Do you guys think a civil war whre migrants take over entire cities is likeley?
Here in germany the police had to flee from violent migrants in a town called Saarlios. Officials said the could no longer guarantee the safety of the people living there.
Since i heard that i am prepping for the day when migrants try to take over my city.
germans could make rifles from steel stock and wood just like always. Roll out K98 karibiners and make gunpowder from shit if necessary.
Jeremiah Hughes
All you need to do is take out the power grid and then bunker down. The military will not be able to stop the chimping. Supply lines will completely collapse. Then commence mop ups against the savages as you step over the good goys who died for nothing.
Oliver Green
If you don't have a gun buy one. Or get a machete, Hutus fucked up some Tutsis real good with those.
And lift.
Colton Young
Good thing is that germans outnoumber migrants by 6 to 1. Bad thing is migrants outnumber cops by 50 to 1 and our bundeswehr is not allowed to perform any military action on our soil
Kevin Sullivan
Can I have the source please? I've been googling but I couldn't find it :(
sorry i fucked the name up of that town, it is actually called: SAARLOUIS
Robert Flores
Please for the love of god. Read this book. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
It changed everything I thought when I deployed.
It will give you the tools to do what you need to do.
Adam Sanchez
In the US all the faggot white LARPers on here will go into the woods and kill each other. They only white groups that will fare well will probably be the Mormons and Amish
thanks user, just bought it knowledge is probably king in such a situation
Benjamin Walker
Bought it too. Much obliged.
Adam Reyes
Why don't you just throw shit at their chests
Josiah Thompson
You should really read chapter 5 "Killing at edged weapons Range: An Intimate Brutality"
That shit will show you to never take anything with a blade. Every war shows humans fear a piercing blow more then a slash. A bayonet struck more fear then any knife or gun ever could. Because people would rather take a quick death then being poked until they bleed out. Use psychology to better your chance. Also read up on the chase mechanics around page 127.
Its moments like this that I feel blessed to be a dual citizen for US and Germany. Which ever goes into civil war first is where I go. Please be safe and god's protection be with you.
The cops in Saarlouis were special trained anti terror team or something. I am not prepared because I ca't do it alone and my fam7ly refuses to understand the situation. But it could happen any das. They learn how much power the mob has
Ethan Ortiz
I would fight for your country as a volunteer desu. We’re in this together. Do it before it’s too late, I’m not going to bring children into this world for them to be future zog mutt slaves
We’re all in this together my friends Europe is our common home. We can’t allow this shit ..
Jayden Jenkins
Europe definitively, USA most likely. The muslims genocided and bombed in Myanmar, Phillipines, Xinjiang (China), southern Thailand, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon (already had two civil wars between Muslims and Christians), Nigeria etc. You think they will stop in Europe?
Tyler Russell
It broke my fucking heart when I visited western Europe. Few years ago I would tell you to fuck yourself, that you deserve it but now?
Remember that the traitor gets the bullet first. Collaborators, coalburners etc should get deported and if they resist they need to be shot in the head
Imminent? No, there is no catalyst. It will be unpredictable in the long term, I think. A major economic collapse, or some really extreme political scandal (and I mean REALLY extreme, something like a high profile assassination revealed to be carried out by our own agencies or something) might cause an uproar that could be taken advantage of by existing extremist groups, and spread like an ember to a flame. But right now? No; things are far too stable, even if it feels like the world is turning upside down, as long as people's bellies are full, they have a place to sleep, and they feel safe, they will not stick their necks out. Maybe if you could give them a higher purpose, they would be willing to follow a word, but the word of God is dead, and the word of the state keeps people in check, so you'll have to come up with something else.
jesus crist i might die afterall when the shit hits the fan
Joshua Sanders
I don't care when and how a civil war breaks out, just as long as the government collapses and i can establish my anarcho-capitalist-transhumanist colonies in Washington state and British Columbia
Mason Lopez
Cold Steel knife company makes a sword walking cane that looks like something you can buy at the drug store, but you can cut a hog carcass in half with it. Fake a limp. If it turns into the CQB like in the movie Children of Men though, you're going to need more than a cane.
Jacob Lee
Imminent? No. Am I prepared? Not yet. I'm making a big move to a place where I will be well situated for a great deal of preparedness. However I do not think a civil war in the near future, or whatever you want to call it, is very likely. I can't see things getting that out of control in the current culture without a massive financial collapse occurring first. Something that wipes out people's savings, retirement, and welfare checks. Right now the Left are agitating the most for one but their leadership has no real incentive to provoke one; after all if they just do nothing they'll win total victory in a few election cycles.
Thus I think a 'civil war' is more likely with each election cycle and especially when Texas and Florida go blue and the Republican party can no longer win national elections. That will mean that whites, who will be outnumbered by the various non-white groups, will be without national political representation (as if they have it now). At that point you'll have both a populace and a political organization with a motive to revolt against the establishment.
Ethan Stewart
come here german, but don't bring the "refugees" ,instead of prepping you should find out escape routes that can be quickly used in emergency and find some good frens in poland, czechia, slovakia
Samuel Flores
i just started, i need a lot more meds, hygene articles and a way to prepare food and water
Pure sex come for thee best nudes, hot females and traps here.
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Aaron Davis
fuck the niggers, i am coming over whe shtf! poland is based I can offer know how on electronics and programming
Chase Davis
This is why America has the second amendment, eurocucks. Enjoy being overrun.
Leo Price
jesus imagine the niggers are 51%, you might as well kys then
Juan Barnes
>Do you guys think a civil war whre migrants take over entire cities is likeley?
In France the subject has been raised extensively by the far right. It seems to be a certainty.
It's not so much "migrants", but all subhumans as a whole. They refuse to integrate to our societies and accept their cultures, and just build theirs. They colonize entire neighborhood and cities even where people speak arabic, and sharia is the law. They don't want to live with us, they already relied on terrorism, and now they actively fight the "white male". They're stealing our countries from us and most are hardly resisting. It can only devolve into a civil war.
The only reason it hasn't started yet is whites can leave these neighborhoods and go elsewhere. Soon there'll be nowhere left to flee, and conflict will erupt.
Cooper Anderson
It's spics that are growing, not so much the blacks. Whites will still be the biggest group, but all the others combined will be larger.
Ryder Lee
Something not everyone thinks about is radios. Look into getting some hand-held BaoFeng. You can reach quite far with those and communication is vital.
Justin Diaz
How is the civil war for controlling the city stay at the hand of the migrants if they already control the city. Low iq rhein monkey.
Andrew Gutierrez
Tasmanian tiger! Good choice. My only advice is to build up 1 week canned food supply, 10L of bottled water, a small gas stove and fuel canisters, and a cook pot, and a general first aid kit before you start buying/building your bags and tactical stuff
There are two routes: military style (molle, camo shit) or civilian (normal hiking/civilian gear)
Then when that is done, start on the following: Defence (weapon + ammo + parts/kit to keep it running, and means to treat wounds with IFAK) Food (turn that 7 day supply into a month supply) Water (you don't need much in stock, just note where there are creeks, and have filters/tablets/means stockpiled to purify it) Medical (general first aid kit in home, in car, in office, and in your BOB, INCH, or just have a medical pack that you use) Bags (EDC, GHB, BOB, INCH, MED) Training - get a first aid certificate, and learn CPR. That is important. If you have a firearm, do a rifle course or something. Those are just ideas and ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY in my opinion, but I have them anyway.
Charles Phillips
fucking based Poland bro, that's why I always spend money in your country, love you
Juan Young
Very mature mindset. I didn't make fun of Poles either when Euroweek happened but was shocked and disgusted. We are in this shit together and it is only a matter of time till Poland will be targeted as well. As long as we have the numbers and work together odds are on our side.
Luke Carter
based polska
Matthew Sanchez
We have to remember that while many of us see ourselves exclusively as "Polish", "Austrian" or "German" the enemy doesnt make such distinction. If we let ourselves get divided like that we fall one by one. The American ideology of White nationalism may sound muttish but it essentially is formed based being recognized as that by others. Always keep that in mind
Ryan James
I plan on moving near the German border within a few years. My city is more then 70% immigrants. I 've lived in the poorest neighborhood of my country and back when I was born my neighborhood was 80% whites as the city. Now that neighborhood has like 96% immigrants and the city is completely overrun by shitskins and muslims. I feel like a minority in my own country. They even are in the city counsel trying to get a "halal beach". They got their halal beach at their own country, just get the fuck out.
Is civil war coming? >Bundestag builds trench >Army and police support opposition or non democratic organisations >nogs get more violent every das >banks about to collapse, financial crisis will hit harder than 1928
I dunno fellow germanon ask yourself
Jeremiah Mitchell
So if somebody non-White or White makes fun about another European group one should remember that both R1b and R1a for example exist in both countries. Poland and Germany may exist as different countries with different cultures which is all good and fine + needs to be protected but seeking enjoyment out of suffering of people that are so strikingly similar to yourself is degeneracy, playing into the cards of enemies.
honestly it does seem like a lot of food got significantly more expensive over the last two year or so. especially steak at my local costco. four cuts of USDA select went from like $33 to $54
Luis Lee
my thoughts exactyly but are you preparing for it?
Nicholas Ramirez
I have a wife and 3 kids. How can I afford not to do it?
Daniel Adams
Extremely good read. Thanks user.
Tyler Murphy
Just got the audiobook. It's on Audible, read by the author.
Carter Morales
how can anyone see this, and think there's any hope It's all so tiresome I can honestly see civil war breaking out in Europe in the near future more than the US. the US is far too stable, despite being in clown world. And people are just too complacent.
Like someone else here said, there's just no real catalyst to really spark anything of meaning Europe is way closer to that, but they like us are complacent. Everything right now is just sort of running on the momentum of the 20th century, and there is just too much entrenchment for any real change to occur, just slow gradual decline into the mud
Ian Bell
Oliver Evans
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Damn, I need a cuckloicense. Sorry for making fun of Brits. Guess it's just a bad site. Luckily daddy government decides what's good and bad for me.
Sandniggers could never hope to organize on such a scale user. Rest quite assured.
Daniel Brown
Get a VPN
Levi Bell
please make start a coup or something klaus
Charles Smith
programming and electronics you say? Yeah, poland fren is nice, but czechia fren is even better. I only hope you are willing to work for half of what you would get in germany.
Michael Cox
Yes, you are right. It's not a question about if it will happen but rather when/ I've abandoned the thoughts of hope and just preparing for it. Also most of the EU citizens don't have guns.
but also so you know, it is spreading here too.. this week I seen *gasps* two black men near tram station where I live
usually I see like 1-3 blacks per week, 10y ago there were none to be seen here where I live
Lucas Cruz
Why would you want it to not happen? If it wouldn't happen we would tremble into permanent decline till nothingness. It's actually a great chance.
Asher Cooper
You would need something like a prolonged power cut, or disruption to the food supply to get the party started. Bread and Circuses keeps people occupied.
Brayden Morales
Yes, thank you brother. I will get one, one of these days, since I've noticed many US sites are banned and even some regular news-sites. Our only hope is that Germany will rise again. Even if I could become Führer in my country, I could do nothing to free Europe since our army is so small.
guns are not an issue if enough of the populace is restless. Look at Hong Kong right now. they aren't quite at the levels we're talking here, but they are still causing a real ruckus, and thats just with protests
Jonathan Taylor
be sure to get Water purification tablets and a lifestraw or 2 if you don’t have them already
Adrian James
Fight? And just what are you going to use to fight with? Do you even own a gun? Cuz Ill bet you most of those immigrants do. Sit down poolak , you aint gonna fight no one.
>fighting for yurope Absolutely sickening
Hunter Parker
Don't have the desire to be the ebil overlord once again. But let's not kid ourselves, for us to live in peace as Europeans non-Europeans need to be gone. It's not even debatable. Netherlands must continue to exist as well
Noah Watson
They don't have guns.
Anthony Robinson
We would not fight for europe, we would fight for the people in europe, for the white
also the SEK is really good at breaking into peoples apartments when even one mentions that there might be an illigal gun so even shitskins do not own a lot of guns here
Jason Morgan
>Is a civil war imminent? Gods willing. >And are you prepared? Don't care.
>implying you ever were The messenger was perhaps a bit too tightly wound, but honestly the overall sentiment made sense, and still does
Chase Stewart
Yes, and you gonna bi killed putin shill
Ryder Allen
True. White Americans are similar enough and have more in common than we don’t.
Alexander Wright
Ok. Now let’s see how many of your people are in a combat -ready state compared to the immigrants.?
Zachary Walker
A nigger won't try to rob you for being an Austrian. It's because the person is White. I lived in the US for some time so I know about this
Aaron Turner
a civil war? yes. migrants even holding a defensive stance for more than a week?
Mason Thomas
If I dont personally know you, and I dont think you're worth sticking my neck out for, I couldnt honestly care if those migrants skin your white ass alive.
Fuck your life, yurotrash.
Noah White
> T. Totally Jewed individual
Dominic Martinez
Knowledge. You forgot knowledge. Learn eatable plants in your area. How to filter water yourself. How to find water. Much more important than equipment which can break down. Learn to repair the equipment as well.
Logan Watson
fake news
Luis Price
Isaac Hall
Not jewed at all. Im too smart to see things just black and white.
Josiah White
No the invasion will be completed more or less peacefully. By the time you need a civil war there won't be anyone left to fight it.
Parker Phillips
Calm down
Evan Nguyen
It's not even about visual distinction. It's about shared heritage. It's what always gets conveniently ignored when people say "America was always a country of immigrants!" Yes, sure, but they were exclusively European immigrants. And while Italians or Irish, for example- the most common example of anti immigrant sentiment- ("how can you hate immigrants? Your ancestor was hated too!")have their own undesirable cultural traits, they still had a certain amount of European heritage. They can function and assimilate into a civilized society built on those foundations and culture. And that's what should be focused on.
Remember that whole generation identitaire thing? That seemed to have that sentiment at heart. A general pro European anti immigration message
Xavier Gray
Damn jews
Nathan Morgan
> You Step 1: hurr durr damn German and Brit cucks, Poland numba 1 - civil war in Western Europe, Germany, the biggest trade partner of Poland @ almost 40% declines economically and socially causing mass unemployment and crisis in Poland Step 2: hurr durr damn French cucks, Poland still numba 1 - nukes fall to islamists Step 3: hurr durr why am I all surrounded by enemies.
This is what thinking like that would bring you if it would work out that way. For any other person that hates another European group enter the groups you hate and repeat at step 1.
Asher Price
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))). The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US. Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries. Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco. The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century. Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
Ryan Clark
Go fuck yourself as well, mutt.
Samuel Young
They might not stick their necks out. But maybe a few of them might stick a different vote in the ballot box. This is what they fear the most. A third way growing from a seed. Trump is hated because he was an outsider, it was meant to be Hilary or failing that Jeb. He's still a globohomo jew slave who is working hard to brown America. But he wasn't one of them. A party insider supported by corporate donors and Israel. What happens if another outsider who doesn't support globohomo immigration or the browning of America gets in. What happens if the American people start to recognise their true enemy and vote in leaders who will fight against them. Time is rapidly running out for white Americans. Venezuela type socialism is on horizon. They have to break out of the false dichotomy if they are to have any hope.
Gavin Anderson
By Lt. Col. Grossman?
Alexander Cox
my country should be using its navy to blockade north africa and the middle east to protect you guys from the shitskin hordes, not blackmailing you guys into not doing anything about it
>On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society Piss off Grossman
Isaiah Lewis
We could do that on our own actually but it would help if one isn't politically undermined. To be honest, of all people on this planet I fear your soldiers the most. They are already on our turf and too many would "once again die for Israel and against racism" if we ever made a move.
Josiah Cruz
I’m trying to pull us together, you are sperging out. Calm down
Lincoln Russell
All the purity spiraling nordicists fags will end up killing each other when they find out how not so white they actually look to each other
Adrian Bell
>Hes rying to pull us together >on this kike and commie shithole shill site
Grow the fuck up, mutt.
Cooper Anderson
You are just a degenerate, but I won't let that influence my opinion on Poles negatively. Not just because one faggot exists.
Luke James
There is a great business opportunity there. Get some ex elite military who fought civil wars and let them run a bootcamp for civilians.
Just so in case we hit breaking point we have an exit way (e.g. how to shoot a gun in defense/attack mode, how to do basic knife stabbing, how to drive with a motorbike through a roadblock. I would pay a decent amount of money for some really solid training somewhere in the desert of Texas.