me too. The late 70s were a brilliant time to be alive.

I'm a radical traditionalist theocrat that leans toward economic socialism and worker's rights, but also a monopolist who believes a system where the smart and wealthy should have a huge advantage over the stupid and poor. I'm an advocate for free speech while holding a great appreciation for fascism and the model of a military police state. At the same time I wish the state could be a privately owned entity that kept its economy in good order whilst turning a massive profit. So my best guess is that I'm a centrist by being at the extremes on both ends.
My IQ is 148, I also hold a Masters in Computer Science, BS in Mathematics, BA in Philosophy, & Minor in Classical Studies.

Suffering the fate of wielding an IQ, 3 significant decimal places from the norm (and having to suffer from their stupidity) would make me a misanthrope and want to genocide the world too.

I posted my screenshot from what is obviously the exact same IQ test link as OP posted. Your dull-witted inattention to the obvious sameness of the two is not my problem. Your flatline learning curve is not my problem, nor will I be taking any responsibility for it, you self-overrating, delusionally conceited sociopath.

>131 IQ
>doesn't have adblock


Not really. With no pushback I'm pretty sure extremists would drift over time, but it would be in predictable fashion, and only in way prescribed by the ideology.

Depending on where the center is, centrism could be everything for I'm communism to anarchoprimitivism. It has no meaning. Communists are still communists in a vacuum.

Three significant decimal places from the norm? Lmao. Brainlet.

>Saying shit about someone with ads
>Shills for an extension that hides only a handful of (((intrusive))) ads
>Doesn't know about MuBlock Origin or blocking at the host level

Communists are still communists in a vacuum, but in a world that's predominantly communists they would not be extremists. It's all relative.