Apologize right now, goyim

This is NOT ok.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Really? I'm OK with it.


link, faggot

>jews 'outing' themselves to make themselves 'targets'

Is this kike speak for 'let's all kvetch in unison?'

>Jews are so special they can't be put on lists now, like they do to the Goyim

only posting it so you can tell her you’re sorry

asking Jewish people to not "self-identify" when it suits their purpose is like expecting a vegan to not announce the fact they are at every meal

>le moral high-ground
>le 6 gorillion
>le anyone I don't like is literally Hitler

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Their only defense is to lie and conceal their intentions for as long as possible. Speaking the truth to jews is like flicking on the light in a room infested with cockroaches.

Checkmate, Nazis!

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You mean like the list over the percentage of white population in the US over the course of a few decades was posted on the wall of the SPLC?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right Ishmael?

Ariel, you are not archived for being jewish. you are archived for participating in conspiracy targeted at demonizing and replacing white people from their home countries. its defined as crime against humanity by United Nations and you'll have to be prosecuted for that soon

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i found it, and commented. we should describe the hideous crimes of the jew, followed by
>I am jewish

Is it possible to virtue signal any fucking harder?

lol as if we can't tell by your tweets


Attached: dr-joseph-goebbels-about-the-jew.jpg (376x395, 30K)

oh fuck my hard drive is becoming overheated from all the IM JEWISH tweets!

>not storing your jewish database on your ram
Fucking brainlet.

we belive you Phil. every atheist is either jew or sucks jewish cocks

Not hard to deduce their judaism, usually supporting communism/progressivism followed by the as a white person etc. Jews follow a specific pattern and once you start to notice it, it becomes impossible to not see it.

>millions of names in a text file dump could 'overload the database'

>Virtue signaling white liberals will now start an I am Spartacus type chant.l which will progress into “we are all Jewish.”
I give it two weeks before Jews get mad and tell them to knock it off because it takes away their specialness.

So it's the fault of the whites and never the fault of the jews and their actions?

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I'm Jewish, and I think this is fine.

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god can she be at the tippity top of "the list"?

>If we merely pretend to be Jews who hate white people the goyim wont notice that we're Jews who hate white people

I browsed her twitter a while back. Such an obnoxious kike.


I'll just make a phrase of anyone that uses this or "yikes" instead, it'll end up having a lot of overlap with the Jewish list anyway.

they hope to reduce responsibility of people admitting they are jewish
>he said it just to troll alt-right, he is not really jewish, there is no conspiracy
and now most of people will screw that and those who will look deeper and find that he is actually ethnicaly jewish they'll start saying
>but he is not practicing
>he doesnt identify as one
>many people have some jewish blood, even you probably have some
never ending psy-op with those people

You know who likes making lists? Commies.

Fuck you Phil, you just crashed my notepad.exe.

white supremacists are looking for 6 gorillion jews on twitter in order to make a blacklist and plan unspeakable things?

Here is an example of the hateful, bigoted messages she’s received from you guys. It’s not like she’s faking it!

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their surnames are enough

I'm jewish

That honestly reads like something my mom would say. Weird.

We only target when you start saying shit like "fellow white people" or bashing white people to go against their own. Otherwise we could give a shit.

There are unironically a good number of Gen X'ers on this board right now.

Jews can't go 5 minutes without alerting everyone around them theyre jewish.

They don't have to identify as "jewish"...we know they will identitfy as white, and THAT will be their giveaway

So it is hateful using a persons words against them?
Hey when police arrest you and follow the JEWgistal system and say "anything you say can and will be used against you", does this mean Jews are hateful too for implimenting that?

There will be room for sympathizers as well. No need to rush.

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They're just trying to avoid being caught in screenshots where they simultaneously claim to be white, when they're deprecating white people, but also claim to be proud Jews (for example, "I'm not white, I'm Jewish!",) in other tweets. She's literally trying to signal to them to stop, to avoid people calling out hypocrisy.

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My text editor can't handle it!!!!!
Curse those clever Jews

It's called super senses.
After a while you can identify suspected Jews by sight and confirm it as soon as they open their mouth.

This actually might be their most clever ploy yet, as far as psy ops go. If they get enough christcucks to do it, or hell, even just the fact that it's entered public view, it means that from now on when named, they can just say
>"well, I'm a g-d loving, Christian, goy! And I only said that to show solidarity to g-d's chosen people! Oy very, this would be annuda shoah if I were jewish!"

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Have you seen the sheer number of boomer and gen xer Q posters on Twitter?

The great awakening might actually be here. I've seen so much organic call outs of kikes lately. It's glorious.

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prepare a special gas chamber for this kind of filth

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Atheism is a Jewish invention

That poster is not strong in Christ. Pulling the Heil Hitler crap just puts some credence in her posts to others. You have to be a special retard to help them like that.

It's basically the same thing. Atheists essentially give rise to the same social trends and thought forms that practicing jews do. One is just a shadow cast by the other.

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It's also possible the person messaging them didn't say it. It's easy enough to right click, hit "view source" and edit the text. Throw in an extra antisemitic seig heil in there to generate more kvetching.

I’m sure this kike will post proofs of this archive’s existence. This couldn’t possibly be a fabricated bogeyman used to demonize white people and anyone to the right of Nancy Pelosi, could it?

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What, “we at Jow Forums” doesn’t sound authentic to you, goy?

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Honestly I never really used twatter / still dont. So im not privy to what trends on it etc =[

Archive you say?
Slam dunk that 6 pointed basketball straight into the toilet.

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It's a case of: Hello Rabi, what are you doing?

Kek, true.

stop calling yourselves jews because you're not
sheep, you are goat. if you want to continue calling
yourselves jews, don't be butthurt when God sends
wolves and doesn't protect you goats.

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Kek. This.

Oy vey the database contains 80,000 names of our tribe?!

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It's crazy how true this is even 80 years later