If God didn't want people to be gay, how do you explain this?
If God didn't want people to be gay, how do you explain this?
idk dude he probably just had the rectum be for pooping and not fucking
pleasure is spiritual torture that keeps you fixated on the material world
Yes you can reach someones prostate through their ass OP.
Positive reinforcement for pooping, dummy. Same reason scratching an itch feels good. It incentivizes deterring parasites.
Explain aids
>God Created man in his image
>God also has a prostate
God made man to fuck his ass
where would you have put it? look at it's purpose beyond gay stuff.
Resistance to temptation take some amount of willpower. If you feel the urge to stick a finger in your rectum the moment you hear it's pleasurable you're lacking some.
It simply reports the status of your shit. You can placebo more or less stimulus to any body part. There was a serial killer who ignited kerosone on a towel jn his ass and loved it.
Theres a g spot in a mans anus that makes you cum buckets when you press it. Women do not have this. What is the purpose of this? Why did god put that there?
having any kind of fun is strictly forbidden in Christianity, you should know that
This. /thread.
God's name is JK Rowling, and she wants people to be gay...
No. You are 100% in correct. The prostate makes a fluid for ejaculating. Nothing in the butt is needed to make the prostate function. It’s part of penile orgasm.
so your dick pumps out cum
if god didn't want us to skullfuck each other why can we trigger orgasms by touching certain parts of the brain?
It's really just that simple
god doesn't care what you do on alcohol, have fun kids
Because a vagina around your cock feels much better, faggot.
That's not the same as repeatedly ramming a thic cock up your ass. Gays suffer prolapse and incontinence. Imagine that feeling of dread and humiliation they get when their weak pelvic floor muscles can't do anything to stop bodily waste from seeping out. Some will probably fetishize it.
to make prostate exams pleasurable?
god didn't want you to be into beastility faggot