Get in here comrades
Commie general
Answering the previous thread:
According to profesor Cockshott automation is still insignifcant against the proportion of human labour still in udr ( it is cheaper for the capitalists) we shouldn't have to worry about that right now.
Revolutionary conditions though are very likely after the next stock market crisis expected around 2020 , this is what we need to planify for , out our comrades hard at work, join communist parties,, adapt the plans like cockshott produced for the UK if posibble for every individual country, US is hard to predict, at leftypol the consensus I think is that fascism will catch workers attention first in there, but where is the data to be so sure, remember comrades, it was though the russian revolución would never happened, we are daaling with stochatic (chaotic) processes here.
This, and this is from the Manufacturer of Communism!
The best thing about communism is how many communists it kills!
There's no room in your mom's basement....
But I did learn about Marxism OP. And I thought it was a great idea, in high school. And then i realized how obscene it was the more I looked into it.