What does Jow Forums think about the new C8 Corvette?

Yup, I’m thinking Chevy is cool again. Trump really did make America great again, even the cars

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I'm really liking it.
0-60 in just under 3 seconds is hot shit.

too heavy

That's a nice car, but can it drive?

Ferrari clone, american industry copying european products, again

Dude the c8 is a fucking automatic with no manual option...go fuck yourself.

It's a boomer car, so its really just meant to look cool in the driveway covered by a tarp save for the one or two rides a year around the block to impress the grandkids when they come to visit.

Meh all car companies have been trying so hard to make their literal shit look as cool as the bad mobile for the last decade all their shit is shit.

looks like a lotus, not a corvette

>buying american cars
I seriously hope you don't do that, they're all made by unionized niggers who don't know the first thing about assembling a quality car. If you want to buy a car made by real americans, then buy a Japanese or German car, Toyota and BMW literally has more factories in the American south than any of the "Detroit 3" does.

aluminium block engine.

Boomers don't have what it takes anymore to clutch

Looks cool but that’s because....

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Looks absolutely retarded

Corvette died with C7

It doesn’t come manual? Fuckin sad world

360 and f430 were peak Ferrari. Prove me wrong

Absolute shit.

I don't know what got Chevrolet to make their cars look all ike a Camaro

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458 way better looking and revolution in performance compared to those two

Why do car niggers love manual?

458 is ugly as sin and what started the death of the ferrari aesthetics

That looks nothing like a Camaro

because of - FUnn and drywing engaygment-

Looks OK, but it's not really a corvette anymore is it?

I think 458 was an echo of the beautiful aesthetics of 288 GTO

Jesus half the vids on YouTube are dudes crashing mustang's in a straight line. This thing will kill thousands!

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I do love my Equinox. They have had a lot of home runs lately.

You can slapshift it. Its got f1 style shifters on the wheel. With as intuitive as transmissions are now cutches are a useless novelty.

the car industry is a hodge-podge of whatever the fuck on a global level. years of companies routinely ripping boring ideas off of each other and swapping designers has led nearly all of them to look the same.
excluding elite/supercars, i can't think of a single new car that has any style. in fact, the nicest thing i can say about some of the better cars is that they "aren't ugly"

I think something important must be going on if kikes are this desperate to slide.

What a mess.

To pretend theyre better than randoms. Most cant even afford a fun car. So they shit hard on those that can. A manual transmission isnt needed unless the car is very old and mechanical. There was a time when the paddles sucked so the argument of still using a stick was legit. But these days there is no reason.


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>its really just meant to look cool in the driveway covered by a tarp

dear idiot, it goes zero to sixty in under three seconds. it's an awesome driving experience for like $60k. don't act like it's a pretty lawn ornament just because you're a clueless, jealous poorfag.

>458 way better looking

F430: soul
458: soulless

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Fact is, modern automatic shifting is both faster and more accurate than anything any person could pull off on a manual.

Manual fags just like to brag that they're so good at gripping a shaft all day.

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People sure do freak out about the latest travel box with slightly different numbers than the old travel box.

Definitely a huge improvement in handling thanks to being mid engined. Won't be as good or fast AS any of the recent mid-engined V8 Ferraris, but then again, it costs nowhere near as much as a Ferrari does. A bit sad that there is no manual, but it won't stop it from selling in huge numbers. The value for money is great, lots of power and acceleration for that kind money. And a Corvette is cool by nature, people need time to get used to innovations. Would buy if I were a boomer.

this travel box has ferrari/lambo performance and quality for chevy price.

>my sense of aesthetics trumps everyone else's

shut up, idiot douche leaf. you aren't the arbiter of art and style. it's so cringy to get all aggressive about some subjective issue and start deeming things 'soulless.' you sound like a dumb teenager.

slower than a /$35k model 3.

458 was pretty but clinical. 488 and F8 are soulless tho.

Doesn’t look like a corvette

Everyone knows that manuals can't hold a candle to modern autos.
The pleasure of a manual transmission comes from the feeling that *You* are driving and in control of the car, not that the car is driving you.
Also, a manual transmission is one more anti theft device

Race them from coast to coast.


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>to get all aggressive
How did i get aggressive, I literally wrote 2 words lol

How many of my kids can I fit in the back?

Pretty much. Really doesn't have anything of the Corvette's aesthetic character, although i guess the new Camaro is the same way. I blame minorities and/or kikes.

they don't make them like they used to
now that was a car

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>Why do car niggers love manual?

1)It s like playing a game in advanced mode, more involving more rewarding

2)Nobody cares about absolute laptimes in a sport car and the few tenths of seconds saved by automatic

Also the *click* of a gated shifter

I thought GM was dead and said I'll never buy another. This new Vette looks like a homerun though. If they produce a few more models this good they may be able to revive the brand.


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looks good! previous modern corvettes looked like generic plastic wedges

pretty ugly
can't seem to decide if it's curvy or angular