Video: Literally Hitler High on Meth at the 1936 Olympics

Check for your self, his doctor gave him Cocaine, Meth and opioids.

Attached: hitler - high_on_meth_at_the_1936_olympics_tC6zUcZJcDM_360p.webm (320x180, 1.31M)

He's just happy he gassed 4 million kikes earlier that day. Now fuck off reddit trumpcuck

all rich white people have access to drugs like this, it's nothing new

He's having that classic Merkel shake.

Looks to me like someone enjoying themselves at a sporting event that white people actually used to get hype about.

He's watching a race

angela merkel circa 2030

Fuck off to plebit retard

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I think he is doing the "I am running with you" motion when you are excited for a runner.

Still awkward as fuck though

i imagine that korn would've had a great time collaborating with him on their debut album, imagine listening to the radio and you hear "up next is Korn's new song, "Gas the Kikes"

This is how I look when I see a rare model of locomotive go by

Firetrucks also

He was just autistic. Any German worth his weight in salt is autistic- engineers, musicians, scientists- all of them, autistic.

shaking was more a result of parkinsons and having survived a mustard gas attack, iirc. still, meth was prescribed, cocaine i'm not so sure about though.

Yeah he's either meth'd out or autistic.

thats a deepfake

This video is literally a fake that is just sped up. He is slowly rocking back and forth in the original.


Attached: So tired.png (389x373, 274K)

Watch people bet on horse races, they do the same thing

you're pretty dumb, hitler wasn't given meth/coke till around 1942/43

So what they gave him before that?

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Damn Hitler was even more based than I thought.

Cocaine was in Coca Cola back then. You could also by coke as an over the counter pain killer.

forgot about that. those pharmaceutics were in liquid form, right?

Anyone know what tunes he's listening to?

The brain dead asstards on this board. Methamphetamine, or pervitin, was sold over the counter as an antidepressant. Millions of tablets pressed. The military was being shipped crates. Hitler regularity did meth and multiple opioids.

Don’t take my word for it go do some fucking research instead of being brain dead inbreds.

>hitler would have gassed most people that replied to this thread

why not both?

Not until after the July 20, 1944 "incident"

Meth was readily available as an upper. Militaries still administer "combat drugs"

Pure sex come for the bestt nudess, hot females and traps heree.

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Jow Forums is truely dead