Why do swedes love muslims so much? Is it in their DNA?

Why do swedes love muslims so much? Is it in their DNA?

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We don't. We have an establishment that loves being the good guy, and have never met immigrants, as they live in expensive areas and take harmless comedians on SVT as representative of all immigrants.

Also, no swede would call eastern sweden mongolian, or they would have to call everything north of uppsala mongolian.

Attached: s5eVXSo.png (600x840, 334K)

As if we didn’t have them.

The Swedes used to be brutal barbarians who murdered, raped and robbed Europeans. It's logical that they will love other brutal barbarians.

I think they are so cucked they actually believe the neoliberal bullshit.
I feel really bad for them.

Fuck nigga finland is full of ahlams
And mixed couples with girl and uglyass nigga from the congo

I moved here in Sweden from Afghanistan and I was a Muslim untill swedish culture made me relize how wrong I was. Sweden for the winner.

this reads like a bad fan fict

>Why do swedes love muslims so much? Is it in their DNA?
Read up on viking paganism. They were always cucks. Always.

50% prevalence of the empathy gene in the population.
Which means high cognitive and affective empathy levels.

>Is it in their DNA?
Yes. Sw*des are genetically predisposed to being cucks.


>Many commenters on this matter like to blame Jewish influence for these shifts in social attitudes, and it is true that Ashkenazi Jews commonly hold and have promoted progressive agendas. But what these commenters ignore is this: why do people listen? Or more to the point, why have some people (and peoples) embraced these views and not others? A promoted agenda is only as good as the traction it gains. Clearly, the trend towards universalism has been the purview of Northwestern European societies almost exclusively. If Jewish influence has had any role, it is only in the form of a rush in a much larger prevailing current.
>Indeed, Jews are a vanishingly small portion of the population in many of the most progressive countries, such as the Scandinavian ones. Sweden for example is known for being a foremost champion of progressive causes.

Attached: hajnal meme.jpg (500x295, 50K)

>good times make weak men.
Racism is an antiquated notion that has no place in a modern society. We are a privileged country that has a responsibility to help the less fortunate. They only act like barbarians because they're from bad places, once they come here they will become good and productive just like us!
Sweden is a dodo.

Attached: just as according to kalevala.png (482x495, 10K)

this is a sweden hate thread now

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>Is it in their DNA?
Yes, Unironically looking at history it appears to be in their DNA. For instance the Vikings established the biggest slave trade ever in Europe. They often raid the British isle, Finnish lands, Slavic lands, and coasts all around Europe capturing slaves. They then sold the majority of these slaves to the Middle East. Something drew the Swedes toward the Middle East and many of their exploration efforts through Europe and the Mediterranean were meant to establish trade routes to the Middle East. Not only that but the Swedish empire in the 18th century allied with the Ottoman Empire against most other European nations. The great norther war is a good example of this. It just seem the Swedes love Arabs and Muslims for some unknown reason.

>or they would have to call everything north of uppsala mongolian.

Wait, it isn't?


Attached: SWEDEN YES.png (494x306, 55K)

>Muh NW cucks so special
>Jews did nothing wrong

NW Euros used to follow Meds or be barbaric Scandis.
They rebelled against us, they have no leaders, they consider the Jews as leaders...

UK, Germany and parts of France have been through heavy shit, though.

Americans are the really pampered ones (Canadians too).

Cut cock is superior. The uncuts were made to drink semen from the cut.

What faggotry cuckoldry is this, Sweden?

>Svens calling eachother
Did you guys just had an acid rain and caught an insight after licking the windows?
Iit's a fucking revelation!

>Why did Vikings go to the Middle East

Money, Khazar Jews trading with China, eventually the Holly Land and its glory

>Why did Swedes team up with Ottomans against Europeans?

Because Protestants and the French used to do that.

This is just how they communicate, the one who wins the cuckoff gets to take in the refugees

I will pray for Sweden one of these days...

Dude are you insane right?
Portugal is on the same path of Sweden, if not worse.

Attached: 400_immigration_europe4-nationalc-por0093x3a0a352032.png (898x916, 122K)

Attached: You are both cuckolds.jpg (600x511, 59K)

More accurate.

Attached: 9ad88436.jpg (900x676, 64K)

Yes. The Swedes is a self loathing cuckold by nature. Just as the flower needs the bee to reproduce, so too does the Sweden need a Somalian to rape his women.

>those fingers
the memes write themselves nowadays

Breddy suddle :D :D :D

Attached: Ato.png (227x222, 7K)

Yeah, we'll see...
How many of those are Venezuelans of Portuguese descent?

>Portugal is Sweden!!!


as if america is not even more cucked. at least Swedes arent dying for israel.

They have 1 portuguese father and the rest a nutshell of amerindian and blalck dna, they are not portuguese 90% of them, same with any south american coming here.