Baby boomers die by the thousands each day. That's a lot of votes Trump won't get by 2020 election day

Baby boomers die by the thousands each day. That's a lot of votes Trump won't get by 2020 election day.

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Pack it up. A literal who on Twitter said its over.

As long they vote Trump

yea fuck jannies , niggers , kikes and fuck boomers

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>vote for no reason without any political research at all!!!

God I hate subversives

I don't vote cause everyone is a fucking irish mutt or a spic nigger fag jew so voting won't fix anything with this shit country. It's just gonna go down the tubes and it's for the best

I don’t necessarily know if thats a good thing, user. Boomers fucked up the planet and instead of having to pay for it they’re laughing all the way to the grave while millennials have to deal with the long term effects. We’re fucked, user. YOU are fucked.
But hey at least we have another year of personal politics to distract us, right?

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only the democrat boomers are dying

zoomers will blame you for all the PC shit you've perpatrated

>tfw lots of millenials are conservative anyway

She knows they won't vote, because they're lazy.
And she knows they know that, too.

Typical Gen X'er is playing 4D chess: despises Millennials' smugness and virtue signalling, so she makes them feel bad deep inside.
She will no doubt visit a local hipster café when trump is re-elected and laugh about it as she orders "just a regular coffee".

I too think the average democratic boomer will die before republican boomers
Fucking around and doing drugs is not the best idea if you wanna live long and healthy

>people dying in red states
>"haha now they'll vote blue for sure"
OP is a stupid fag

perfect example of a Millennial who is just lazy but is using cynicism to try to justify his inaction


>voting matters

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When the boomers die too fast the republicans will just pass a law that says dead people can vote.

The baby boomers are your parents and a grandparent or so. They paid for your existence. That's really disturbing to celebrate them dying.

Well heres to hoping they actually do something about us instead of just taking it up the ass like we did with Boomers. Poor bastards deserve something considering they’re gonna be the final generation to witness the fall of civilization if not the fall of life as we know it.

Well maybe they shouldn't have spent the last 60 years making the United States into the fucking evil empire it is today then huh?
Fucking retards squandered the promise of this nation on bullshit wars half way around the world for fucking nothing.
Fuck them, I for one hope they fucking die as painfully as humanly fucking possible.

Yang for 2020...

If it weren't for those damn Boomers, we'd be a multicultural post scarcity communist utopia by now.

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Jow Forums is not an accurate representation of millennial retard.
The only millennial that are right wing are the edgy non conformists. That attitude went out of style like 10 years ago, so not much growth within it either.

Need to change my will. Again.

Perfect example of a faggot cuck whose causing society to go to shit cause you think you can stop the hordes of retards

Boomers vote blue, you absolute faggot

As one of the few legitimate boomers on this webpage I'd like to use this moment to express my deepest condolences to the millennial generation.You will NEVER experience the comfort I had growing up, and that's a good thing.

You needed hugs. I feel bad for you. Try volunteering at a nursing home.

>thinking zoomers and bloomers and vroomers and miloomers won’t vote drumph

orange man bad

Only 50% of eligible voters in the US actually vote

If people got off their asses, you could have a liberatarian candidate easily winning

Why would I volunteer to help a bunch of decrepit fucks die less painfully when I want them to die as painfully as possible, as previously stated?
They literally destroyed the entire fucking premise of this country with their warmongering bullshit.

>voting for Trump

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bitter much? you can always jump off a bridge

yet millions are willing to walk here from south america.. if its so bad why don't you walk your ass south?

Nice non-sequitor newfag.
Be a shame if someone pointed out it has nothing to do with what I was talking about huh?
Fucking kill yourself, its like arguing with a fuckin pigeon.
Age before beauty boomer.

Boomers don’t vote trump
They are the worst virtue signalers any more because they’ve always viewed themselves as the cool generation who is ahead of the curve
They adopt these shitty leftist points of view to atone for their actual past racism and to try to remain the cool kids
They are sheep who hate drumpf because funny man on tv says so and they lack the ability to find the truth beyond the mainstream media

She's right, you know.

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Dead democrats have been voting for years user.

better import more based conservative mexicans

>In 2016, 55% of all Millennials identified as Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents, while just 33% identified as Republicans or GOP leaners. By comparison, 49% in Generation X, 46% of Boomers and 43% of members of the Silent Generation identified with or leaned Democratic
There was a 9% difference between millennials and boomers who voted for Hillary. At the time, the youngest millennials were in their early 20s and the oldest in their mid-30s. I see them becoming more conservative over time. It comes with age.

This, just vote for ralph nader and everything will be great.

>Gen X
Literally a boomer
They're complicit with the death of the West