Bike-sharing, bullet train, e-commerce, e-payment.
And whiteskins still think they are the best & China is trash, how laughable and pathetic.
Bike-sharing, bullet train, e-commerce, e-payment.
And whiteskins still think they are the best & China is trash, how laughable and pathetic.
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four means death in china, is this a threat?
>bike sharing
is that really a Chinese thing? it's been used in Belgium and the Netherlands for quite a while now, because we have such a strong cycling culture
this is shit
when everyone has all their money in their bank account, banks can charge negative interest rates and there's nothing you can do about it because cash money becomes useless, cf. Sweden
funny stuff coming from the worlds largest patent thieving worms
>1 billion people and they can only make 4 things
Aus has more than that and there's like 20 million people on this shit hole of an island.
Don't u have to go to shout at the mall to protest some shit?
I would laugh too since you 5 foot chinks can't make a decent product with a 10 year+ usable expectancy. Rather than make cheaply planned-obsolescent products. Why not make them better?
Oh wait, The USA Jew-owned companies don't want you to make things like those. They desire the almighty shekel. How does it feel being a byproduct of the Jews, ya bugman tool?
Why aren't you buggies going against the glorified leaders of your country to make it better? Why afraid and so fap-happy to the idealism of a monarchism?
Bike sharing has been around in the northeast US for years too
LOL how are any of those Chinese inventions. Topkek
Just China stealing shit and claiming it as their own invention. As China does.
Oh, advice from the shithole of a country, you are the example of what not to be.
China is rising, and it's inexorable, I can hear the crushing sound from across the pacific.
I absolutely melted when I saw this great display of humanity, and felt really good.
East vs West
White vs Yellow
Soiboi vs Bugboi
That existed in the low countries since the 60s.
>bullet train
Japan since the late 50s iirc.
Started in the 80s in England and France. E-bay and Amazon from the early 90s.
Credit cards have existed since the 50s too.
Ali baba didn't start until 2000 iirc, when did china "invent" the rest of this stuff?
>chinese invention
>modern times
No such thing.
Kek. All you chinks do is copy white ideas and make shitty, cheap versions of them.
Nothing new was invented there, you got other lists?
China is a paper tiger, bunch of insect population that can't fight and an artificially inflated economy that will completely implode.
>Bike-sharing, bullet train, e-commerce, e-payment.
not one of those things are invented by chinks
>the chinese invented the bullet train
>the chinese invented bike sharing
oh well i guess the chinese were the first to land men on the moon too then
Smog, plastic rice, social credit system and banning Winnie the Pooh
Did China finally invent a brake pedal? If so, I guess I won't be going onto /gif/ Rekt threads anytime soon.
They literally didn’t “invent” any of those.
Wow, how can wh*Toids even compete?