Lazy to cook home

>lazy to cook home
>eats pic


>da joos make me fat

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It literally takes 30 minutes to make pasta bolognese.

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No no
I am forced to eat this garbage and play shitty videogames because of those big bad companies just won't give me my tendies!

t. fat gaming "journalist"

i hate cookies but nice burger tendies :)

At least use a memeflag so I don't have to be constantly reminded that it's the same seething incel posting these threads constantly


that peasant tier shit destroys your metabolism

Attached: carbs.jpg (343x147, 11K)

I eat rice, potatoes and canned beans.
Maybe some ground beef with the rice.
Nice try, dont you have some smack to score?

>50% carbs
>less carbs


there must be at most 10% carbs in a diet

>peasant chinks suddenly have money
>eat large amounts of fast food because that's what rich americans do
>become fat
really needed a study for that.

If I cook my home, where will I live?

Anyone who blames anyone or anything other than themselves and their caloric intake for being fat is full of shit.

I eat rice and lentils daily that shit looks so much better then my crap

I didn't make the study, but it needs to be said, look at what OP is posting in this thread against carbs.

cook food

yes you're right. eating a single bowl of rice a day will reduce BMI. starving is healthy.

I'm on a vegan diet I eat rice, potatoes, pasta with fruits and vegetables daily. Meat tastes good but isn't good for you just like processed sugar like in sodas.

I eat pic and don't get fat

>on a vegan diet

so your are mentally ill

source or die, shill

>eating a single bowl of rice a day

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given your retarded carnist posts in this thread I wouldn't call anyone mentally ill in your place.

yes, that's what peasant chinks ate. so your graph is pointless. oh wait you're retarded

sorry, just took this from an user who posted it on a previous thread.

The distinguished white man should not be eating any form of processed grain

you haven't even seen my final form

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wow carnists really are retarded.

Nobody ate a bowl of rice a day nigger. In china they eat 3 times a day 90% of their diet being rice in rural areas.

They're also not fat like you aussies who have problems all over because of your meat filled diet.

>be peasant
>barely afford enough rice to survive
>dont eat anything else except whatever roots i find

>get money
>still like rice
>buy shitloads of it
>eat shitloads of other stuff as well

That's not true and certainly the graph doesn't show that. If you could read it shows their carb intake went down through recent years and so did their obesity. And nobody is too poor to eat rice 3 times a day.



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their obesity went up*

The Macfish is the best you cabbage sucking peasant

I travel for work and when I am not working I travel for pleasure, so I don't actually live anywhere and never have a kitchen. My diet is complete shit and has been for decades since I eat out for literally every meal. Got sick of gaining wait around five years ago and completely cut out soda and beer from my diet. Lost most of my excess fat just by cutting that shit out.


know whats even more peasant tier and destroys your metabolism even better?
the holodomor

you didn't lose weight because you cut soda and beer you changed something else

>Retarded aquafresh shows up

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Yesterday I ate/drank 1 cup of coffee and water until 3pm then had a shot of whiskey and 4 tall boy pbr's then I went to wendys and got 3 crispy chicken BLT's

>cook gourmet meals all day
>taste food all day and pick up fast food on the way home, that's usually it as far as food goes 90% of my days
>almost no food in the house whatsoever
>just need to lift weights a little bit since work is fairly constant light exercise

you're fucking braindead and uneducated, wouldn't expect anything more from a vegan goy slave.

I guess shitty 30 minute sauce tastes good to a cuck finn. Good sauce needs minimum 1 hour.

>And nobody is too poor to eat rice 3 times a day.
this is the mindset of your average upper middle class vegan whose brain has been coddled every day of their life.

Thats Luxemburg you pleb

nice point by point rebuttal, retard.

More like carnist goy slave amirite. The Jews themselves are going vegan, having the biggest vegan community in the world. So much for that, big boy.

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The best part is you feel like you have a 12-pack hangover for eight hours after consuming it, able to do little more than watch the ZOGbox

Prove to me people are too poor to eat as a general population level of any country.

close enough.

based and redpilled

My diet didn't change at all. Didn't start exercising. The only major changes I made were cutting out beer and soda. Used to drink around 10-20 beers per night and about 4-6 litres of soda per day, my consumption of both was ridiculous. My diet has been getting progressively healthier, have transitioned to an almost exclusively pescetarian diet, but I started losing the weight long before this transition even started.

20 beer per night? holy shit how big were you?

I peaked at 380 lbs. Am 6'5. Currently at 240. I could lose another 20-30 lbs, but am a lot healthier than I was.

that's the wifes job

>cutting out beer and soda

that's all have very high glycemic index
no wonder cutting that shit helped you

This food doesn't make you fat retard. Youre fat because you're a stupid gluttonous piece of shit.

>wife cooks
>husband dies

You're just mad we have edible food.

Go eat some fucking mud cookies skinny mcgee.


perhaps not today (at least in china), but you clearly have no idea how poor chinese people were. if anything rice was a luxury. yams and tree roots were more common.

Go eat a mud cookie.

Typical northern european who knows nothing about (southern) food. Bolognese is supposed to simmer for hours.
Anyone can make a dish that will last for days (stews, casseroles, bistro dishes, etc.)

>calls me fat
>after i said i hate fat people.
Read a book while you eat your mud cookie.

grats on the weight loss. And unless you workout you probably could lose a lot more than 30 lbs. The trim weight for someone 6'5

Attached: bmi-chart-underweight-to-overweight.png (700x417, 83K)

I ate McDonald's everyday for three years and never once got fat. I had my one free meal from there and then ate nothing else. It saved me a lot of money. The problem is these people eat so much in a day every day. It doesnt matter what you eat if you pig out and consume thousands of calories a day everyday. People have a problem putting the fork down. They eat out of boredom.

You’ll get fat on anything if you don’t exercise

I hope i do die first.. i don't want to do the shit work around the house that she does. I've got better shit to do than wash dishes and laundry

>we have edible food
>edible food

I have just finished turkey liver with turkey heart and mushrooms + cottage cheese and tomatos

>too lazy to make a good thread
>makes this

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Literally peasant tier

>wash dishes and laundry

that's wife's job

Rice wasn't ever a luxury in china you dolt, quit making shit up you dumb anglo saxon. I understand memes are important for your race but there's no need to make shit up out of whole cloth. Rice has always been what the chinese eat and you only need about a cup per grown man per meal so eating 3 cups a day is nothing in terms of food costs. It takes seconds to gather that from the paddy rice field.

You cant even afford a whole fucking turkey. Lol. No wonder youre so mad. Lol

kulak tier

It takes 20 minutes to boil pasta, fry up some hot dogs at the same time, add raw or sauteed onion to the mix, and you have dinner for 3. I havent had a fast food grade f burger in years and do t plan to. Shits borderline diabetes on a bun.

Just had green borsch with rye bread. Uma delicia. And my breakfast is always a porridge: linen, oats, etc. Fish or meat in the evening. Cooking myself. I rarely eat fast food but when I do it's gyros.

I haven't eaten anything in two days. Chill out on the livers and hearts Russian pig.

organ meat is the best meat

China eats rice because they can't grow potatoes

What a fuckin pussy. Typical spineless leaf.


Jesus christ

Zdenek, your food is really nice but diary and vegetables suck. They are tasteless.
Goulash and svičkova with knedliks are best.

What a fucking projecting homosexual faggot, typical carnist leaf

>eating 3 cups a day
eating three times a day is a westernised form of eating that they adopted recently you uneducated nigger. i'm done entertaining you. have fun starving your entire body of nutrition.

meme world: China can't grow potatoes.

Real world: China is the world's largest producer of potatoes

How is this thread still up?

Fucking mods. I notice you took the fag sex thread down just when it was getting fappable. I guess food porn for fatties is still political, right?

Our mutt diet secret: the #9 combo with large carbonated cola battery acid drink. And lots of exercise.

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oats are based

Sometimes I can stuff myself with three meals but usually it's two meals a day.

if they ate less times they ate more so it all comes out the same you retarded nigger. Have fun being fat and sickness prone starving your entire body of proper healthy foods.

>lazy to cook home
can cook all that at home

It’s not the proportion that matters, it’s the overall amount.

I'm actually eating nothing these days cause everything is apparently harmful.

I bet you're fun at parties

based, carbs cause cancer.

>be me
>eat fast food 3-5 times a week
>exercise and stay physically active
>not fat

read some history.

>Have fun being fat
I haven't gone below or above 12% bf in 10 years. good luck with your schizophrenia, you taking b12 shots yet or you a noobie?

there it is... the first salt. wondered how long it would take.

I'm sorry, you saying china can't grow potatoes was hilarious. I should have laughed uproariously.

Eating certain fast food like hamburgers or fried chicken doesn't make you fat at all. It's protein.
Also Calories in, calories out.