Jow Forums's opinion on ''chemtrails''

Bullshit or not?

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BS in my opinion, like flat earth. These are theories made by the kikes to make us sound dumb.

Exactly. Chemtrails are a psyop to discredit real conspiracies.

Chemtrails are real but they cause people to think they are not real.

Third and move to close.

It's bad, baltbro

Attached: chemtrail pentagrams.jpg (720x653, 29K)

Well cloud seeding is a thing, I mean I guess maybe they would test things on a small town in that manner, just as a human experiment

i hope youre a shill and not actually this stupid

of course its real

its called geoengineering aka solar radiation management

Wow thread full of shills so fast. Chemtrails are sprayed by the grays that use tech that allows there planes to dip in and out of this dimension and spray when and where it is needed. The grays are trying to save the planet while the reptillians are trying to suck us dry while they still have a bit of power left.

just reference dane wigington

Given I live in an area where they rarely if ever occur, I may have seen one I. My entire life, I know they’re a weather phenomenon and total bullshit.

Haven’t seen a chem trail in days

Climate modification is possible, if it used without is knowing, i don't know, i doubt it.

Kyrgy why are you on every thread

Nice bait schizo

I'm bored. Why would I stick to just one thread at a time? Who does that?

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Fake and gay.

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Geoengineering is real. Stratospheric aerosol dimming is real. Combined with very high galactic cosmic rays we are seeing nucleation of clouds from the exhaust and from chemicals.

Literally a genocidal agenda. But you won't see. Because that redpill can only be delivered anally.

Bullshit perpetuated by retards

Ba(rium)Al(uminium oxide)

alternatively, youtube that one case where a whole town got covered in goo and people got sick including cops. although that was a US military experiment, not chemtrails.

also if you deny cloud seeding via silver iodide you are ignorant to reality.

furthermore, they used weather modification on vietnam
shit, I could go on all day.

clouds above london are terrifying sometimes, they don't even look like clouds


not faggots

ummm. That's a bit more specific than I think anyone can say for sure.

Ask yourself this: Do chemtrails affect the rich and powerful? If yes, it's most likely not true.

Tell me what you think they are and I'll give you my opinion.
A relative told me that planes are releasing nanoparticles of something that when breathed in, slowly build mind control receiving antennas in the brain.
I think that's bullshit.

since that was vague, and I now recall more information
the substance contained HUMAN DNA

I think you should read the Spin.
unfortunately it wouldn't be all that far fetched
I mean who'd have the time to catch the ayys if they did want to do that. Maybe it comes with intelligence perks so ppl just let it happen anyway. Maybe if we act like mechanical beings instead of humans no one gives a shit about us and lets it happen so we get out the way of the next intelligent species.
I'm going with the last one and I do think it plausible

Real, they used to call it military chad but theres released documents proving geo engineering since the 30's

Chaff, not chad