Is this racist?

I work in a small neighborhood casino. Very common in Romania. It had slot machines and sport betting. I have a single black customer. A dude from Senegal. Coffee and fizzy drinks are free. When my white customers ask for coffee I give them the white plastic spoon. When he asks for a coffee I always give him the black plastic spoon. He is a daily player and so far I don't think he noticed.

Pic related, plastic spoons on keyboard.

Attached: sketch-1564482581933_768x1365.jpg (768x1365, 602K)

Samefag here. Original post was from my phone.

no thats not racist, its just funny
if he notices he will be amused if hes a good sport
if its not done with any malice then its just banter

Nobody gives a fuck.

This the shit you get up to at work?

Can't imagine malice from a plastic spoon, but I get what you're saying.

I'm a student. I work only 2 days then I have 2 days off and I can go to uni.

Bring me some coffee op I just woke up

It pays for rent, food, cigarettes and weed. Worth til I finish uni.

Those aren't spoons.