I miss him

I miss him

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He was a literal cuckold

A nice guy, a bad ruler.
But honestly, i miss him too.

Apostate Jews got "good slav goyim" to go atheist and kill their German lords.

The communism collapsed and the Jews/Muslims who ran the infrastructure are now billionaires.

Jews would never win if the goyim weren't gullible and stupid.

I miss him

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>Communist jews were better goy!!!

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You miss an idiot who along with his cousins sent millions of Europeans to die for nothing? Not only that his incompetence allowed commies to gaint their first foothold in the world.

If Lenin didn’t shoot him I would go back in time and do it myself. He was a German rat who had zero regard for Russian lives.

In many ways the communist revolution was the same kind of game they ran in Rome, and before that Egypt, except this time it was scientific instead of religious. The heretic pharaoh was the first multicultural globalist.

>You miss an idiot who along with his cousins sent millions of Europeans to die for nothing?
You mean Lenin, the guy who sent millions of actual Europeans to death camps and had worse than wartime death tolls during a period of peace? Might want to get your glasses checked there. Nicky II was incompetent, but he wasn't outright evil. That alone made him probably the best Russian leader of the 20th century.

Wasnt this nigga french? ho ho la beguette

Threadly reminder that the (((Allies))) in particular the British actively hindered the Whites and could have prevented the Bolsheviks from taking power. Without foreign intervention, the White Armies even though they were large and well led couldn't maintain the war and were slowly ground down by the Red Amy.

>getting involved in a meme war and sending young men to their deaths in order to turn attention away from your incompetence
>not evil
If thats not evil I don't know what is.

my ancestor ;)

Oh is this some sort of competition of who killed the most Russians? The fact of the is that WW1 had 0 purpose, objective or goal. Austria sperged our about an assassination, Russia sperged out because Austria sperged out at Serbia, Germany sperged out because Russia sperged out at Austria, UK and Frace sperged out...you get the point. Every single ruler of WW1 Europe should have simply been taken out back and shot. WW2 was also a direct result of WW1 and WW2 ruined the world and set in motion the downfall of Europe. Fuck the Tsar, fuck the king, fuck the channeler, fuck all the monarchs and governments of 1914 Europe.

He was 12.5% Russian and 87.5% German genetically. This is why he didn’t care about Russians, he was hardly related to them.

Do rulers just get all the medals by default or what? Do they just like them and wear them?

>princess anastasia is alive and shitposting from the USA

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He got a medal for every million Russians he sent to their deaths

> German rat
The state of burger education. He is a monarch, his bloodline ruled Russia, he's the most Russian bastard.

''The weak are meat, and the strong do eat.''

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>1 post by this ID

A first World War was gonna happen regardless. It's like the story of a central American soccer war. Assassination wasn't the real cause. Them niggas were itching to fight shit out and figure out who was the boss.

Napoleon fucked shit up in Europe decades earlier. Continent going through rapid industrialization. Future reliance on petroleum oil becoming clear to the White Man.

It was the dawn of a new era.

I miss him

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>being this retarded
Indeed the state of burger education. He was 0.7% Russian, the Russian royal family kept marrying the German royal families until their ruler wasn’t even Russian

It’s far worse than that, it was 0.7%

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the executioners didn’t

Did Rasputin really fuck his wife on the regular?

no one cares

All of Russia knew

Tsar Nicholas was one handsome dude. Also the Bolshevik revolution is the worst thing to ever happen

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Yes, Nicky boy being mostly German signifies him as a cuckold.

It's called upholding your alliances and protecting your geostrategic interests. At the time WW1 started, there was no way of knowing the war would have been as costly and lengthy as it ended up being. It's very likely that the war actually would have been over by Christmas if the British hadn't delayed the initial German offensive (Mons) and bought time for the French to trench fucking everything. No European war had been fought in such a way and if it weren't for the brutality of trench warfare, WW1 would have just come and gone like the Franco Prussian War and other conflicts. You might argue that looking at situations like the Russo Japanese War (Siege of Port Arthur in particular) it seemed like a forgone conclusion, but that's 20/20 hindsight and not something people could have predicted reasonably. Again, no European war had ever been fought in such a manner and nobody predicted trench warfare.

Also, if anyone's to blame for WW1, it's the British. They had no treaty obligation to defend the meme "country" of Belgium and decided to get involved because bankers and newspapers (i.e. Jews) were pushing for it hard at every level of British society. Of course, nobody blames the British government officials (like Churchill) because they got away with everything in the end and history is written by the victors.

Yes some peasants were hungry but you could do a lot worse for aesthetics.

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The German faggot robbed the country and was shocked that the Russians turned on him. I don’t support commies generally but them killing this faggot was 100% justified. However they should have installed a Russian rules government not a kike one.

There was nothing wrong with shooting him, shame about his family though.

The only person dumber in entire the empire was his wife.


Idk man. Im pretty convinced at this point that the whole thing was an elaborate scheme by both sides to cull to population of young fighting/working age males to alleviate domestic issues.

No, she was a good christian woman.

unfounded slander, started by their enemies

you might as well say Donald Trump has small hands

Benito Juarez was a mistake that will forever haunt mexico

miss who, me? I'm right here! I just don't pose with that outfit anymore

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>Monkeys are trying to see that they're "based" by only showing a picture of a Russian monkey
You Slavs are pathetic

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And Hitler was a gay prostitute with a tiny penis and one testicle.

Russians worship their german masters.

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Fucking commie kike bastards

I miss her.

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Was Tsar Nicholas actually incompetent or is this just another Jewish lie peddled by the media and Marxist education system? It reminds me of the “Hitler had only one testicle” and other such myths.

Why does discussion of Russia make Muhammad so mad?

My theory is that at some point the British royal family was held hostage by the Rothschilds or blackmailed in some way. Their massive betrayal throughout the 20th century doesn’t make sense from any other angle.

t. Shlomo

You are a comrade of the people's revolution, which one do you rape first?

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they didn't even speak russian at home, they spoke french

He really was pretty stupid, I mean what more evidence do you need than the fact that he let the biggest country on earth fall to a bunch of commie kikes? This isn’t equivalent to the post war kike rumors like about Hitler, there clear cut examples of his incompetence all throughout his rule. He mostly liked the rich life style but he did not have any talent in leading.

based dabbing tsar

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Why would I rape a bunch of tranny men?

all nobles spoke french at that time

The father... in front of them.

What I’ve never understood is if tsar Nicholas, the German kaiser and King of Great Britain were all cousins, why didn’t they back each other up? After Nicholas’ whole family was butchered by the Bolsheviks, why didn’t the British monarchy kick out the Jews, or at least curtail their financial influence? How did the Rothschilds manage to usurp the monarchs of Europe?

Welcome aboard

go fuck your Asian pillow

Nice beard bro

They had just fought a war that killed millions of their men, the red army was huge because a lot of people hated the Tsar, it would have been like invading Russia in WW2 or Napoleonic Times. The people would have seen it as the Germans coming back to put them in chains. Seriously most red army recruits didn’t really support communism, they just really hated the Tsar.

The one on the left looks friendliest and least frigid. But the one furthest to the right would put up a fight and the struggle would make fucking her that much more enjoyable. Eventually she would learn to enjoy it.

What are you talking about? There was a great deal of foreign intervention in the Russian Civil War.

so ahead of their times

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daily reminder, you mutts grow up soviet industry

>What I’ve never understood is if tsar Nicholas, the German kaiser and King of Great Britain were all cousins, why didn’t they back each other up?

International aristocracy was already irrelevant walking corpse of an institution by that point. Nicholas II and Wilhelm II actually tried to make a mutual defense treaty in 1905 just by themselves but the "absolute" monarchs were BTFO by their own governments who refused to acknowledge the treaty.

where did you study history?

Forgot the link.


Okay but that doesn’t answer my question. Why, after the tsars whole family was assassinated by Jew funded Bolsheviks, didn’t the British royal family curtail Jewish financial power? And then side against the Germans in WW2? Presumably the whole point of intermarrying with their cousins in the first place was to protect the sovereignty of the respective kingdoms. As stated previously, my theory is that at some point the Rothschilds managed to usurp the throne either through blackmail or a hostage scenarios, through their control of the Masonic lodges. It’s merely speculation but I can’t think of a better explanation.

Alexey Petrovich looks like a Russian Gopnick Hugo Weaving in a Brian May wig.

He’s my celebrity look alike. Too bad only nerds have ever pointed it out and appreciated it.

>American flag

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show glorious mustache or get out

The revolution was staged in order to industrialize Russia.

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What do you think about the theory that they work for the Queen? The UK crown seems to be the only monarchy with a respectable power.

Interesting. So the monarchs are basically just figureheads in the back of financial interests. That’s understandable. I still can’t understand why the British monarchy didn’t try to get rid of the Jews and side with the Germans. It seems completely counter-intuitive. One would think they must have been aware of the dangers of overwhelming Jewish influence.

Not posting my picture on Jow Forums. Did it once years ago but now too many leftists and agencenvies monitor the site constantly.

based and redpilled.

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Pic-related points in that direction, though I have not checked or considered it.
Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish prime minister of UK, 1868-1868 and 1874-1880:

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it was military industrialisation for World Revolution
Russians got nothing from it

But why would they turn against their European cousins? I still can’t understand it. I know they changed their names to Windsors after WWI and became hostile to the German royal family but what caused the split in the family? Why would they turn against their own family and european peoples? Were they tricked? Did they not understand the nature of the global Jewish conspiracy? It seems nonsensical.

based ted

>Hugo weaving in Brian may who
Fujimg kek. You win the internet today

>falling for the incompetent leader kike meme

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Maybe the British royals became so severely inbred that they lost all their brain cells. It would also explain why Harry married a mutt.

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Don't be a puss. Nobody cares about you. Post moustache

We have a spare one you can have, he speaks Russian and everything

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(((Schiff))) by the way is very related to (((Rothschild))) they shared a home together back in the frankfurter judengasse. they are family.

The British strategy in Europe can summed up as follows: Always be on the side of the smaller power so that no one can become a hegemon of continental Europe.
It's not that hard.

Bozhe, Tsarya khrani!

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Jewish lie. No evidence to back up the claim whatsoever.

I wish I had a slav princess


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>falling for the incompetent leader kike meme

I always thought something was fishy about this as well. History is written by the victors. If the kikes say he was incompetent that means he was probably based.

You don't know how royalty works, royalty almost never entirely descends from the country they rule over, and most royalty in Europe is German anyway. I'm sure he cared a lot about Russia and Russians.

Hopefully she doesn't get murdered by niggers.

She seems kind, sweet and innocent. Basically everything that the Jews despise. No wonder they were murdered in a satanic Jewish ritual. Sick fucks.

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People like you don't realize that the war was out of the monarchs hands. They didn't want war, but literally everybody else did. That's why they couldn't stop it even though they tried.