I’m majority British isles when it comes to my ancestry. I am 100% European but my skin tone is this dark in the summer. How is this possible? I’m Welsh/Anglo and Norman French
I’m majority British with French blood
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I'm from Israel and Trump is worshiped here. We all hated Obama and our shows always mocked him as a dumb nigger/monkey/etc then Trump comes along. There are posters of Trump in cities, statues being erected, streets and towns are being named after him. All of our political candidates for parliament have to show off how close they are to Trump as a method of staying popular. He has a 92% approval among Israeli Jews, far higher than any other world leader (#2 is Putin with 65%)
Then I come to the US and find out everyone loves Obama but hates Trump. Bizarre....
Nice try, Pajeet.
Checks out
You live where there is sun your body is protecting itself.
Well there's your answer.
Angles are not white
Some Welsh people have dark skin. I thought Tom Jones was a mulatto when I was a kid.
Iberian Celt DNA.
There a few different Celt tribes that made up the Briton populations.
The Iberian DNA makes some welsh and Anglos tan a lot.
Seething anglo
Hello Pablo
Norman French == Mexicans.
You Normans are the ones in control of UK.
You Normans brought the Kikes in.
You Normans became the Kikes.
The Normans are behind it all!
holy crap you are more gonzo than average pajeet
Poo in the loo pajeet
Sorry forgot memeflag
gotta pick one, fag
Don't put the blame on us for all your problems. we gave you all our knowledge and made you stronger
>I’m Welsh/Anglo and Norman French
You can't be Norman French and Welsh let alone English.
Normans didn't displace the Anglo-saxons ethnicity -they were an elite class of 'royalty'. Also you've made this thread, get a grip boy.
No. You turned us all into cattle and chavs.
Tom Jones lies about his ancestry.
>I’m majority British isles when it comes to my ancestry. I am 100% European but my skin tone is this dark in the summer. How is this possible? I’m Welsh/Anglo and Norman French
Celtic. Some celts have black hair.
You mean algerian.
Mommy lied.
hardcore paki
Me too, I got spanish blood from my grandma but she's COMPLETELY aryan, polish blood from my great grandfather who's an aryan too and my mom's is a daughter of a french settler. And now i look like a fucking algerian shitskin in summer but except that im a fucking Q-tip in the winter
Yeah contrary to popular beliefs Brits as fucking hairy even more than southern europeans.
Yeah fuck off Jose, whiteness is a gene expression, go back to cutting hearts out on the temple steps to your sun god.
>I’m Welsh
A lot of the Welsh are swarthy. Its already been mentioned ITT and many times before on Jow Forums that it could be due to Iron Age migrations from Iberia. Not sure how much I buy that theory but there are a lot of swarthy Welshmen.
I have a Norman surname and I don't control shit, son.
You're probably African like me.
holy shit youre atlantean!
We Wuz Atlantis and sheet
Maybe the north aftican part is Berber.
Berbers are Africans! (And yes I'm a Berber).
im turkish, let tht sink in
Take a DNA test. It will tell you if you have Sub-Saharan DNA. And if not that, it will measure your WHG admixture.
Berbers are more african than the arabic conquerers no?
you're arabic
>statues being erected, streets and towns are being named after him.
>Then I come to the US and find out everyone loves Obama but hates Trump. Bizarre....
yes it's called kike influence
maybe you could out it online with some extra clout as an israeli jew
There's actually some pretty weird math that might put Atlantis in North Africa. There used to be a ton of water where the Sahara is now.
I tan very dark in the summer, my friends think I look mexican, and get mistaken for a mexican frequently. Maybe there's some med in there somewhere.
>British with French blood
La criatura de las islas británicas
>let that sink in
what the fuck does it want now?
i think its canon where i put it there by the iberian coast and Gibraltar Strait no?
you just won the internet
Berbers are 100% African, they always lived in North Africa. The word 'africa' comes from the Berber Goddes 'Afri' which is part of Berber mythology. Arabian conquers were very limited because the Ummayads got kicked out of North Africa after 40 years of them ruling. The descents of the Arabs are easy to know, they wear the J haplogroup while indigenous Berbers wear the E-m81 haplogroup.
You're berber... I have dark skin and your arms look exactly like my hairy legs. I bet you got some moor genes in you.
I've seen both parts several months ago, very interesting and I hope he really goes to Mauretania or at least sends a team of professionals to search that area for more proof.
i like history too user, im very into greece now after playing ac odyssey.
and 100% faggot