Gilette: "Go woke, get broke"-Edition

I'm just gonna leave this Article here

>Procter & Gamble had to write off 8 Billion Dollars of Gilette. On balance the US-company made a huge loss in fourth quarter of 2018.

>...After writing off 8 Billion Dollars to Gilette fourth quarter of the accounting year 2019 (?) on balance yielded losses of 5,2 Billion Dollars, the manufacturer of Pampers diapers, Braun shavers and Ariel washing detergent declared.
>However the market for shaving blades and shaving apparature dwindles accordung to the enterprice due to rarer shaving habits and competing vendors.

Attached: Gilette - Wach auf oder geh' drauf.png (975x1551, 550K)

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Hopefully P&G continues their madness and doubles down.

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Just a reminder that P&G own more than just Gillette. Don't buy ANY of their products

men growing beards to pretend that they have a neck and jaw line is the reason for razor sales declining. Its a huge trend in Boston. So many hipsters with beards shaped to give off illusion of not having a ball shaped head.

I switched to an old timey safety razor and I like it so far.

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Honestly, I'm not so sure these things are linked. Companies like Harry's and Dollar Shave club have been pretty steadily taking giant bites out of their $20 razor with $30 for 3 replacements for a while. It's also been pretty recent that Harry's started showing up on Walmart shelves, which to you Euros might not seem like a big deal, but before them, the only razors like this that were there were essentially Gilette and the shitty single blade bic razors, and practically everyone had gotten used to getting things like shaving shit at Walmart.

Yeah, they probably took some additional hits because of that ad campaign, but they were already a sinking ship because of pricing models.


I just bought one and tried it today for the first time shaving my head. Far superior method of shaving.

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>>However the market for shaving blades and shaving apparature dwindles accordung to the enterprice due to rarer shaving habits and competing vendors.

they don't seem to have learned their lesson lol


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I heard a rumour that the VP of P&G openly bragged that she would never promote a white male again. So if that’s true then this is good

Haven’t looked back

More alone time in the bathroom as well

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I did too. It is great and dirt cheap. You get a hundred blades for just a few bucks.

They seem to have guessed it in advance. The commercial who stirred up everything came out in January, the numbers relate to the last quarter of 2018. It hopefully cast their downfall into cement.

They went SJW and serves them right. How dare they emasculate us guys!

Source? I believe it, but they almost never say things like that in the open.

Aw man, I like Dawn dish soap and Gain.
Guess it's time to go generic.

>insult your target demo
>they drop your tranny he pussy shavers
>lose money

I guess people just don’t like shaving anymore... Straight white men did this.

Not paying premium prices, switched to this.

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Use a Mekur and Shark blades to shave my head. Saving a ton of money. Good, clean smooth shave. Only downside is it takes a bit longer but I don't care.

>enterprice due to rarer shaving habits and competing vendors
pretty sure the shit hit the fan when they got political and making commercials about toxic masculinity

What kind of blades do you buy? There are some guys trying to charge tons for them. I bought a bulk pack of these. I probably won't go through them for awhile but maybe there is a better option for next time.

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>After writing off 8 Billion Dollars to Gilette fourth quarter of the accounting year 2019 (?) on balance yielded losses of 5,2 Billion Dollars, the manufacturer of Pampers diapers, Braun shavers and Ariel washing detergent declared.

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Those two competitors are probably a most of Gilette's problem. Note that both of those companies are also GloboHomo although every time this topic comes up some dipshit says they switched to them to get away from this shit.

Why wouldn't you just get one of these

One thing I've noticed is certain parts of my face are harder to shave with it because of the angle. I think I just need to get used to it though.

weird. It's like insulting your customers doesn't work, or something

At 2-5 cents a blade, hard to argue with that price.

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I use a turkish brand named astra, bought it on amazon for 8,89 euro for 100.

Google TRanslation

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Order a pack of pic related; try them and use what works best for your hair type user.
Yore welcome

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you should be using castille soap for everything

Because most of the time I use this. Less than a minute and done.

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>falling for the disposable meme
of course you are a meme flag

From here. The guy who said it uploaded a pic proving he worked for P&G though. Apparently she said it at a executive meeting in front of a room full of people


I went outside in London and screamed that allah is a false God, I get a shave for free.

tfw still use Gillette, just buy them when they are on sale on amazon

>VP of P&G

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You really have to go way beyond the stuff in that graphic to avoid GloboHomo. My general take is that rather than figure it out brand by brand just avoid any brand that has a mass-media advertising budget at all. They are all going to be globohomo.

BTW the ultra dish soap at Aldi is just about the same as Dawn.

Dollar Shave had some pozzed shit on their twitter too iirc

Why?! Get a safety razor. Double edge steel blades are cheap and shave WAY better than those prison razors.

Yah, me too. I used my last cartridge up last week and started shaving with a safety razor on Sat. 4th time shaving this morning and I'm getting better at it. And I love using a brush and shaving cream.

I only use Dawn. Time to find an alternative.

Do you even one-blade bro?

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It’s her

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>Dollar Shave had some pozzed shit on their twitter too iirc
>"Explore pride"
They have to burn too then.


what are the benefits of castile soap? i'm pretty sure the Dr. Bronner's soap i use is castille.

Derby Extra. Bought a box of 100 for $9

Astra are made in Russia by Procter & Gamble (Gillette's daddy company).

i've been wondering about these. how close does it cut?

>this whole industry is in the toilet so it's not because we virtue signaled too hard :^)

Same. Been using a Merkur HD for 5+ years. Badger hair brush, fine Geo F Trumper shave cream. It's a spiritual man ritual to shave properly. I'd also highly recommend trying a hot shave with an old-timey barber. Good whiskey, a cigar, a clean shave, makes you feel like a king.

>explore pride
A faggot's biggest fetish, right after bug chasing, is converting a straightfag into a fagfag.

Honestly this is what made we switch. I was using Harry's and went to order more and saw this crap. After that I went straight to buy the safety razor.

The red pilled and environmentally friendly choice.

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I use Schick razors. I have used Gillette before (I'm sorry), but the blades were too close together and hair would get too badly stuck between. Also Schick has been accused of discrimination for charging more for women's razors which is pretty based.

Jews are drinking their own poison and it makes me so happy that their shit companies are crashing and burning.

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good to hear
brand-less blades do the job so fuck Gilette

Yee yee

What brands of these/the razors would you dudes recommend?

>Dollar Shave had some pozzed shit on their twitter too iirc
fuck. I was just checking them out.

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The amusing part of this was that, less then a month after their "toxic men" ad, they were putting out ads for troops and such, saying that alienating their primary customer base hadn't affected their profits at all.

It takes time, but money makes the engine go. Cut it off, and the fuel in the system may keep it chugging along for a while, but eventually it will sputter and die. Look at movies and video games, who've spent most of the last six or so years shitting on their primary customers.. It's taken time, but even big developers and producers are being driven to their knees.

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It’s all so tiresome. I love that her own bio page of “accomplishments” is just nigger shit. This is how large entities like P&G will go down. Increased influences of people that don’t even know what they’re doing, yet keep failing upwards. Look what happened to Xerox once they made Ursula Burns CEO.
Too bad P&G is in the heart of Chimpcinnati. That city thrives on pathetic white people pandering to the exact group that ruined their city.

What am I looking at in that pic?

>A faggot's biggest fetish, right after bug chasing, is converting a straightfag into a fagfag
I once heard a faggot admit that all fags want is to be loved by a man (I assume he meant a straight man) as they would love a woman but he knew that would never happen.
Maybe thats why they are so miserable....meh fuck them.

A way to convert an ar to full auto with just a wire coat hanger.

>they're not just for backalley abortions.

RedNeck Contraption to turn a semiauto (AR-15) into an M4.

Its like advertising makeup or perfumes for women with an ad where they're all gossiping behind each others backs and being hateful bitches.

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>A way to convert an ar to full auto with just a wire coat hanger.

muh nigga

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all well and good until your sink starts backing up, and you realize the only way to avoid it is to shave over your toilet

changed to merkur safety razor with feather blades about a year ago. Glade I made the change

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bump stock made from a coat hanger

Well I just started but I got a shaver from a company called Vikings Blade and as far as I know it works fine. Merkur is a big name As for blades there are a lot of options but I think some are way overpriced so shop around for the best deal.

(((Grey Group))) is P&G's ad agency. They conceived Gillette's "toxic masculinity" ad campaign.

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Fucking old spice deodorant...
I switched away from everything else, even tried using a different deodorant, but old spice deo just lasts so fucking long.
Anyone else have the same issue?
What are alternatives that are equivalent?

Interesting, maybe shave more often so the hair isn't so long?

Fun fact:
There were fully automatic AR-15s. These were actually even used by the military. Anyone who tells you anything different is an idiot and doesn't know anything about how the military trails and procures weapons.

Anyway, the M-designations are just what the military decides to call a weapon. Just making a semi-auto full auto doesn't change everything that must be changed to match the specifications for an M-4 (specifically, current civilian market ARs have a smaller well for the triggering mechanisms, which is why traditional lightning links don't work in a modern AR without some milling work).

not sure I believe that.

that's a third world problem due to small diameter pipes. we don't have to worry about it in America loser

Isn't a bump stock something different from full auto? Are you lying to me on purpose?

A truly European post.

it's third world shit hans, they have tiny diameter pipes in all their plumbing because they are retarded

>get woke
>company reports revenue loss
>stock goes up for some reason
wtf is happening here?
We were told that The System would punish them, but it's rewarding them for going broke.

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I like old spice's body wash...gonna be hard to leave it.


I'm going shooting for the first time this weekend. Don't hate me too much.

Are there differences in durability/reliability too?
I understand military grade are suppose to be of higher quality but I was just wondering if the difference was immense.


nah but I use dollar shave club because I'm a huge fag and i like their creams and lotions.

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he's lying to you. a bump stock is a useless range toy that uses the gun's recoil to fire rapidly in semi automatic mode.. a drop in sear (or one nigger rigged with a coat hanger) actually fires multiple rounds per trigger pull.

It's almost as if reserve banks give their chosen friends interest free money with which they buy back their own stocks to inflate prices.

... almost.

A homemade auto seer for an AR.

The only thing missing from most civilian ARs is this one little 15 dollar piece of metal. Though most bolt carriers don't have the grove to properly fit with an auto seer and you have to purchase it.

This is my understanding been since awhile since I looked into it because full auto is a meme and practicing to be a rifleman is way superior tactic then trying to spray bullets at anyone more then 30 feet away.

I think Harry is p&g

Or maybe it's because people are realising gilette is a fucking rip off.

You can spend a few bucks on a cheap bit of plastic with some shitty blades that needs replacing (at full price) every week.
Or you can spend $15-20 on a solid piece of metal that'll last you for your entire life and only needs a cheap 5c replacement blade every month. And it gives you a superior shave!

Ditto blades are so cheap, and last longer

Hipsters ruined beards and mustaches. Better dead than mistaken for one.

I literally bought mine at Walmart. It’s great