
what is it that niggers have and white men don't. Why do pure blonde women want their eggs tainted by nigger semen. Imagine how better those kids would look if their ((((dad))) was white.

I predict that the jews are trying to get the most attractive women to breed niglets in order to exterminate the whites.

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smaller dicks and tranny rat like qualities with the jews supporting them in the media

Think about it.
Why would a white woman want a racist piece of shit like you? If you would treat someone like shit then you will most definitely treat her like shit. It's only natural that she'd go somewhere else.
Blame yourself ya racist faggot!

it's not just me retard it's any white man

Epstein only wants one of those children. Can anyone guess which?

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They have the entire kike media telling them that it's cool and politically correct to have a pet nigger, and showcasing that mixed babies are the cutest thing ever when that's usually never the case.

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stop being a racist piece of shit
racism doesn't work
it's nothing but trouble and a waste of time effort and money

Found the nigger

what retard thinks being racist has ever been used as a pick up line