Bad Góy

Why are Mexibros so antisemitic?

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Also, that's so sad. Can we get that up to 100%?

>Believing jews have too much power


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I just can't imagine why anybody wouldn't just love Jewish infiltration.

Esos son nĂºmeros de novatos, tenemos que aumentarlos.


Don't forget. ADL was formed in the name of a bi-sexual pedophile that raped and murdered a kid and was rightfully necked for it.

ADL must be stopped.

Attached: DisgustingADLorigin.png (1052x1067, 770K)

The Mexicans are waking up!

Soon, these savages can learn the benefits of circumcision, of which there are many.

Maybe because of criminal undercover agents, they might be somewhat aware of what's going on.

Wasn't it the nigger janitor who committed the crime there and the cops screwed up the investigation?

Plot twist: we always knew about the JQ
Such as?

Ayyy, Carumba!

Like be able to get away with the worst kind of child abuse imaginable...

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Now you won't have a 95% mortality rate from dick cancer, and you'll stop masturbating. It also cures obesity.

They do excuse child abuse on other occasions too...

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Although that case is also a murder case also.

Illegal beaners living in the U.S. voted for Trump, who fucking knows why they do what they do?

It was not. The bi-queer pedo Jew did it and tried to blame the nigger janitor for it, but it didn't fly.

Because they sit on 4 chins all day looking for pictures of white women and they become anti-Semitic through osmosis

Nazis have always been diverse. This is nothing new.

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They blame a lot of their crimes on Africans and mulattos

Fuck off, im already circumcized, my parents fell to the medical jew. Saved my nephew to be circumcized by redpilling my sister.