What is worse.
Islam or tranny/queer/gay shit?
What is worse
Burn both
I'd say Islam, cause they kill poeple.
but tranny kill themself.
trannies will always be a small part of the population. Mudslimes want to kill you and breed fast.
In any case both are extreme radicals that should be put down.
Well yeah good shit the cleanse our society from themselves. Darwin would be proud.
problem solved
Nazghuls get wild. Also agree
Renovate the Colosseum, throw them all in there, let them fight to the death on pay per view, collect many shekels.
what is worse cancer A or cancer B
tranny also kill the future of your country
Definitely muslims. Theres some really based patriotic gays and I'd hate to lose them. Muslims are just intolerant sandniggers an should fuck off and have their sand dunes nuked
most muslims are also patriotic kek
Those gays aren't patriotic. They're just higher IQ than the average queer and know their days are numbered once Muslim # reaches critical mass.
If their patriotic why do they throw your kids infront of trains and snack bar beautiful New York buildings?
Based joo
Both. Please Achmed, stop trying to sell us your "religon". Torturing animals, grooming kids and raping white women isn't compatible in the west you retarded inbred.
Have sex incel. And maybe leave your mum's basement and meet some actual queers.
Muslims are worse. Gays don't kill people for not being gay. Muslims would, or at a minimum, would like to, kill you for not being muslim.
Face it, us gay boys are better.
Nick look like he early to mid 40s
>and meet some actual queers
Think I'd rather stick my dick in a mincer.
As it stands Islam will win Europe that or Africans will since they keep pouring in and that will only increase.So I dont understand your outrage to be honest.
Your loss bro.
Abdul I dont know why you are so mad. Your country is known for your wonderful paki cities.
He's not based! You hear me?! Nothing based about an edgy Jew!
Fuck off kike. Muslims may be killing us, but you and your fucking queer brigade will be first, and it's going to be glorious.
>most muslims are also patriotic kek
patriotic... by living in other countries as leech
Fuck off kike
are you implying that 1.8 billion muslims are living in other countries?
I don't see what's made you so angry, do you need some more dewy and tendies?
gay tranny muslims
I'd say faggotry because it targets the soul of a people. Islam's attacks generally strengthen us spiritually. Terrorism is actually good for us. Freedom for gays isn't.
But leftism comes pre-packed with Islam
Alt-right terrorists
Fuck off gypsy. Guess inbreeding is the common cause you and the muds have.
Its either them or africans you choose.
The cities. Outside there are no pakis. It's quite comfy in the countryside.
not wanna hurt your feeling but in terms of inbreeding, your country is more famous of doing that.
What kind of heap;3
We have one of the lowest inbreeding rates in the world, compared with your island my nation got conquered and ethnically replaced countless times.
Africans are mudslimes you retarded gypsy.
>Africans are mudslimes you retarded gypsy
False majority of christians now live in Africa in terms of numbers and they will only keep growing.
Fag shit, definitely. It's quite amazing really how the jews made the muslim alternative seem appealing in comparison to the current state of affairs.
Both cancer, its not like we have to pick one or the other. The only ones suggesting that are islamists.
The UK is very diverse ethnically.
And that was before the third world came.
hahahahahahahahaha maybe to islam
>tranny/queer/gay shit
tranny/queer/gay shit!
most of this thread is jews and fags (same thing) desperately trying to get Jow Forumstards to accept BASED AIDs vectors like Milo.
Most muds are literal rape babies. Arabs/north africans are a mulatto race. And niggers well they aren't even human.
VoxGay is probably in here shilling for him too.
I was not talking about the immigrant stock but the native one and again you will have to make a choice between becoming an Islamic nation or Africa.
47% are Muslim. That's more than enough.
You muds are literal schitzos. Actually believing an imaginary man in the sky is your saviour and a caliphate is the way.
Yet we still conquered your shitholes, while you inbreds were fucking goats.
Fine then dont make a choice its not like it matters in the end since the events will transpire and whoever of those two groups is stronger will set a new century in Europe.
Based Shlomo.
Islam. The tranny stuff is destroying the Left.
neither, snow niggerism is worst
We must make it clear that Islam is against the peverse practice of homosexuality.
Throw them from the rooftops and stone them Inshallah!
Preach it brothers.
Islam by a mile. Muslims are psychopaths and full of evil. They're also the proverbial Wolves in sheep clothing and not to be trusted.
One means defeat the other means suicide. We must win. also fpbp
We're not your brothers sand nigger and many of us here would no doubt rather see any random Mudslime thrown from a rooftop or stoned. Fuck you and fuck Islam.
None of this matters. Ethnicity/race/genes supersede religion and culture, because a white muslim can have white children who can change the world for the better, but a christian nigger will always be a nigger and have nigger offspring. As it stands, white men are pussies who can't control their women and let them fuck negros. If Islam brings some courage and manhood back to white men that leads to less race-mixing, what's the problem?
Paganism died out, Christianity is dying out, eventually Islam (the youngest abrahamic religion) will die out too. What's important is to preserve the non-nigger and non-mongoloid gene pool.
why would you ever assume that i consider you a brother then go through the effort to dispel it?
is it because of the ottoman aid?
it was like feeding feral cats, a random charity for starving animals
>what is worse?
>dying from a heroin overdose
>dying from a cocaine overdose
Please shill better.
tranny/queer/gay shit is worse
Islam will just take us back to the middle ages, faggotry will eradicate us as a species.
Whatever even happened to those ISIS guys ? Dont hear much from them anymore...
nice pic
Without an invading army, traitors opening the gates wouldn't be much of a threat.
Without traitors opening the gates an invading army wouldn't be much of a threat.
I'm indifferent towards gays.
I'm not a fan of trannys, more for the degenerate bullshit like wanting to force people to wax their fem balls than the actual transition.
But, faggots and transformers aren't trying to cut my head of with the dull end of a butterknife, so I'm gonna have to say islam.
islam because its foreign, i dont want it or any kind of minority in my beautiful country.
faggots and feminists are an inconveniance but i can live with them
There is nothing worse than Islam. I would choose to be raped by all of the above, except the Islamist.