Can we save catholics? Is that even possible?

Can we save catholics? Is that even possible?
How do we save Catholics from the second death? Is it even possible to convince Catholics that Christ is the authority on Christianity or are they simply and eternally lost?

Would be nice to hear from former Catholics and former non-catholics.

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Here's what the popes say,
"We are Semites spiritually." ( Pope Pius XI )
"Judaism is the father of Christianity and Jesus is our rabbi." ( Pope John Paul II )
"Inside every Christian is a Jew." ( Pope Francis )

DESU brah I grew up catholic and even though I admit I did have the experience of more than once crying myself to sleep because I touched myself in the bad spot and thought I was gonna go to hell for it, it was actually a really good belief system to grow up under. It was something that really brought out the best in humanity overall. And best of all no matter what you did wrong literally all you had to do was apologize and eat a cookie.
What fucking more of a better deal do you want that that from your supposed God or diety? Oh, you killed someone user? It's OK bro. We know that you are a flawed and imperfect being. Why don't you just say you are sorry (in the form of a few hail mary's) and eat this cookie and all is forgiven. Oh, BTW, some Churches also give you free wine when you fuck up.

It is literally the most positive and beneficial ideology you can think of. It literally creates the most positive society and if you had to be born to any group of people in the world you would want to be born to catholics. Despite all of the negatives and drawbacks that you can imagine, the positives far outweight them.

The reason pedos and shit are drawn to the catholic church isn't because "it's an evil place", rather the contrary, it's because the Catholic church is actually a really good thing (or at least Catholicism overall is) and evil people will always seek to defile what is innocent and positive.

matching digits, but unclear intentions.
Catholics are spiritual kikes, as you have shown.

Stop using a memeflag. It makes you even pre hated than the poo you almost certainly are, since leafs have generally accepted their fate.

Decent pasta, but let’s consider the options:
>recognizing error, asking Christ to accept your debt, and repenting
>telling some old faggot who has probably molested kids about your masturbation habits every week until he rapes you

>if you had to be born to any group of people in the world you would want to be born to catholics.

Are you retarded or something?

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Um it's not a pasta it is just a description of my childhood.
IDK dude, my priests never molested me. There are def a lot of pedo priests and the entire church is fucked up, but that is the point. Evil people, subversives, commies, ect, they all seek out the biggest symbols and purveryors of purity and decency in society and try to defile them.
I mean that's why "the rainbow" is the symbol of faggotry. Rainbows are objectively beautiful. If you didn't associate them with faggotry because of the LGBT lobby, you'd think they were beautiful and amazing byproducts of nature.

You prob don't think of rainbows that way though cuz faggots have defiled them.

It's the same thing with the Catholic Church.

What's it like being a retarded nigger?

Are you Catholic, user?

Nah Catholicism was just the norm where I grew up. Nobody threw their babies in dumpsters. Nobody committed crimes. Nobody was deliberately and overtly abusive to their children. Nobody did all of the fucked up shit that I found out was totally the norm and common once I grew up and saw what the world was.

I didn't grow up in a wealthy place either, very much the opposite. I grew up in a poor area on the periphery of the city, but all of the people there were extremely "good people" by contrast to what I now know is normal and I am 100% convinced that it is because of the catholicism.

Also, and this will give you tons of fodder to piss and shit on me if you want to, but my Dad did abandon me when I was extremely young, lol. But only when he converted from Catholicism to Judaism (true story).

Pedos started coming in when they got wind that the church will cover them up in order to avoid bad pr.

You don't save us. We save you.

>I should go to hell on purpose because that is my tradition.

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Why would you put something I didn't say in the greentext and then act as if I said it?

Implying there’s any salvation to be found outside the Catholic Church. We’re the original church and the only one (and the Orthos) that receives Jesus body, blood, soul and divinity weekly. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.

I don't see how the "once saved always saved" crowd can possibly think Catholics aren't saved. Catholics re-enact Christs sacrifice for their sins every mass, they believe in His name, they believe He is God. Just because they go back next week and ask for forgiveness again doesn't mean they haven't accepted it at least once.

My mother is catholic.
She pass her time praying saints like padre pio or the Virgin Mary.
She got a lot of those little statues and she kiss em and pray.
She's obsessed with saints and she don't actually care about Gods and Christ, Catholicism is a pagan joke

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I will convert to eastern orthodoxy at my local church in the next month, making my preparations. Dropped catholicism after seeing all the shit the current popes are saying and how cucked south american priests are and the fact that catholicism tries to explain God with weird philosophy while orthodoxy is way more spiritual (the philosphy shit is what ruined catholicism by spawning thousands of other denominations)

Why would you post without lurking for 47 years?

You should intervene and try to make your mother not go to hell for idolatry.
Just tell her that Christ died for her sins and is the only mediator between man and god, as well as I guess introducing her to the Ten Commandments since she seems to not understand them.

Sorry Christ traitor, we don't want your "saving". The ancient Catholic and Orthodox practices have been around since the beginning of the faith. Your man made religion has only been around since 1517. Who should I trust? The descendants of the early Church fathers who were the descendants of the Apostles? Or some flyover hicks who yell gibberish and roll on the floor?

There is no hell. Hell is just not existing.
It means reconstitution, restitution, or restoration to the original or primordial condition.

Origen of Alexandria (c. 184–c. 253), and Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–c. 395), understood the lake of fire as a symbolic purifying fire used to eliminate the dross from the gold, aka a "refiner's crucible". Origen refers to the "lead of wickedness" that must be refined out of the gold.

Hell in the modern Christian sense does not exist.

Hell in the OT is sheol, the grave. Hell in the NT is Hades, the grave.

Psalm 16:10 For You wilt not leave my soul in hell (sheol); neither wilt You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption.

Acts 2:27 Because You wilt not leave my soul in hell (Hades), neither wilt You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption.

They both simply mean the grave.

Protestants are the failed Christians. Catholics and Orthodox have the right of it. The issue is with leadership. The leaders of the Catholic Church are as deep in sin as the Protestants right now. The actual, real, inheritors of Christ's church on earth - the One True Church - are corrupt.

What we will get is not a Reformation but a Great Purge, and it will only bring us nearer to heaven in the end. Hopefully you Protestant filth get caught in it too. Now go worship the Bible that we wrote.

The question is: When will this purge come? I'm sick of Francis.

I was a hardcore Catholic all my life.
My grandpa was the truest Christian I ever knew. That man neevr said a bad word about another human being ever in his life. He was Saintly. He got a 50, 60 and 70 Jubilee Letter from the Pope on the aforementioned marriage anniversaries.

I went to a ton of churches. Baptist, Methodist, evangelical. None of them even made me think slightly.

Then I became a wewuzzer...
and for one reason. Roman universalism. That the thing that got me.

Nazi Catholic


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Amen. Genuine belief in eternal Hell means that most of the people you interact with on a daily basis will be in agony forever. Even if it were one person, you can't hold this thought in your mind and at the same time rejoice in God's supposed victory over death and sin.