When is this useless piece of shit going to drop out?

When is this useless piece of shit going to drop out?

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Right after you hang yourself

Look into his eyes. You can see that he’s terrified and doesn’t know what he’s doing nor how he even got there. For his own sake he should drop out. He isn’t fit for the pressure of being president

>When is this useless piece of shit going to drop out?
Leave him in and watch him squirm. It's fucking hilarious!

I'm still for Yang, but he choked. It's the typical shy insectoid personality that was partially responsible. But, they also tried to sandbag him with the China question. Anyways, KAMPALA made the debate be about "muh race" and "you hurt muh feelingz JOE".

Probably after DeBlasio

he'll be gone by october. no twink chink will be nominated

I believe he already qualified for October. But I agree, his Asian shyness will be his undoing. Asians cuck-out so easily. Him and Asians in general need to be more assertive and at least appear as if they have a soul. Fucking soulless insectoid monsters.

Dems gonna rum Hillary again.

Arrrrr rum matey

>He had bad debate performance
Who gives a shit. Every president elected had a bad debate performance. Debates are for show every since Nixon v Kennedy.
You niggers are in for a rude awakening. He's taking the presidency and you niggers better not sign up for the freedom dividend. It's reserve for official YangGang members only

I HATE everything about this dumb chink. His dumb forced laugh, the way he pretends he doesn't care about anything, and his cringey faggot humor. I honestly hope he stumbles on his way to the stage at the next debate. Fucking slant eyed demon piece of shit!

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I might hop on the Yang train, to be honest. I’ll have to see once the debates get further in. I mean Trump is just a place holder keeping out Demon rats at the moment

Your Freedom Dividend has been revoked for being a racist white supremacist anti semite

I bet next week

Not until the money runs out. The chink retard is an attention whore.

Like the bag, secured all debates and the Iowa caucus. Join us or deal with your dad when he comes home without his truck.

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Til at least October. I hope he chimps out hard at the next debate but I legitimately fear he won't, he'll clasp his hands and put his toes together like he did for the first debate. YANG GANG 2012 GTKRWN MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

>qualified for the fall debates
He ain't going nowhere

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Incel cope

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Jesus you are so delusional.

It's like you have no idea who the Democrats actually are. They won't vote for Yang.

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>He isn’t fit for the pressure of being president

This. He's a submissive nerd.

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>useless piece of shit
As opposed to what? Noone except Tulsi strikes me as a paragon of being not a useless piece of shit and the kikes in the MSM will take care of her.

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Why not? The spic and the raghead nigger bit them in the ass. Why not the gook?

I actually saw someone wearing a Yang2020 T-shirt in LA today.

he just qualified for september and october. yang gonna be here the entire way through.

Asian guys really are useless weaklings. Chinese and Japanese bitches hmu

Yang is like a reverse iceberg: lots of online support but you’ll never meet one in real life, meaning most of them are paid shills by RadicalMedia.
Seriously, who the fuck would vote for a guy who wants to give healthcare to illegals, and install the biggest gibs program in recorded history? He doesn’t even like white people!

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Do you mean the biggest ungibs program? He wants the people to get back the money that big companies are being gibbed with all their tax breaks.

The only way China ever gets US presidency is if they present a consortium of 10 bugmen who have 2 days to prepare for every answer. This faggot had the memetic energy granted to him and he blew it. He’s panicking. He was made to cook dogs behind a dirty shack, not lead the most powerful country in the world based on his individual decisions.

Yeah and then a massive VAT on all products and services. Enjoy that """$1,000 """.

Yeah, then it all gets pissed away by the VAT he wants to impose to pay for it.
Are all Yanggangers so stupid they couldn’t pass Econ 101?

He’ll be one of the first ones to go, he’ll probably drop out after gillibrand but before tulsi

"This VAT would vary based on the good to which it’s applied, with staples having a lower rate or being excluded, and luxury goods having a higher rate."

Also this.
Yang just doesn’t have the “it” factor. He looks like a stunted, effete, stammering resident of r/asian masculinity, not Presidential material.
He needs to bounce ASAP so at least his shills will neck themselves and stop shitting up Jow Forums.

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Yang is in 6th place now I think in polls. He's in for a long time.

Get back the money that companies are taking from them, only for the government to take it away and use it to pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens

So not only would he cause inflation, but he would severely devalue the buyers market. Cool!

is there a video of this fag cuck asian (his sister is married to a white guy LOL) saying ''s-s-s-s-sowwy?''

>Trusting the government to define “luxuries”
Sure m8, they’ll just impose a tax on goods that nobody but the 1%, ie the people funding all the political campaigns and who have all the power, will ever pay, and this will magically be enough to fund this behemoth of a welfare program.
Pro tip: Every country that has experimented with VAT has found it ended in miserable failure, and has never implemented it for a reason. Even the establishment Dems laughed Yang off stage for his piss-poor defense of his signature proposal, and they’re the most sane of the bunch.
Face it, he’s toast.

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He doesn't only look like that, he IS that. He is the perfect representation of the Asian hivemind. He had the perfect script, he had the memes, he had everything. And he still couldn't deliver it, because he has such tiny balls he needs an assistant to whisper it to his ear. What a faggot.

Fuck I meant UBI not VAT, all these socialist acronyms start to sound the am after a while.
The quote is from when they shot him dead at the first debate. He was asked how he plans to pay for his UBI, and the look of absolute shock on his face as he stammered out “s-sorry?” was the moment most Americans knew they would never vote for him.

I doubt it. He’ll drop out when the DNC decides to start breaking fingers, he’s not a serious contender.
They all want to give healthcare to illegals. Trump, imperfect as he is, is at least better than that. You’d have to be a complete cuck to vote Dem at this point.
>p-please give my tax dollars to Pablo and Maria so they can survive the harsh border crossing
Meanwhile Trump got us some wall and the safe third party agreement, he’s getting more shit done than Yang ever would.

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You're just mad cause your mom never said sorry for cucking your dad. When Yang is president with his UBI that Milton Friedman was in favor of, we'll VAT tax you higher than others if you don't take back what you said.

His mic was cut off.