Trump is on track to add more debt than Obama

He doesn't even have a recession to deal with. This shit is crazy.

Attached: trump mk.jpg (689x960, 77K)

Take notes Trump

Attached: mao.jpg (800x597, 49K)


>He doesn't even have a recession to deal with. This shit is crazy.
he ended it lmao

Debt is largely irrellevant to outcomes; considering the changing landscape of the planet. Inarguably, Obama fucked up at every turn, where Trump has usually not.

Recession ended like 2010.

>its ok when my team does it

The biggest chunks of spending growth, by far, are all social program liabilities that Republicans can't touch without Congressional supermajorities, the presidency, and the SCOTUS.

>Recession ended like 2010
your financial illiteracy is impressive

.Seriously though, why do republicans bend over backwards as soon as you mention the

I didn't know it was the job of the executive branch to balance the budget. "more debt under dem controlled house" would be accurate.

Because Israel

Technically the US military, specifically the Navy keeping the petrodollar secure, is the only thing floating our monopoly money

Jesus fucking Christ. $20.62 Trillion JUST from the 4 Baby Boomer presidents. Just the last 4. All Boomers. Fucking unbelievable.

Would be interesting to have this adjusted for inflation. Also interesting cohencidence that the US debt started right after the (((federal reserve))) was established.

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They were given monopoly money desu and also once the debt is on you have to pay the interests and then from there on you can start spending thus you get into a bigger debt.
But yeah boomers could die.
Also as soon as gold conversion was ended it skyrocketed

does this infograph account for inflation?

In a debt based system with a central bank debt is inevitable. Since every dollar created is created as debt an expanding economy requires expanding debt. There is no escape except to increase debt to the point you crash the central banks.

Not adjusted for inflation, very cool

No it does not

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He got into office through sheer meme power. What did you expect?

Do you not understand economics?
You can borrow money to pay for dem programs and Israel.
You print more money and pay it back to the jews.
Everyone's happy.
Where's the problem with this?

House of representatives controls the budget.
Trump can't do anything other than shut the government down, and that doesn't work well.
The system is set up to spend more and never stop.

>He got into office through sheer meme power.
lol no. kek isn't real.
it was rich jews using spam software to make you think there was such a thing as an "AWOOVEMENT"

>Trump ended the recession

No one is this retarded, right?

t. uninformed plebbit nigger

Check out this jew trying to back into taking credit for electing Trump. They really are just flailing their arms at this point.

The Greater Israel project is obviously a bit more costly than Kushner told Trump it would be. Trump is a classic goy. Falls for the “I can get you a better deal scam” from his own son in law.

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Well, at least one user is.