Anyone else just not really care about finding love and having kids anymore?

Anyone else just not really care about finding love and having kids anymore?

What’s the fucking point?

Even if there is a slim chance all this evil is reversed we were born to early to see it

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I'm from Israel and Trump is worshiped here. We all hated Obama and our shows always mocked him as a dumb nigger/monkey/etc then Trump comes along. There are posters of Trump in cities, statues being erected, streets and towns are being named after him. All of our political candidates for parliament have to show off how close they are to Trump as a method of staying popular. He has a 92% approval among Israeli Jews, far higher than any other world leader (#2 is Putin with 65%)

Then I come to the US and find out everyone loves Obama but hates Trump. Bizarre,,,,,

The point is to pass on your DNA, a life without a family is a pointless life as your DNA dies with you.

yeah man what's the point, just consume pornography until you die of old age and leave this world to your bullies and their progeny

already found and planning to have kids
western europe is a lost cause, so slavs need to breed to fill the void

Seriously she looks like a former class mate, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.

Get a fucking chick pregnant, it's your fucking duty.
Kids will figure their time out

Giving up is exactly what the jews want you to do. You have to endure clown world for now, nothing lasts forever the system WILL collapse in our lifetime.

Im just waiting to be reincarnated again in better times, you have to do your part to make it happen tho, even if its just calling out jews on a burmese whale hunting chatroom.
this life and everything around it is fucked

One of my sons are worth 500,000 browns, easily.

Why is that so?

there is no fucking point, it would be like painting the walls of your mold infested cockroach house.

you have to start clean first


Throughout history people have always given their all to create a better future for their children. It's precisely because you were born to early to see the things you want the world to be, that you should invest in a family. Someone to pass the torch to. Someone who will live in the world you helped create. There's beauty in that, there's nobility in that and most importantly there's meaning in that.

I've given up desu, I don't think there is any way bakc now short of a full on backlash and race war by white people and i don't know if that will happen

I can't seem to get anything with a career prospect while every company falls over themselevs to offer women and non-whites every promotion and the part of london i grew up in is now more than 80% non-british

Just don't give a fuck any more

Because nothing you've ever done or will ever do will last except your bloodline if you make children

Based. Me too man. Nice little tatar cutie.

its retarded to put kids into the world right now, they will witness and likely be killed in the coming civil war
invest in weapons and pump out kids when its over

Problem is this country is so kiked that at any point your child can be taken from your life and you will be forced to pay child support while watching your ex be a roastie.
Men need to start making women sign prenuptial agreements to have rights to thier children and to not have to be financially responsible for females decisions only thier children. If women can't afford thier child they should be with the father.
Not extort the father at gunpoint to enforce the global Juden Bolshevist agendas

what a retard, in a few generations your descendants literally have next to no genetic connection to you.

Why is lasting important?

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she's fucking beautiful. I miss fit American women

I asked a girl out today. She said yes.

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Nice job breh

No see in america we still have options. You guys lost the war a looong time ago. We still have a shot at fixing our country.

I'm happy for you, my fren

Absolutely not. There's no telling when or even if a civil war is going to happen. You think you'll be able to marry a woman in her prime when you're 60? And what if it doesn't happen in your lifetime? Who's going to fight in it? The kids you didn't have?

Why not just kill yourself if you don't have the drive to somehow manifest your existence?

>going childless into the void and being a brief fart in history
>not wanting to have children and hope that your descendants eventually become warlords
It's not easy, and theres no certainty, but there never was except for a brief period in the 50's, your ancestors survived wars, famine and plagues and you're going to let a bunch of Jewish bankers and hack journalists end your bloodline? What a cuck.

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>in a few generations
Outside of my competence and responsibility, not to mention that factually incorrect as well

Still. who cares? The planet needs a war anyway. This isn't the 20th century you boomer faggot

>everyone loves Obama
I hate cities, and I hate that it's all that foreigners see if our nation.

Then kill yourself? The world doesn't need you, does it?

>europoors are THIS mentally castrated and spiritually emasculated

I no longer feel pity for you

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cheers frens

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That picture literally looks like the neighborhood I grew up in. Except girls rarely showed cleavage.

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>this one depressed paki making 10 threads per day about how he has never had sex

Because... uh... idk, just have babies you incel.


> i don't know if that will happen
Don't worry user, the tranny boys will save us.

pretty gay picture you got there

>Anyone else just not really care about finding love and having kids anymore?

Only a sadist would have a white child now.

Women are shit.

she looks slutty.

Nooooiiicceee fren

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>"I'm from Israel"
Checks out

Happy Hanukkah my friend.

Already found my soulmate, married her and have 3 beautiful white children with a 4th on the way.
Next step is to sell out medium size house in the suburbs and buy something big with a lot of land in the mountains.

Please don't shitpost or whatever the equivalent is while talking. I want you to fuck that girl, user

>mfw I'm such a loser that I am happy when some user gets pussy because there is no way for me to do the same

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>What’s the fucking point
Unlocking the true potential of the brain to become the übermensch.
Living to reproduce Is animalistic, no better than a monkey. wake up, user.
It is time to evolve.

>muh passing on DNA

Kill yourself

If that’s all you accomplish in life you’ve done nothing

Passing along DNA as an accomplishment is for cucks who can’t actually accomplish anything of meaning with their own life

uh huh, right.

Cucked and sillypilled. Kids are great. Educate them correctly. Make them independent critical thinkers. They will pick up the mantle and carry on. In the afterlife you will look down proudly as posterity slaughters commie jews.

80% of personality is genetic. Guess we won’t be seeing you around user.

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MGTOW is the ultimate and final redpill, there’s nothing more cucked than raising some ungrateful shit children with some degenerate whore in 2019.

Sterile soi cope

>If that’s all you accomplish in life you’ve done nothing
Theres the tiniest chance you will be remembered for any acoomplishments, a biological legacy means you will live forever.

James is my personal hero.

>you will live forever

I don’t experience what my child experiences, so this makes no sense

My actions I take during my life have consequences that echo into the future

Obligatory have sex. With a female. When u have achieved enlightenment you will be looking at white women and thinking of breeding. Just popping out hordes of white children.

>Everything is my current physical conciousness and the mindless consumption i undertake in the present

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Thanks maximus. He means ur lineage carries on and maybe they even remember you kindly. And if ur good and have white civilized humans them you can also get into white heaven and live forever.

Reproduction is our biological imperative, sweaty.
Raising your children and teaching them vital life skills is an experience that nothing else on earth can provide.

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Most women nowadays are either still on the BBC cock carousel, are single moms of 2+ kids, or are "PROUD WHAMEN" feminists whales.

I know what he means dipshit, it makes no sense

Raising a child has no more impact on the future than any other action I choose to do today

>muh biology

You sound like a muhdik faggot

Go back to /b/

this but unironically

>Even if there is a slim chance all this evil is reversed we were born to early to see it

You shouldn't be so sure of that

Learn to read, maybe then you’ll get into Oxbridge one day


>everyone loves Obama
Nah, they're just deathly afraid of being called racist if they don't praise him.

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stop going after 20yo skanks who fucked the whole high school

Lazytown had alot of it secretly a show funded by epstein?

>buy something big in the mountains
>the suburbs

nigga your whole country is fucking mountains

I got a virgin 16 yo girl when i was 25. We are still together 4 years later and planning our wedding.

Marrying someone with no life experience

Enjoy an unfulfilling existence

>Reddit spacing
you need to go back

I did read, and you're just dumb. Reality doesn't revolve around you and your ego in this moment.

>creating life experiences together

But ur wrong. It does. Imagine if Hitler's parents had been such defeatists.

This. Fuck off shills and have white babies

Why would they have posters of Hitler?

Trump is the reincarnation of king Cyrus.

That’s not what I’m arguing

Then would you kindly state your position a little clearer? I'm not the only one misunderstanding you it seems.

Spook. 50% of your child's genes come from whatever whore you marry.

>Passing along DNA as an accomplishment is for cucks who can’t actually accomplish anything of meaning with their own life
So basically all niggers?

no u

Your DNA means absolutely nothing in the bigger picture.

>dad died when she was young
>got ovarian cancer
>hooked on pain pills after surgery
>graduated to heroin
>then meth
>currently 1 year into recovery
she's beautiful, though. brilliant, too. we connect in the most amazing way. i feel like i found a diamond in the rough. it wasn't her fault that all that happened while society simultaneously failed around her. we've failed our women in the west. i'm going to save this one.

I'll only be procreating if I get rich somehow (incredibly unlikely to happen). I don't wanna create children in a cucked nation where they are at the mercy of shitskins and jews.

Every male in your lineage since adam has reproduced user. What the fuck is wrong with you and why are you shitting on their legacy?

I feel exactly the same op.
i used to beleive in true love like my grandparents (they grew up in the same street post WW2, went to the same church, grew up together, fell in loved, had a family and was together before old age and illness took them).
the last time i saw my grandma alive, she asked me if i had anyone special in my life (level 31 wizard) and told her no and that i'll never get married or have kids.
she looked me straight in the eyes and said "i don't blame you" and that girls nowadays were whorey and unfit to be mothers.
and my grandma was a old school feminist.

i'll never forget that day....never.

I'm on the edge desu. Constantly losing hope but not wanting to disappoint my dad.

>one vector in the field cant effect the outcome of the system
May as well kill yourself now user

Stop being so fucking illogical with your love MUSHIT...

The girls you've been trained by Hollywood to want are NOT the same girls who want to have a nice family. Those women see "having a family" and "settling down" as giving up and they will always see it so. Fine, great for them, back for fucking you.

Think logically about it brother. Love will grow in any decent marriage, but starting a marriage off simply based on the emotion of a rat will end with the marriage in the same way. Be like an eagle my friend, like a fucking lifetime partner eagle. Smart, logical, love growing.

Inspire with character, fuck superficialities.

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You realize of course that this is exactly what (((they))) want you to feel


>not creating life experiences with a grill in her formative years


Keep shilling Jew

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