What have you done!?

First you were Russians, now you're tricking America by becoming Americans!? You won't get away with this. Even local papers are recognizing your evil and disinformation and memes. You're all going to jail

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Where are these threads? Haven't seen one

The headline is accurate but the article is bullshit. Huh.

This article is complete bullshit but I believe it.

What is this all about?

Maybe if the media didnt lie 247

Shit, America is trying to influence the American elections!

In 2016 I was a Russian bot, but now I'm a real American boy. AMA

Yeah, sure didn't turn out as planned. As it turned out, the candidates said so much amazingly retarded shit that all anybody ever had to do was quote them. Literally zero misinformation required.

This. Must. Not. Stand.



Where there any other states who were behind “fake news” in the past few elections? I here Russia but who else engaged in this. I can’t believe that Russia was the only one.

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how easy is it to get citizenship?

>B-b-but muh context!
>You doctored the video!

They must be stopped

Yes... I wonder (((who))) indeed

Quick, somebody impeach the President!

Easy. You just have to be born here.

- And thats a problem

I am German and I'm meddling in your elections. What are you gonna do, burg*rboy?

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Get our president to drag you into a war with Iran

kek we have less soldiers than under the treaty of Versailles, nothing like that will happen

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Merkel is well know for her ability to stand up for German interests...

But normies turn off if you say (((they))) did it. European nations or the CIA were not pushing crappy stats? I know it’s easy to push bulls hit when the mainstream guys do it anyway.

that's because every chancellor has to sign documents negating any sovereignity the Grundgesetz claims Germany has - which in turn only enables traitors to the German people

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Well, at least foreigners don't meddle in your affairs... They just decide them for you

not for any longer

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Its hilarious that they think the Russians were ever behind any of this shit to begin with.

come at me bro
i'll wait for you eating my baguettes dipped in your milky tears
point is the campaign for trump is worldwide

Are they starting to accept that its us not russia? wew

Jeweimerica is terrorizing half the world with its degeneracy, why shouldn't we have a say in the matter too?

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Shit, the Brits are trying to influence the American elections!

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