What is going on with the Epstein case?

The media seems to be sweeping this under the rug. Why is that?

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Clintons tried to "suicide" him. Media is won't look into it, tries to tie him to Trump instead.

Because it's like money in the bank, the ones involved in this are too big to fail.

Jews want to save Zognald's ass, they told the kike medias to shut up

>stop talking about the fact everyone associated to clinton gets 2 shots to the back of the head
>but hey Trump totally got someone to "suicide" him
>stop talking about the clinton "conspiracy"
>trump did it

nothing. memory hole. too many people in positions of power potentially touched, so it goes away

>epstein is real
show me a single video of him in the past year. i'll wait.

Jeffrey Epstein (who is likely a Mossad agent) appears to have been using his child slave army to blackmail political and financial elites. Case is going quiet because it appears people really want him dead but his house in NY which was raided by police had a lot of damning evidence finds that point to Epsteins friends being pedos as well.

2 ways this could go out from here is either 1. Epstein gets Clintoned and the CIA makes the whole case disappear or 2. Epstein papers get released and a whole fuckton of white house officials see jail time for child trafficking (which already may have started a bit with Acosta) and prostitution charges. obviously were hoping for 2.

Mossad is protecting their honey pot and want to make sure no other honey pots get exposed.

That's why pol has been seeing those two Israel asshats posting shit on here, to distract.

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Probably just an infestation of rats.
No, really.

Nothing will happen. Like always a dog and pony show. Why would trump hurt his pal and neighbour who he partied with countless times?

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Are you even paying attention? The media are kid diddlers themselves. Did you really think Anderson (((do me in the pooper))) Cooper was going to come on the TV and talk about the awesome Epstein Island?

When is the JIDF not posting? Really? The tendies they give them must have meth inside.

Literally the only people who care about the Jeffrey Epstein case are anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist losers and schizo religious fanatics.

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lesbians are a bigger threat. they engage the youth at the slumber party level before the sexes intermingle. turning babysitters into sexual predators when the homosexual sleepover among girls spills into the family affairs of the boys room as the older girls perpetuate a sexual cycle of abuse aimed at the innocent. why is fifa so corrupt?

>looking back at the camera..
her face says
>my hole is hotter, wetter, and stinkier than this one. come fuck me.

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Ok I'll bite LOLOLOLOL Ghislaine Maxwell is Epstein's Mossad handler and the JEWS run the media sooooo no one is going to call it like it is. Epstein is MOSSAD just like Ghislain Maxwell's late father Robert Maxwell and his pedo ring is an international BLACKMAIL ring which ALL of the evidence is now in TRUMPS hands

Epsteins Lolita Express tail number shared with US GOVT jet lmao hes playing both sides the CIA gave him 1 get out of jail free card but the JOOZ gotta silence him be4 he squaks.

chill the fuck out kumar

The Epstein case is blown way out of proportion. I used to truely believe he was involved in some deep state sexual blackmail conspiracy but the more this drags on and the more he appears in the news I'm starting to think he was just a rich dude who knew powerful people who assumed he could recruit high school aged thots out of a mall and get away with it. If this guy had even 5% of the supposed blackmail it would have never gone to trial, it would have never been in the news, intelligence would have shut down the miami heralds investigation as well as the police investigation within days. You seen what happens when true monsters like Larry King or Seville are exposed, the accusors are literally put in prison for defamation or false testimony, planes carrying evidence are shot out of the air. If Epstein had the ability to destroy the reputation of former and past presidents, royalty, and billionaires, this story wouldn't of had 5 seconds of airtime on any news station.

Lot of important people are trying to keep silent and hope it blows over. (((Who))) controls the media? Important people.

Anyone know if his wife was arrested to? She seems to be a procurer, possibly Mossad herself.

You know (((why)))

Interesting theory- so he tried emulating what he saw, only he half assed it (let the girls live after they aged out instead of killing them bc he isnt a total monster) and bc they started speaking up, he got busted. Had he just stuck to kidnapping girls and keeping them imprisoned like the Saudi sex rings, he'd be neck deep in 15yo snatch this very moment.

And Epstein hedged his bets, and got blackmail on both sides of the aisles, as well in the (((Media)))as well. Notice FOX isn’t exactly busting Epstein stories wide open.