Why are perfectly healthy males completely balding before they reach their 30's? I know many healthy...

Why are perfectly healthy males completely balding before they reach their 30's? I know many healthy, diet-conscious men who are in their mid-20's with visual hairline retraction and thinning. Most of the friends in my circle are regular gym-goers or sports people (mostly runners) and lots of them have visual signs of MPB. What's going on?

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Shitty genetics.

Because that's what happens to men's hairlines. As you interact with adult males in real life, you will see that this is normal. It only seems abnormal to you because you are very young, or your image of men is based on TV. (They all have plugs or wear toups.)

Balding does not mean unhealthy.

This is the only explanation, anything else is cope.

people have always been going bald even in their 20s. It's just that now, with so much estrogen in the water, most of these "men" look like children so it looks worse. Whereas traditionally these men looked much older and typically had kids.

Surely you should not have a hairline like in the OP's pic before you're 30.

It's a symptom of an underlying disease.


Non political. Go to /b/ to ask this, or Jow Forums if you like the flags. Thanks.

I'll wait for you to delete your thread now.

>We're all going bald and we are not even 30
Your genetics are shit, I'm 34 with a full head with only slight thinning. Based Italian heritage

I think this only happens to ftm trannies. The hormones make their hair fall out.

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according to stats men who are hairy tend to bald more , not all of course but the majority.

MPB occurance is worse in Southern Europe. Thick hair does not mean you're less susceptible to MPB.

EMF, plastic, chemicals in water/food, lack of sun, shit in care products

It's not just estrogen. Men of these generations aren't consuming the same amount of cigarettes and hard spirits that gave men a rougher grizzly look with deeper raspier voices that boomers had.

I dunno Bros but I'm 30 and I've been on Minoxidil for years and it's still bad. I'm trying Finasteride now but that shit is wack it can kill your sex drive. But I'm pretty homosexual so im kinda whatever if it kills my sex drive.

Why not? Sean Connery started balding when he was 21.

Everyone was balding by the age of 30, it's just you didn't have nu-males who obsessed over it and a society that vilifies men based on things out of their control. Balding in men back was a sexually desirable trait in women, as it indicated a bird to nest response. That's why balding even exists now.

All primates operate this way. The only reason anyone cares is because our media overlords stigmatize it and 4/10 roasties but into the idea and weaponize it. Any time a bitch mocks a guy’s hairline that’s her invitation to ask her if she made it out of her 20’s before her tits started looking like old gym socks.

something we eat that make our hair follicides more sensitive to DHT could be sugar or salt

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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Balding is associated with Testosterone.

>hairlet cope

>science hasn't been able to make males not lose their hair
This is the real conspiracy

This, here is a map of baldness rate by location

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I smoke a lot of cigarettes. A pack a day at 23. I’m a malnourished soiboi so far as BMI goes, not in absolute faggotry. But my voice is about a tenor, I mean it depends on my mood. But it’s doesnt drop below like an a2 unless I’m speaking really low and monotone when I’m in a low mood or deliberately. Cigs don’t make your voice deeper, genetics do. Liquor and cigs might give you a rasp and make it higher to talk and sing higher though

>muh genetics

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Have you tried giving up? Just go bald bro or wear hats all the time. Not beanies though.

>bird to nest response


You called?

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Damn I didn’t read all your post, I was gonna say have you tried to stop sucking dicks. But I didn’t want to be a prick to a guy that’s balding, but since you’re gay it’s solid advice. Just go bald brother.

They already have... You take estrogen and antiandrogens.

MPB is a genetic trait otherwise so at best maybe normal guys could take finasteride to block DHT. Still has side effects though.

Take it off Tim

It's just hair man, You could have the best head of hair in the world but it won't do you much if you're ugly as shit and a fat slob

diet, western diets are shit. i need fish but i dont eat it because being half white gave me autism


I'm 33 and just shaved my head last month.
No i have a Beatles hairdo again.

Stress is the nr1 cause of baldness.

Caffeine and masturbation. This is the truth. Don’t @ me

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Those have to be traps?

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It can have side effects.

I heavily suspect the western diet and also lack of sunlight since many people spend their days indoors for their careers/NEEThood. Also fapping too much since that fucks with your chemical balances.

tfw full head of hair in mid 30's and still goin strong. Fuck yes niggers! Makes me feel good about my small penis.

Porn increased the amount of masturbation men perform.
Men rarely used to jack off past age 16. By 18 you were too busy hunting, working on a farm, making babies.
Now men masturbate sometimes even daily.
Masturbation drains your body of zinc and proteins needed to produce hair, and it disrupts hormone cycles causing your testosterone levels to create a byproduct called DHT which shrinks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

I can only think of 3 things really:
1. Low testosterone.
2. Some type of widespread DNA damage.
3. Lack of high quality animal products which results in vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, which results in early hair-loss.

Defective genes those same men will have prostate problems when they are older because they are sensitive to DHT

I'm 31. My hair isn't as thick as it used to be which was very thick and still is. But, I'm not having any visible hairline loss.

im half korean so i should love fish but i dont, it makes me nauseus

Shaved my hair this year for the first time since I'm starting to thin, finally getting attention from the kind of chavvy slut that I've always fapped to ... so I'm happy.

Yes obviously fucking with your hormones has side effects.
MPB is genetic and attempting to modify genetic expression as consequences.

I've been living like a hermit for months now,go outside once every 2 days.
And i look like a werewolf.
It's stress you dumb aussie...stress.

They enjoy penis and it is killing their follicles.

Its through wearing clothes over generations. Vit-D productions is blocked by clothing so the hair falls out to allow sun to shine on the head.

Women and children didn't need clothes as they didn't venture far from the village.

I'm trying to age into it. I just can't get any fucking breaks. I've got auto immune problems with my skin, some parts of my skin have turned ghostwhite from vitiligo, same shit MJ had. Around my eyes. And recently I lost a patch of hair on my fucking beard for auto immune issues, no idea if that'll come back.

I need to lift more. I'm reasonably built but, I could definitely put a bit more effort into aging into an older man look.

i was balding heavily, until i went on nofap. Now my hairline is regrowing.
Also try to stay away from electronics more often, because to much internet had a negative impact on your health and respectively your hair too.

eat raw meat

David?lose some weight, you fat fuck.

Dudes have been going bald for all of recorded human history, user. It’s not out of the ordinary.

>I've been living like a hermit for months now,go outside once every 2 days.
So you get sun one every couple of days, then dismiss not enough sun/vitamin D as the culprit of thinning hair?

It's not fair bros... I started at 19 and it's been getting worse year after year.
It truly feels like a curse...

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I'm lean as fuck,only a little belly from the beer.
Dude i have a Beatles hairdo,check my other posts before replying

microwaves, i hate wifi and cellular is literally military tech so of course its killing us

Kys. Too many arabised balding uglets.

Based Medbro.

Genes. I've done a few test cycles and am on medication that ages you and thins hair year round but my hairline itself is absolutely fine.

>Dude i have a Beatles hairdo,check my other posts before replying
What are you talking about? I said that lack of sunlight can cause hair thinning, then you outright tell me that you personally get sun once every couple of days (that is enough to stay healthy, especially with very low skin pigmentation), but then go and blame it soley on stress. Stress will make your hair fall out, but so will never going outside. But you go outside, so your point about it being nothing to do with the sun is moot.

I have acute vitiligo on a spot on my penis and grow silver/grey pubes in this spot. Aunt has it on her hands and arms. That fucking sucks man. Do you have like lupus or some shit? Idk if it causes hair loss. That’s a toigh break man. Any medicine that can help with it? I have to take an atypical that causes thinning and hair loss. So I don’t take that shit.
Definitely change up diet, everyone’s biochemistry is different, it might alleviate whatever auto immune disorder symptoms you have as well. I’m no physician or dietician so can’t gife any decent advice though.


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Why the fuck do you keep posting this retarded thread all the time? Male pattern balding is no more common today than it was in the past. Hang yourself if it's that difficult for you to deal with your balding, you absolute clown.

That is a body hair map. Balding has to do with your head hairs sensitivity to dht. You can be extremely hairy and have a full head of hair

I’ve been contemplating on whether or not masturbation has any effect on hair growth. I’m 18 and so my hair should be thick which it was until a few months ago when I got into a very stressful family situation and started fapping very much to cope with my shit life. I’ve noticed that my hair isn’t as thick anymore. Do you guys think that it’s due to the stress I’ve endured over these past few months or more so the fact that I’m fapping almost every day now and sometimes even multiple times per day? Is it a combination of both? I’m genuinely curious as to what the rest of you think because I’m not sure at all.


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Seething baldie detected.

>Why are perfectly healthy males completely balding before they reach their 30's? I know many healthy, diet-conscious men who are in their mid-20's with visual hairline retraction and thinning. Most of the friends in my circle are regular gym-goers or sports people (mostly runners) and lots of them have visual signs of MPB. What's going on?
It's crazy Zoomer diets, steroids and protein shakes. Look it up.

>healthy, diet-conscious men
>regular gym-goers or sports people
Is the problem.

That's easy. Stress

Proud manlet

It’s really pathetic that he does this. He definitely makes enough to get a hair transplant but won’t for some reason. It makes him look very insecure of himself.

>schizoid nofap nomicrowave posters
Baldness is a result of your scalp being sensitive to 5-alpha reducaste, a type of DHT that causes your hair follicle to shrink and die. This is genetic, not environmental.

Was your hair shedding? You’re probably overreaching. While I think masturbation disrupts the hormonal balance of your body and likely fucks with hair growth. I can’t see how it’d start thinning your hair so fast. I have naturally thin hair so I can’t say I’ve noticed the same. Definitely stop fapping though.
Likely a combo of both of your hair started thinning and falling out. Negative stress fucks with every part of your body and makes people’s eyebrows disappear.

>tfw have anxiety disorder
>scalp is overflowing with thick luscious hair

Why is it always niggers though?
I noticed something niggers shave once and then go bald for the rest of their lives/

Every man who starts balding before age 23 should be given disability pension by the State

Stress and horror.

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I'm not balding but already greying in early 20s.

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I lost a lot of hair from wearing tight winter caps, it looked like male pattern baldness. I stopped wearing them a 2 years later much of my hair grew back. But when I thought I was just going bald, it didn't bother me that much to be honest. If you're physically fit, baldness wont make you look less virile or less attractive. But if you're chubby and balding, it makes you look shitty. So my advice for balding people is join a gym and get attractive.

Stop it already. You should all be gassed. What a shame that Itlay never implemented a eugenic sterilisation program.

You will look like Prince Nuada

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I wish I had gray hair user. That’s an edgy aesthetic. Go full sephiroth or anime tier shit.

Balding is a sign of high testosterone

I’ve been loosing a bit more hair in the shower and drying my hair after I shower and also when I wake up, I notice quite a few hairs here and there on my pillow. Would that be considered “shedding?”

They have too much testosterone, need more estrogens.
Men should eat more onions.

How do you sad manlets get by without just shaving your head like a real man?
Go bald.
Shavd head.
Simple shit, ladies. Stop worrying about your fucking hair. It isn't what gets you laid. Confidence does. Shave your head like a man and wear it proudly.

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Masturbation causes a spike in prolactin, that doesn't have anything to do with DHT and wouldn't cause any downstream effects to your follicles to cause them to shrink faster. Even if you were prone to baldness, abstained from ejaculation, you wouldn't prevent baldness since your prostate would still signal the need for DHT and eventually cause you to bald.

>gypsy asking me
Black people have shitty hair to begin with, I guess. Sheboons wear wigs for their entire lives and only a select few are able to grow an afro. It's probably a PCOS response that many black women have that cause a rise in T->DHT response.

From whacking off

>join a gym and get attractive
The level of coping... Hitting the gym is useless if you are ugly. Face (and so head) supersede the body.

Lmao figures an Italian would post this. Show of hands who knows at least 4 males from high school who all in their early 20's biologically transmorphed into Tony Soprano.

Vitamin D thickens hair so you could be right. Green tea does the same because it's anti-DHT.
Caffeine pills thickened my hair, so I don't think caffeine is the problem.
It's DHT -- whatever increases that kills hair. That's why creatine accelerates balding.

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i guess it must be the jooz

Balding isn't a sign of high testosterone. It's a sign that the little testosterone that does circulate gets converted into DHT that causes hair loss. No matter how much testosterone you have, you'll always be prone to baldness which is why a lot of shemales have to wear wigs despite being on just estrogen, since it is still converted into some testosterone regardless of how low it may be.