Relationship a a redpilled girl whos mediocre

Purely hypothetically and theoretically speaking, is it acceptable to "waste" genetically speaking, my chad 6'4 aryan 8/10 genetics by marrying and having kids with some chick who is, although redpilled at the level that most polacks are, is genetically inferior? We're both white, but her family is really just mediocre looking. Like her parents who aren't even fat just look 5-6/10. And so does her sister. I can tell that genetically shes just not there and never will be. She also has ADD, admits to having been diagnosed with autism as a child (dont think she has it now, must have grown out of it), and I can tell that IQ wise shes definitely not stupid but I dont think I'd call her particularly smart either.
Not bragging or lying (what do I have to gain from doing it on fucking Jow Forums where were all user) but my IQ is in the 120s

I'm very unsatisfied with her the way she is now for a number of reasons, a lot of which Jow Forums would think are stupid and so Im not gonna talk about em, but whats pols thoughts on this whole bit?

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I forgot to say that I *know* that any kids we had would never be on my level in any way, they'd be some kinda hybrid between the two of us

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If she's redpilled, she doesn't need a redpilled husband. Maybe she can uncuck some idiot. If you aren't satisfied, you'll just cheat later. Move on. You'll both be fine.

If you’re a “chad” you shouldn’t have problems finding something better. Most women are 1000 cock starers but the good ones still exist. Keep looking user. We’re all gonna make it.

>asking for advice on Jow Forums

Not worth it, don't settle

Im just talking about this stuff cause Jow Forums always preaches how hard it is to find a white girl whos redpilled, about niggers, being trad, housewife, jews, all that shit
Shes never outright revealed that shes that redpilled, only shit at like the alt right (I know its a meme but IDK what else to call it) level. The hardcore shit like jews and ww1 and 2, etc shes just implied (she probably doesnt know how much I know)

Anyways, pols said its nearly impossible to find one and if you do you should marry her and have kids, but this girl is as I've described her.

sounds like you are dancing around the truth you already know. you just dont care for her enough to settle down with her and start a family. youve obviously seen better women and think youd rather have them instead. so why bother prolonging your misery, just rip the bandaid off, go fuck the 8/10 hot women you desire without a relationship holding you back, and some day you will be ready for a family

Fuck you.

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U need to marry a centi-millionaire's daughter, at least. Who gives a shit what her politics are, why would you ever discuss serious matters with a woman.
Just use the euphemism "suitable playmates for the kids" and "authentic community" and you can live whiter than white white huwhite.

just wanted to add that if you arent happy now, its not like you will be happy later. doesnt mean you two cant remain friends if you get along with her. but it sounds like you feel you have settled for something less than what you are capable of. and if you feel that way, you will never be happy. so thats why i suggest you keep looking. how old are you anyway?

Take her to a good naturopath. ADD is just sleep deprivation and it will have a root cause. She could have methylation issues or some other crap which is easy to sort out with supplements

and doubt.wav for the ready for family part

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If she makes you happy do it. If she doesn't then don't waste your time.

>mfw the only redpilled woman I know is not an option
>hates jews, but not irrationally
>hates spics, because flooding America
>hates nogs because they're an embarrassment to homo sapiens
>is well versed on so called conspiracy theories, but not a nutcase
>hates welfare/ebt receiving leeches
>loves white guys, but doesn't sleep around - I know because we're roommates, she's always in the living/her room reading and studying
>can cook and clean, knows uow to stay within a budget, doesn't waste money on superfluous shit
>she maintains her physical fitness, but isn't a gym rat
>She's fucking black.
>Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Fuck this earth.

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>On Jow Forums
>Looking for female advice
>With a butterface gf
Everyone clapped.

Youre right to say that your iq is in the 120s.
fucking retarded thread op


Asian Pol here married to a female Asian NPC. I’d rate her a 7.5. Even after she popped out three of her kids, she’s still very fit - 5’6 105 lbs.

She cooks, cleans, and raises the kids.

I still feel very empty though. And if I could muster up a lot of money, I might even divorce. Reasons are complicated but plenty. She can’t quite control her emotions. We married because I got her pregnant about 1.5 years after we started dating. And after working out myself and feeling more Chad and confident, I think I can snag a much younger chick.

I definitely have my own issues. But the point is this: experience as many women as you can because marriage is ordering that one fucking same food over and over again.

22? Ya stfu and go whore around

Eh don't be a pussy. Beat the pussy

>i google it
my GF is my starter GF, first one, my body count is double digit but yeah shes my first gf. I feel more and more chad with each day. Im getting Jow Forumser, I feel more confident, Im better at socializing. My friends tell me she is just meh. The only thing that is making me feel a tinge of idk, bad, slight guilt? About leaving her is how redpilled she is. If not for that Id be gone by now

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You really need to relax, there's nothing wrong with that 'food', it's safe and comfy. If you have serious issues, you should try to work on them.

I've been living with a woman for a few years now and I kind of get where you're coming from, but I think it's a healthy kind of familiarity, not a distressing one.

Women’s politics is the least important thing in finding a wife. Women adhere to the most dominant male in their life. You’re redpilled, she will be. If a woman is political of her own accord stay away. You want an apolitical woman. “Trad waifu” is a meme. “Redpilled waifu” is a meme. Just find a girl that you love and marry her.

A smart man should always 'settle' for a woman below his league. Dating up for a guy sounds really inadvisable.

Looks are irrelevant right now and intelligence genes are exactly the easiest thing to measure through a woman
breed and educate, our traditional culture is our most important birthright and battlefield

Seriously considering cashing out of the market and not just fucking her, but playing for keeps. I've never met a better woman of any color. But we'd end up with a mutt looking family, which she wants. Don't know if I could. She's not a pump and dump type. I'd regret doing that for the rest of my life.
>inb4 you homo, fuck her brains out

Yeah, don't do it.

It's one of those things you'd definitely regret down the line.

That thought is exactly what's keeping me from doing it, and I know it'd be a terrible choice. Damn it.

the chad part of me says fuck this bitch go out there and slay pussy
the pol part of me says that she is inferior and eugenics demands i bail

If you only have one romantic option that one romantic option isn't going to be as good a choice for you as simply working on yourself to get more options, and if you have more options, you're fine. Women just copy your opinions anyhow.

Light or dark?

folks (((they)))'re allover the board with shit threads like this one

there you go, faggot

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You talk about so much shit and yet you have yet to answer the question that matters.
Do you actually care about her?
Don't say it here, you'd be a fag to do so, but answer it to yourself, and make sure you're honest for once.
I'll take a mutt baby raised with love before a white shithead who'd end up an incel or a roastie

That's not really a good barometer.

What if you had a bad week, or month?

You need to look at these things in terms of the bigger picture if it's a serious relationship.

>Women just copy your opinions anyhow.

You bet. It's why them not voting was never really a problem until 'empowerment.'

Dark. Really fucking dark chocolate dark. There's no hope on that front. She sounds white, has pin straight hair, doesn't dress like a ghetto whore. But when then lights are out in our apartment, she goes full camo mode.

My woman went from complete libshit to person who walks around our apartment making jokes about fags and jews to entertain me.

It's just standard shit.

I like her but I dont love her, I dont even know if Im capable of loving a girl given how redpilled I am on how shitty they are by nature
Some of the women redpills you see dropped here sometimes are from me, gotta whole folder of em
How do I even know if she likes me because she really does or because Im activating her hypergamy and she sees me as chad?
she talks shit about her exes the way normal girls talk about "betas", with contempt

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I know you're right, and I do have other options, it's just that none of them are as good, quality wise.

>How do I even know if she likes me because she really does or because Im activating her hypergamy and she sees me as chad?

Do you think men are somehow special and pure?

You yourself clearly do not.

Women are pretty shitty but men are pretty shitty, too. That's just because humans are gay, it has nothing to do with some objective wrong in the X chromosome.

>when then lights are out in our apartment, she goes full camo mode

sheeeet. well maybe if shit ever hits the fan you can get her to do recon.

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Sad truth. Both sides have degenerated considerably. What a fucking mess.

white women are degenerates who’s only guidance has come from TV and women’s magazines. Black’s and Latino’s that have it together still believe in traditional family values and gender roles and counsel their children to ignore the rubbish on TV, btw has she got nice tits and ass??

We make jokes like this all the time.

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Just make sure she's white though.

She's pretty flat up top, high A or low B, but she's got a fine ass. Not that black female fat type ass though, just nice.

Wife her.
I dated a black chick for a few months. Best fucking sex I ever had, but she had to move away.

>How do I even know if she likes me because she really does or because Im activating her hypergamy and she sees me as chad?
she talks shit about her exes the way normal girls talk about "betas", with contempt

Probably gonna be you one day. Long term dumped me when it must have dawned on her I wasn't a pot full of money and sunshine and roses and success and fatherhood. But that's because I was never convinced she loved me. I did, though. She used to make me explain how I knew I loved her / talk about how unconditional love is impossible. Huge red flag in retrospect. She just wanted things from me and that's not what I consider love. Sometimes I wonder if it's all just one big act.