Why are niggers always believing what is told to them although it’s false. Even if it’s true. These subniggers wont be even close to their prime time in Africa. Before mutts came in them.
Fucking niggers just believe what is fed to them
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why is whitey so afraid of people knowing their ancestory
Not white. Arab.
My point is if you read the comments on the post is all hate for Egyptian people and Arabs in general. Unless the comments were removed.
>South Sudanese were pushed South by war and invasions
>implying nogs ever made it North of the Sahara in significant numbers
If they were pushed out they will be less in numbers. You know black absorb more sun than the whites. Besides the Sahara drying was the cause of migration
Niggers claim that they build the pyramids and the sphinx with no recorded history. Idiots
The Sahara's existence kept the dumbest niggers trapped in Subsaharan Africa. Can't survive out in the desert when your only inventions are sticks and stones lol.
look at the proportions. that head is not original, even if it is a nigger. egyptian royalty was Aryan.
we were kings
You're a nigger. Who the fuck cares what or who it looks like. It could have been recarved a dozen times over.
>sphinx loses nose
Can't wait until they find out that they were the cause of the downfall, not the ascension. Just like today.
Niggers are/were the tool of destruction. Stupidity and self-destructive violent tendencies are useful to the kike.
>afraid of people knowing their ancestory
We're not. We are sick of nigger nonsense and call it out. We actually want them to reconnect to their African roots and go back there.
>You know black absorb more sun than the whites.
Then there is no need for you to take vitamin D supplements anymore.
This is the Honest truth about the Egyptian people
The truth might confuse and upset certain people.. By the truth IS the truth.
Egyptians were Semitic. Or at least were before the Muslim armies wiped them out.
The Egyptian people were, somewhat in a sense, Related to Jews at one point in human history&/ or biblical history.
They were advanced folk. And their most powerful rich Egyptians had black slaves,Jewish slaves, Greek slaves, & Philistian slaves.
The Egyptians were Super-racist/nationalistic & had a form of Ethnic status quo in Egypt.
The Black people think their ancestors were Egyptian.
But it's false. They may be more related to the Nubian people if anything.the Nubian people
Were Decent folk before the Muslim armies. Invaded & destroyed their civilisation and natural culture
Ancient Egyptians are caucasians east mediterraneans:
Biological Anthropology: Caucasian Skulls not Negroids one's:
Ramesses II
Ramesses III DNA test:
Nefertiti caucasian indo-european type:
“[Akhenaten’s] endocranial volume is large (megacephalic), but nevertheless within the normal range for European skull.” (Harrison, Egypt Exploration Society; 1966)
“Yuya’s nose is prominent aquiline and high-bridged.” (Smith; 1012)
“His hair [Yuya] was thick and wavy.” (Gabriel; 2002)
“Thuya’s hair is luxuriant and the same auburn colour [as Tiye’s] the hair is naturally auburn. (El Mahdy; 2001)
“Thuya has a small aquiline nose.” (Kozloff; 2012)
Elite 12th dynasty:
That’s obviously a Semite look at the nose bridge
Because Africa is full of different ethnies. Even if egyptians have been negros it wouldn't have anything to do with Shaniqua Davis from Detroit because her ancestors came from Western Africa. Thats like saying my ancestry is Russian just because we live on the same continent. Imho it's unlikely that egyptians were pitchblack boons because egypt is North Africa not Sub Sahar. Any flatnosed nogs don't descent from North Africa. They had Benin and Abessyn7an Empire they only larp as egyptians because egyptians are "cooler"
this only proves black culture is superior
I think old egyptians looked like th7s guy
I’m actually native Egyptian and I hate niggers claiming they’re us. Most interacting we had with niggers was a dark age where a bunch of Nubian raided us now they claim they were us.
What's the latest info on the real age of the sphinx? Was the water erosion hypothesis ever debunked/confirmed?
Niggers BTFO
Looks pretty brown to me desu
Who cares? Ancient Egyptians were retarded degenerates and dumb fucks who built shitty stone shacks in the desert for no practical reason, also made sacrifices and had dumb religious believes and rituals that occupied their whole life and shaped their so called culture.
One of the most disgusting (((civilizations))) out there after the Aztecs and Incas.
So, are they niggers? Yes.
That’s not 100% true, there’s a bunch of shitty ones in Sudan that were built in 700bc but they’re basically falling apart. Compare that to the ones built in 4000bc and are in excellent condition in Egypt.
Based senpai
Sure thing, there where Nubian pharaos, they might have recommissiond it
the sphinx was re-carved. its head is too small for its body. all of the limestone casing from the pyramids were pillaged and stolen by muslim raiders. thats why you see fragments of the original stonework at the top of a pyramids like a snow cap.
the sphiynx is clearly the body of anubis. niggers damn sure didnt create it.
lol black people ancestory
>700 bc.
so....it took em 3300 years to make a new one? black excellency/
there would be serious structural problems with the ears.
High IQ
but a 455' foot pyramid doesn't pose a challenge to be believed? fuck off leaf, go eat a moose cock you fucking retard.
Fucking leafs getting on my last nerve lately.
>there where Nubian pharaos
The Nubian dynasty was one of if not the shortest lived dynasty in Egypt's History.
doesnt the sphinx actually depict a black pharaoh? this is like saying every president and citizen was black because Obama was president
KEK you know what niggers call the afrocentric niggers? Hoteps. They even have a Hotep Ken Doll meme. I saw that discussion and thought, damn not all niggers are stupid.
do you think only semitic people have noses like that?
damn i didnt know germanic are this stupid
A pyramid is the most stable structure there is. What are you fucking stupid kid?
Even if they managed to carve those pointy ears out of the bedrock they would start shaking like a tuning fork in the wind and resonate themselves into rubble.
The leaf's right lad.
It is shitty that they're trying to appropriate the Eqyptian hotep, but they do seem to generally be decent black folks trying to not be niggers.
Hey nigger leaf, are you trying to say that when they made those they would have crumbled and then had to redo it? Get cancer and die you nigger loving faggot, and take your ancap lover with you.
no, its anubis. i can't find the video, but during the time of the pyramids it was anubis looking into the stars in the constellation of Leo, the 3 great pyramids are sized and placed exactly the same as the constellation of Orion.
eat shit spic
Nice try nigger, my white ass would blind you while I was fucking your wife.
> black woman depicted as half-human creature that kills innocent people
I think they might be right.
You're saying you'd fuck a nigger? Gross.
Do they seriously not know that the nose was shot off by bored soldiers during WWI?
Look at all these spinxes.
They were all dug up at Luxor
I don't see any anubises anywhere.
try again, faggot. it's been known that ALL of what is egyptian "stonework" is the result of the earliest form of.. ahem.. MASONRY. it's literally the first concrete. you fucking fool.
Pure sex come for the best nudes, hot females and trapss heree.
discord gg/dmB39ty
It was funny..some black woman was going on about a man hitting on her and asking what "race she identified with" and she said "black" and the dude launched into how he could help her find her real identity as a Moor and she's like, Moors are Arabs, he's like, nope that's a lie, da white man be lying...so she calls him a Hotep and walks off...then all these other black people were laughing and talking about the Hoteps they knew. I was very surprised. Whoever it is believing that afrocentrism, it can't be that many people. Cause among the blacks they are right up there in stupid as the sovereign blacks are--(the house squatters)...I think there might be a difference in niggers...oh shi...I red pilled myself on smart(ish) niggers. nah really I thought that all black people were believing that shit because all I've seen are youtube comments and Jow Forums so...
dat you Leafy Hotep?
Me thinks they just told them that so they'd shut the fuck up already. This is the apex of their 'culture".
That would be even less stable, you stupid monkey. Carving the ears, as bad an idea as it would be, would be the only option without rebar on the inside. Maybe you should learn to code and leave the real world to the real people.
Ultimate redpill:
The Egyptians were GYPSIES. Evidence you ask?
- The name eGYPtians.
- The most hated subspecies with no origin and no country to call home
- Gypsies are ALWAYS portrayed negative by the jew made media
- Gypsies has been known to wonder around in circuses because (((rich))) people would always try to chase them away
- The gypsies were one of the "victims" of the (((holocaust))) and yet they didn't get compensation much less an entire country like the jews did even tho gypsies had no home either
Now of course the gypsies today are fucking trash non-human being with polluted genes and tons of inbreeding but they were once a great nation that committed the biggest mistake ever.
They didn't kill the jews when they had the change.
Same, but for whites trying to steal ancient Greek history
>They didn't kill the jews when they had the change.
Well damn, explains why everyone hates gypsies.
>it's anubis
>a dog demigod
>looking at Leo, a cat
>makes perfect sense because I saw a 12 min long video by a schizophenic.
It was always a fucking Sphinx, retard.
Aryans made the pyramids but (((they))) dont want you to know what we are truly capable of.
some blacks have actual identity.
niggers are just culture hoppers, thinking that one day they can stick to a more accomplishing culture.
That's a myth. It was destroyed several hundred years before by a muslim because he was mad that people were worshipping it/bringing it offerings. Then that guy was executed for defacing an ancient relic.
holy shit niggrs are fugly
stop trolling, leaf. it's painfully obvious all of egypt is limestone masonry and was never carved from scratch. where are all the metal tools that would be used to do such a thing? surely, thousands of metallic chisles would be needed. but there is no evidence of any such thing. ever. not ever. you can troll all you want, but the reality is there. be as mad as you want, faggot.
was made in the Age of Leo
you are currently in the Age of Pisces.
you're welcome. now go to bed you insufferable literal actual retards.
I thought blacks only showed up in Africa until recently, way after any of that shit was built. Also if anything I should be the one saying I wuz kangz since I have r1b haplomeme.
The Sphinx was carved out of the bedrock and they used all the blocks from that area around the Sphinx to build the pyramids in that area.
A quick google search will tell you that.
hi memeflag. no semetic people were anywhere around ancient egypt. sorry to burst your bubble. jews love proclaiming that they were slaves and were forced to build the pyramids. that is ostensibly and provably false, they were nowhere near that region for 10,000 years. but ok, keep bullshitting yourself, it's fine.
The fuck does Anubis (dog) have to do with the constellation of Leo (feline)? Take your pills, bugman.
You don't even know what you're talking about at this point.
>Jow Forums
it was put together piece by piece just like all of ancient egypt. the proof is in the water damage that can be seen when egypt was once sub-tropical. that's not sand dunes making those spaes, it was from water eriosion, you - again - LITERAL FUCKING RETARD.
i'm done talking to sub 80 IQ morons.
Sphinx wears a head cover, but the nigger thinks it's the skull shape.
Of course it's a niggers face...it would take a nigger defacing the original Sphinx lion head and replacing it with his coon head for all eternity to see. Truly nigger behavior displayed in it's highest form. As others have said the head shape is not proportional to the rest of the Sphinx...so it was likely done while the body was mostly buried by sand. As always niggers ruin everything as constant as death and taxes.
you sad stupid person.
>I am a schizophrenic
The post
Yea that's water damage. The Sphinx was carved out of solid rock. The fuck is your point?
No you.
>Fucking niggers just believe what is fed to them
I totally agree! It's like stupid white goyim falling for the same Jewish tricks non-stop for 2000 years! OH WHEN WILL THE STUPID WHITE GOYIM EVER LEARN?! It's sad, but the stupid white goyim have undeveloped low IQ brains that they cram full of (((christianity))) further impairing their cognitive abilities.
lol. just KYS Jow Forums.
Vivant denon-1747-1825
Travel to Lower and Upper Egypt during General Bonaparte's campaigns.
Actually, it’s a form of compensating for their inferiority. Hell, nearly everything they do is compensating.
>self insertion into other culture’s history
>grandiose claims on past civilization accomplishments that belong to others
>showboating material wealth in form of massive jewelry
>showboating wealth and status in form of brandname property
>always the loudest in the room
>easily provoked
>culture of being tough over thinking long term
>victimhood mindset where nothing is their fault
And when you leave them to their own devices, they become the shitfest that is Africa.
Wow so they really were kangs
Long lived enough to recomission a statue
Pic related, one solid piece, now wanna tell me again how they would fail with some pointy ears?
These are after all the same people who built the fucking pyramids
The white man lacks the confidence to open air defecate.
Napoleon blew the nose off, so are they implying that young woman was shot in the face, too?
Want to piss off a nigger?
Show them this:
>Ancient Egyptian DNA more closely related to Europeans and Arabs than Sub-saharan Africans.
That is a different type of rock for one, looks like quartzite. However you can scroll up, I've already been over that. Tuning fork.
Look at the dimensions, it's ridiculous