step outside. look to your left, look to your right. no whites in sight
Where have all the white people gone?
Ok i saw whites. now what?
They're at work.
the companies need the workers
You're right, I see no whites.
Literally why I moved out of southern California, where I was born and raised. The majority of my family is still there hoping it gets better. I know it won't. My wife, kids and I now live in rural Ohio and I couldn't be happier.
Tennessee here, it's getting bad mates.
>My wife, kids and I now live in rural Ohio and I couldn't be happier.
Why would you move to such a flat, featureless shit hole as Ohio?
There's nothing but farms and cows. Ugly.
A country culture.
its called move out of the city
hes speaking to americans, retard
Those are white in muttland kek.
Someone gotta grow your food
Then he should have been more specific, retard
In Toronto. Can confirm.
But it was always like this.
>There's nothing but farms and cows. Ugly.
>Gotta be around all those metrosexuals, faggots, shitskins, and jews if you want to be respected in this world
>absolutely seething
Why would I move here? The glaciated planes of Ohio offer a lot more to the white man than the craggled, beaner infested desert of California. I work in tech and it's booming out here where we don't hire H13B shitskins and the cost of living is INSANELY low. Working with fellow white people on complex technology projects is something I never knew I could experience. Coming from the bay area, it's the most welcome change I've ever had in my life. The white flight from Silicon Valley is real. None of those "big" companies are in a innovation cycle currently; only maintenance. So, you don't need the white man to innovate and drive market disruptions and provide you with the intellectual property to do so. You just have to maintain the work already done by us. That's all that's happening today. If you want to do really innovative stuff, you need to leave. So I did, for good money too. That bubble is going to burst and it's going to be hilarious to watch from here.
t. someone who's made medical imaging tech used to save your life or the life of someone you know... but ya'know... country culture, right? YEEEEHAWWWW
fuck off faggot.
>t. Chicago-Dweller
yeah, poop in the toilet hole not on top of the toilet
like that?
>complex technology projects
your civilizations entire concept is existence is in for a reality check, sheep.
>step outside. look to your left, look to your right. no whites in sight
Thanks pal, saw a blonde with a big fat jiggly booty.
You do realize the self-hating liberal whites are going to follow you eventually....and they'll bring their illegal alien pets along with them.
Move to Eastern Europe.
Otherwise in 20 years, you'll be too old to move and your so called "nice town" will be just another 3rd world shit hole like the rest of America.
Dumbass. You can't see the forest through the trees. Unless Trump sends in the Marines to round up and deport every last one of the 50,000,000 illegal aliens and their offspring that infest America....this country is going to turn into a 3rd world shit hole whether you like it or not.
It will be the very first peaceful genocide of a group of people (the whites) in the entire history of the world.
What's going to happen when you're 60 and old and tired....and your grand children are dating the offspring of the illegal aliens? The lying mass media will promote all sorts of degeneracy and your children will eat it up hook/line/sinker.
Enjoy your flyover midwestern shit hole state while the smart people are living in literal paradise in Eastern Europe.
Where does tech innovation happen now? In the US then?
Can confirm. I work in the west side of Chicago. No whites in sight unless when near the hospitals and college. Even then it's extremely minimal.
Do white areas (over 80%) exist in the US? How hard are they to find?
>wake up
>every single one around me is white
Thank god i live in Europe.
Theres nowhere left to hide. Start having more kids and buying land
What shithole do you live in OP?
Yes -- depends on your location and price range. Northern Virginia here. It is ridiculously white if you have the right income. Like 95%+
Hollywood and other rich people areas
maxicuntt gfeeggoootteee pee pee poo poo
Feels good to live in Boise. Nothing but white everywhere I look
Incredible how those ((( ))) are always trying to erase white people and our nations, re-write history, support mass immigration and lie, it's all they do
A black girl with a wig is not a "blonde"
Utah here, feels good man