Justinian edict on kikes :

A) Let no jew lend money
B) Let no jew teach the young
C) Let no jew run the state

>it lasted for 900 years , 900 years of oppression, not one revolt in Byzantium, sounds like gorrekt advicc

to which D) is needed today
-let no jews write the press

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do we have to make 30 threads on the Justinian Harmony of Church and state until this picks up ? FFS mein neggers

FFS niggers

That stuff they do to their babies is just wrong in so many ways...

Gayreeks are essentially worse than jews anyway

>The Roman Empire collapsed because it let jews do as they please but the Byzantines held up for 900 more years because they didn't


>B) Let no jew teach the young

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how clever was that

IDK man (man ... I meant kike=donkey) Greeks did quite a few things right did they not ? Pretty much all of their material was right , and with Christs' help.

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this is really the right way to be thinking

we have no laws now
we have to make a sound code of laws backed by the best philosophy

and then we have to begin enforcing them and define our jurisdiction (civil war)


This is too much anti-semitism, I'll send an orthodox jew to gangstalk you soon.


and it ALL ended when those same Jews opened the gates of Constantinople to the Muslims just like they did in Toledo , Spain.

>it lasted for 900 years , 900 years of oppression, not one revolt in Byzantium, sounds like gorrekt advicc

And herein lies the lesson. It may work for a while but only a while. In their case it maybe lasted 900 years but (((they))) will lie, steal, murder and subvert until it all starts over again after a few generations have forgotten.

There is only one solution and one might call it a final solution.

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"Should they be tested for HIV before they perform ?"

> "no comment" . Gross

The whole practice of circumcision should be outlawed, it's violent and sexual child abuse! And they are doing it to the most vulnerable group, babies!!

the ending of that second vid
rage inducing

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indeed , i m ready to strangle a kike next time

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I was unable to watch the ending, it was too painful and insane that I just ended the video the moment it started...

Too late redneck. Much too late.

Try not using a meme flag.

Byzantium thread?

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I'd upvote this if you weren't a meme flaggot.

Actually Byzantium only fell because (((Latins))) basically destroyed them and allowed Muslims to ransack the Orthodox.

Orthodoxy doesn’t need a state to survive (even though it’s preferred) and we are the only unjewed true Christianity.

Reminder that Latins have been completely juadiazed. Reminder that Protestants we’re allowed to sit in on Vatican II and helped design the Novus Ordo. Reminder that latins have forced by Jews to remove all mention of blood-drained child saints because of “anti-semitism” whereas our patron saint of Orthodox children is St. Gabriel.

Become Orthodox.

I'm too precious to be public, fratluzilor

>Byzintine wisdom thread
this kind of shit

thank you for the accurate info but D&C is not the thread's topic you fucking kike

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Holy shit - baning mohel circumcision would chase the Jews out of Denmark! Could it really be that easy?
Nah, they wouldn’t go, they’d just birth their babies elsewhere and come back in.

900 years
I’d take it. You’d never achieve a genocide.

Become Orthodox

Greek or Russian?

>New< American

Catechumen of Orthodoxy, fine for me desu .
I'm not ready to throw everything away, my local culture is not Orthodox, even if I accept Orthodoxy .

This is a Jew.

Glad to hear you’re catechuman. I’m American as well and in the OCA. My Church is nearly all 100% convert, doesn’t feel Greek or Russian. Could always try to find one like that.

Circumcision should be banned in all Western countries, not only Denmark. Maybe even that won't be enough to stop the abuse, so we could block their trade and influence on the same basis.

Well you know how it goes, it's unamerican, but in the same time it's got the same hnnng, Idk how to explain this, it's as foreign on one hand as it kinda feels right on the other one. The greatest obstacle to Orthodoxy , is it did not penetrate early enough here, we had to wait for the 21st century to have it make American inroads into a kike infused, antichrist tinder yahoo google sleepwalker populace. God bless you brother.

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E) Don't let Jews live in your country
F) Don't let NGOs, sponsored with jewish money, tell you which policy is the best

Maybe that's why nothing happened in this case...

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>E) Don't let Jews live in your country
>F) Don't let NGOs, sponsored with jewish money, tell you which policy is the best
Truth printed on your internet terminal, there you go

It stalled out in Denmark and Iceland, and I haven't heard much about the FGM ban in Sweden these days. Maybe Norway could be the next one to raise the issue?

I'm starting to think it might be easier to just relocate the Jews. You know, to Madagascar or something.

huh? Such a thing existed? I was juts bthinking the other day about the JQ.

How they should be barred from all postions of power..I say
No Jew owned media, of any kind, unless a private publication. Like Watchtower.
No Jew judges, they can be lawyers, lets be honest. Same thing with accountants. They can be accountants but not own or run any banks. Just keep up with the numbers.
Doctors too, they can be doctors. NO teachers of any kind, unless at a private school...

That about cover it? Any thing else?

God bless you as well on your journey. The struggle towards salvation is greater than anything else, even stepping foot on a distant planet.

In America all media is private. At most a public private partnership. They have to be banned from ALL means of corrupting the youth.

Isnt it neat how there is such a powerful organization whoes sole purpose is to make sure no says or alows bad things to happen to a very VERY small group of people. One might think that racist.

Or the moon considering how loony they are.

>The struggle towards salvation is greater than anything else, even stepping foot on a distant planet.
unfortunately so, i have a reptile pet, and the amount of judgement it frettlessly exerts upon me is only 1/100.000 (one/
one hundred thousandth) the actual nigger of owning a nondescript (clever reptile)

>letting the jews take over the moon
Just put them in slingshot orbit and let nature take its course.

please dont ask me what my pet turtle is, it's a european terrapin

Not an anti-Semite. Basically love and would fight for Israel but....

Like, like, like, love, love, love 150%

A) Dont suffer a Jew to live.

they tried and failed ,a few months ago cause the (((extra booster))) never fired

in other words, ...... a standard jewish fuck-up

>Letting the Jews run a platform where rocks can be thrown to earth at will.
Someone clearly has never read the moon is a harsh mistress.

>Basically love and would fight for Israel but....
you belong somewhere else, not in Jow Forums you basic chloride /pool bitch/ shill

did I just answer myself shieeet my turtle is missing by now if I lost count of wait-states ITT

> my turtle ( it's a'tortoise') heh re-found it

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Not only do they cut up thw babys dick and put the bloody baby dick in their mouths to suck the blood pouring out, but they kill some of the babies by giving them herpes in the process.

Why does the world have to bend in order for kike insanity to decide?

I didn't say to let the Jews try flinging themselves off into the depths of space. But a good alternative might be tossing them into active volcanos. They like burnt offerings at the top of pyramids. It will help stop global warming.

>Not an anti-Semite
are you homosex ?

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>not one revolution in byzantium

ignores the Nika Riots

No such thing as Byzantines. Romans until the end

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No nigger-lovah I just don’t hate ALL Jews I mistrust them ALL and hate the ones that actively work to harm me and white Anglo Saxon supremacy which I admit is a lot. Now run along back to Patsy like a good boy

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I agree its vile and disgusting. But, herpes usually isnt fatal. Have babies died to the herpes infection? I know some have contracted it because of this degenerate shit.

>not one revolt in Byzantium

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Nit a jewish one at least

>Why does the world have to bend in order for kike insanity
Because it already has via Christianity.

▲ ▲


kikes can't triforce

Sorry dude. It's a lie.

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I was trying a copy pasta version. Seriously...09...never tried I know its an alt code, just never bothered. Teach me oldfag

tf does


>Because it already has via Christianity.
Based user. Christianity was designed as goy control, and it works damn well.

You'll notice that the Jews always operate by the same way. They can only tear down. They never promote a better solution. As Luciferians, their only objective is to destroy whatever is at hand.

> blood-drained child saints

what? say something to explain this

dunno bout your intentions but firs link is by kikel trying to ridicule the idea by his own presenc/appearance and such
second - predictable, nothing new

we gonna fuck off from denmark if unskillrd senile man can't fuck up infant jews -if that's what it takes then fuck off right away...vthx for the ending never watxhed in full
3rd is impeccable