VOAT still under DDoS attack...they say

Reddit's Neo-Nazi conspiracy-minded cousin has been deluged with DDoS attacks for the past two days, they're blaming on a post on their "pizzagate" board that links the Vatican to Epstein.

First question...could VOAT be pulling a hoax? Maybe they're just trying to draw attention and viewership. It could even be some fucked up technical problems on their servers and they're playing it up as some sort of sinister plot.

Or, could it be part of a red herring, where (((someone))) planted the Vatican story, and now they're attacking it themselves to REALLY make people think there's something to it.

Is there any way to PROVE someone is under a DDoS attack, or do you just have to take their word for it?

Attached: voatdown.jpg (903x599, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Totally ignore the fact that Epstein’s ties to Junkermann links him to the Israeli prime minister you massive glow faggot.

Attached: 1546999244168.jpg (348x321, 19K)

voat couldn't keep up before any supposed ddos. Hell, I could probably take them down with my 100mbit connection if I wanted to.

Cool flex

op btfo

Attached: voat_pizzagate.png (3416x6087, 766K)

You are so fucking boring holy shit

Voat link to pizzagate was posted on an Unz article, so could generate traffic from there

>Or, could it be part of a red herring, where (((someone))) planted the Vatican story, and now they're attacking it themselves to REALLY make people think there's something to it.
It's something that is true, but it's also used to push against Christianity as a whole

bump. glad the guys are still working there

>Totally ignore the fact that Epstein’s ties to Junkermann links him to the Israeli prime minister you massive glow faggot.

I find it amusing that so much effort has been put into every other co-conspirator and they leave out the obvious. JAYSUS his cameras were uploading direct to MOSSAD HQ...that's how BIBI has been running this country for years.

He tried to set up Barak, the guy that was going to run against him. I guess he did set him up.

>Epstein reaches out to Barak and offers him financial support in his bid for PM.
>Barak knows Epstein's rep but his jew self just can't help it so he makes a meeting with Epstein in the Manhattan house
>Barak shows up for the meeting and gets papped.

Now how the fuck did that happen? What's the first thing BIBI did when the Epstein thing broke? HE LEAKED that photo and started pointing OMERG look at this evil pedo and he wants to be PM?

Such bullshit. Keep saying it every time you see someone forget to say MOSSAD / Israel...cause the JIDF is fighting this one HARD.


I found a potential home and the kikes ddossed it. Now I'm stuck on cuckchan again where the only good board is Jow Forums. I could run to wheelschan again but I want somewhere with activity.

Attached: 1945F5BD-E88A-4224-AE24-F1732AEE8AC1.png (800x450, 241K)

Inept fucking phonefaggot. Stupid nigger.

Attached: phonefaggot.png (1007x701, 64K)

nah brah, it's ant even on a PC.

Does this look like ants to you?
Inept fucking PCfaggot. Stupid nigger.

Attached: nigger.jpg (953x490, 70K)

No sir, that is legible.

So is the previous, if you view it at full resolution.

left click
right click
open image in new tab

Attached: coals.gif (222x480, 1.57M)

Holy shit...nope..ants, nothing changes the ants. screenshot of what is on my screen...ants.

Attached: ants.png (1522x680, 321K)

It's you. This is full resolution on my 1920x1080 monitor.

Attached: 1563330977413.png (1928x1080, 263K)

OK..my face is less than two foot from my screen, I know how to use Jow Forums (kek) and I am fucking telling you that the type within the posts is so small that I have to pull the computer up to my face, not work fucking reading.
It is still not legible and here's why..it's fucking blurry. I blew it up to read it---still can't read it..the text is blurry at full rez here. I screen shot it damn it, you got a bad screenshot.

Attached: ant2.png (1476x1950, 1.81M)

OH you fucking fuckwad of a fuckwad. JAYSUS FUCKING H CHRIST getting all hysterical about old news Nicole Junkerman? Oh fuck back off to VOAT. I'm like WTF thinking it had to be something new and dangerous.

You're confusing me as someone else. I simply pointed out that you're a retard because the image is not "ants". Perhaps you mean to be responding to the person who posted the image, who also tried to convince you that you were a retard?

Have fun talking to yourself, retard. Tab's closing.

Attached: 1558383496381.jpg (936x960, 302K)

Attached: count to potato.jpg (275x183, 11K)

Peter Thiel is part owner of Conde Nast and Voat.
Both sites are a honeypot used to train Palantir.
The DDOS is being done by AWS

Or maybe it's being attacked BECAUSE IT EXPOSED THE TIES TO THE VATICAN.

>Peter Thiel is part owner of Conde Nast and Voat.
Got some of that proof stuff over there?

>russia; thailand; indonesia; ukraine; brazil
>links the Vatican to Epstein
surprised to not see israel on the list

Attached: ehud barak.jpg (266x189, 8K)

Yeah no.
I just want that fucking DDoS to end because now I'm stuck back here again and holy shit I had forgotten how 95% of Jow Forums are cucks, shills or rabbis.

>It's the Vatican, goy

Attached: yesgoy.jpg (663x822, 127K)

Hey bud. I think something's wrong with your monitor.

It's a screen shader extension. Reduces blue light and is easy on the eyes. It isn't nearly that dark in person, it's just the snipping tool doing that.

say the word Jesus

absolutely degenerate

thank God i spotted this thread
the disinfo JIDF kike is gonna have a hard time with me now
all archived kike
>inb4 muh BB shit
he's going down too


The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

Attached: pd645.png (923x799, 308K)

Attached: pd646.png (866x341, 38K)

BB is gonna hang

Attached: fuckujannies.jpg (5390x4258, 3.88M)

Attached: brennan911.png (1474x1092, 1.71M)


Attached: mossad-logo.jpg (170x199, 16K)

Attached: 1564340758807.jpg (359x335, 8K)

let's not forget Ghislaine, also MOSSAD

Attached: PD549.png (457x349, 315K)

Attached: pd583.jpg (615x423, 36K)

what was (((Junckermann))) doing in Epstein's lolita express, kike?

Attached: NJ.png (848x585, 271K)

Attached: girardiDTLAraid.png (918x4899, 1.45M)

Attached: glowniggerleak.jpg (1275x1650, 328K)

Attached: gucciffer.png (1179x921, 770K)

Attached: polPSYOPS.jpg (2600x2600, 1.43M)

Attached: pd33.png (1920x2500, 2.21M)

To hopefully make it easier to view:
is2.Jow Forums.org/pol/1564463087363.png
Replacing the "m.jpg" with ".png" reg. the link opened in a new tab on mobile.

Attached: 1564059889890.jpg (529x440, 33K)

This phonefag thanks you

who cares
voat is a shithole

>Is there any way to PROVE someone is under a DDoS attack, or do you just have to take their word for it?

there is no way voat can prove to you they are getting DDOS attack because you have your head up your ass too far to believe anyone who isn't a faggot on Reddit.


Even archive.fo is being DDOSed so they can take down all evidence

Archive is down

Another DDOS

Save it on your HD and then make other archives

Post the data from the archive before this thread gets shoad.

>Reddit's Neo-Nazi conspiracy-minded cousin
Boats creator is Iranian.