Daily reminder that any faggot that doesn't consider us Latins as white sucks flaccid rabbi cock

Daily reminder that any faggot that doesn't consider us Latins as white sucks flaccid rabbi cock.

Here is a song from the almost 50k spanish/portuguese volunteers in the Wermacht some of those later went to the SS (further disproving the false claim that meds can't be aryan).


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That song always cracks me up.
Those Spaniards did it really well.

Your thread is cringe, though, hue.
Why would you want retards to consider you one of their own?

Most Portuguese Nationalists can't even swallow the pill that there are lots of Brazilians who are actually white...

I don't want any stormfags to consider me as one of their own I just want to spread some truth nesse mar de mijo.

I never understood that desu. If a nigger is born in Sweden that doesn't make him less of a nigger but if a white is born in Brazil he is instantly tainted.

It's illogical to the core.

>asking to be considered aryan
I don't need anyone's approval nigga

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>if a white is born in Brazil he is instantly tainted.

Here, it's because they fear 200 million Brazilians invading.
Also, for a while, too many of your worse settled here.

The retarded stormfags muh race purity is all I have! crowd also believe that a white Brazilian might be 0,01% native or black and they will mate with Portuguese people and thus doom Portugal to all eternity.

This despite the fact of hundreds if not thousands of old fucks here having children with literal mutt Brazilian women already.

It's retardation + the fear of invasion + the fear of a "democratic union with Brazil" which our politicians sometimes talk about.

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The only Latins are from Lazio and anyone who calls themselves Latin without at least being from Italy is a sad larper who wishes that they had a culture other than failure.

>w-we dont care anywyas, w-w-eee-we wuz w-w-w-weh-we-w-wehrmach!
lmao stfu shitskin

Oh yeah, and Brazil was part of the Allies.

>Western Race
>actually French
so glad this nomenclature didn't catch on

I found out my great great grandfather was in francos bodyguard unit which was north African, I am only 3/4 quarters white than. Bummer man

>us Latins

You are not us, and you are not latin.

About the white thing of course we are white/europids.

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Shut the hell up Macaco, you're not Latin nor White.

I feel for you, then.

"Muh whiteness" it's only relevant to countries like America who have no defined culture and are a multiracial/cultural shithole. We are 700 millions spaniards if you count Brazil and Portugal (i don't counte Philippines because it would be hard to connect with them after they got jewed by america), who share same culture and language, we don't need muh aryan ethnostate, we need spanish nationalism

Attached: Cuadro_por_españa_y_por_el_rey,_Galvez_en_America.jpg (1280x1026, 392K)

Fucking get over it. We all know the only whites left are Anglos, Scandinavians and Germanics. Everything else is a monkey hybrid and the low standard of living and lack of self sufficiency of Southern & Eastern Europe only prove this.

>We are 700 millions spaniards if you count Brazil and Portugal (i don't counte Philippines because it would be hard to connect with them after they got jewed by america), who share same culture and language

If you were really about culture, you'd realise that you're just 11 million Castillans.
7 of each are in Madrid, and I'm counting every single person in Madrid as "one of yours".

You have never been to America and have never experienced White culture here.

Its everywhere and retarded immigrants and migrants claim it does not exist because they dont like it or appreciate it.

Have you experienced lake culture in Nevada, Arazona and Utah? Probably fucking not. Have you experieneced the mountain town culture in Colorado, Utah, Montana and Idaho? Probably fucking not. Or have you experienced the high life by interacting with wealthy White American families in communities in Newport Beach California or various parts of New England?

Probably. Fucking. Not.

No one gives a shit about your Jew infested commercialized hell hole. Try comparing that to better European cities like pre immigration crisis Berlin. Shit in comparison

>We are 700 millions spaniards

This was the joke of the day. congrats. 660 million mongrels became spanish because they speak spanish. top tier patology that one.

about the white, it was created by iberians you imbecile. whites = europeans

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Oh fuck off mate, Europe has thousands of years of history and the United States is relatively new. Of course Europe is superior in regards to culture but to pretend that White culture does not exist here in the states is so fucking naive.

U're a retard who falled for the independentist meme, promoted by jews scared of the spanish BVLL. We share same culture, history and language unless u think every small difference makes a new culture in wich case every person would have its own country. As Jose Antonio said:
>El separatismo ignora u olvida la realidad de España. Desconoce que España es, sobre todo, una gran unidad de destino.
Los separatistas se fijan en si hablan lengua propia, en si tienen características raciales propias, en si su comarca presenta clima propio o especial fisonomía topográfica.
Pero -habrá que repetirlo siempre- una nación no es una lengua, ni una raza, ni un territorio. Es una unidad de destino en lo universal.
Esa unidad de destino se llamó y se llama España.
Bajo el signo de España cumplieron su destino -unidos en lo universal- los pueblos que la integran.
Nada puede justificar que esa magnífica unidad, creadora de un mundo, se rompa.

Not true, it worked at first because u had only english and german colonizers. Now u have a melting pot, because u separate yourself between blacks, latinos, asians and whites. And from the whites groups u separate between descendencies too.

Hey most Portuguese I’ve seen look like Gypsies. Not white at all. You shouldn’t speak about being a mongrel. Your little country is pathetic and your people immigrate to different countries to work low skilled jobs. You also have the highest amount of SSA dna in Europe. Really embarrassing. I think these favela rats are the only people who think you’re white, because the rest of Europe definitely doesn’t.

latino is not a race, every race can be latino

Not only language, culture, religion and the majority got bleached and have spanish blood, and like it or not or we unite or we fall

>us latins
Fuck off


We are latins/latinos.
Same goes for the Italians, French, Romanian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Latino is a cultural term you ignorant fuck.

Btw, get the fuck out Spain you moorish piece of shit. Not a single true spaniard is oblivious to this.

What do I do if my dad came from Ukraine and my mother is a brazilian of Polish decent?

Am I a ruskie bot?

This is the master race

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Post pic of hair or eye

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Can i haz muh white self-hating complex plz?