>this is what an american boy looks like in current year
>you're supposed to forget about the facts of his biology and his dick & balls and call him a "her"
I'm happy the American empire is collapsing.
>this is what an american boy looks like in current year
>you're supposed to forget about the facts of his biology and his dick & balls and call him a "her"
I'm happy the American empire is collapsing.
Other urls found in this thread:
>current year
>I'm happy the American empire is collapsing.
Same, wtf has America ever done for the world?
he cute.
>Same, wtf has America ever done for the world?
Why are Europoors so obsessed with America? You silly niggers never even seen how huge and different America is from State to state. All you see is what is on the tele vision programming.
Eat shit
This is some hardcore jew hypernormalization shit
Americans are swayed by camerawork and music, you could make them think pedophilia is ok if it was set to nice piano and terrence malick filmed it
Do you guys realise how hopeless this is meant to make you feel? Many ppl on this board cant even be succesful men yet we are being told that choppig off ur manhood and taking estrogen is a viable way out
Western socieities have been subverted since the boomers came out of the womb, at least. Maybe even since inception.
>force your degeneracy on the world
>hurr why do you mention us?
Drunk degenerate frat girls in boomer dad convertibles wearing nigger sportsball shirts are really gonna save the day from empty vapid life ?
Those roasties look horrid and ghoulish
>hardcore jew hypernormalization shit
This and hyper sensationalization, "an american boy" is just a normal little dude.
OP is a Eurofaggot.
>mfw when my bro is ultra gay and does gay parades, and i ask him why and all he says: "lol dunno we're being repressed"
>Then i ask another gay man and he says "because its fun" etc. A huge parade with different reasons for people being there. Looks like a blub of confusion if you ask me, they dont have a uniting cause. Just a huge mix of everything. Just like my brother, confused and ignorant
Where is this even from? That stupid Euphoria show?
>go fight for israel
>watch your friends (countrymen) die for israel
>come back home
>your country has brainwashed your son into turning into a tranny sissy
I wouldn't be too smug Dutchman. The progressive leftists are pushing the same shit in the EU and unlike us you can be arrested for "hate speech".
qt desu.
>this is a human being in america
just try to listen at how "it" fucking talks
this is a real grill btw.
look at his disgusting face, are you faceblind autistic?
Pedo detected
look at his disgusting face, are you faceblind autistic?...
He's supposed to be thrown off a roof under Sharia.
>Feminazis holding signs supporting and chanting Sharia quotes.
Oh, so inclusive.
>Rooftop, obviously.
I too am on the right side of history
damn sissy American boys are kinda cute fr
thats not american empire thats international jewery none of you know shit about america urban areas in amerioca are not america and the shit jewpeddywood exports is not american.
They founded a free country, away from kikery and eternal royal faggotry where humanity flourished with innovation and newfound freedoms.
Too bad, it lasted a couple years.
that dad is based and redpilled
idk why the Jewish ran acceleration of human development makes the Jew on a stick believers seethe so much
Some camera angles with all the right cuts, music that's akin to neurolinguistic programming and you've got some Tavistock quality social engineering ready for consumption by the feckless goyim. Yuri Bezmenov said it best: If you're not scared now then nothing can scare you.
OP is an incel either way and wouldnt get women no matter how much he screeches like a incel on Jow Forums
uhhh, the roldstie in the car looks kinda dead desu
He's cute. Stay mad.
like a fucking toad
What happened?
pol has a tranny obsession, half of you cunts fap to these poor boys.
Androgny is a hallmark.
>not posting the superior version
Show benis
tell him to cut his penis out so you can lick his wound like its cute pussy
David reimer.
They failed to protect us from Jews. The constitution should have made their exclusion from America explicit if they wanted this nation to last
Anglo boys make the best girls, they are on the same level as asians and their ladyboys.
what the FUCK are you schizo babbling about hans
fuck your parents
America will go down in it's short history as the most kiked out, degenerate hellscape this planet had the misfortune of hosting.
>I'm happy the American empire is collapsing.
>Said the moroccan
It's of course americas fault and not the jews fault, right?
Fuck off shill.
The video only had a 45% success chance. Also he looks ugly as shit and nobody will ever think you are a woman, tranny.
looks like those tiktok ppl zoomer watch
Thats a hot little trap
Shut up hatefag. You'll never be a man.
we should have created a democratic monarchy.
Finns rule
The moon is black and the witches dance, heaven is denied.
All the suicidal trannies are blood sacrifice to Baphomet.
I would say kys but you were probably going to do that anyway tranny nigger.
Stay mad~
>I kill for this
>I die for this
Now look, I need something to stick my dick into and with as crazy women are, if theres a cute, passiable boy who is always willing and completely submissive then Im completely fine with that
Are these lower middle class texas sluts supposed to be enticing?
Pic related is an image of a quintessential tradition of the region of the US I come from (the midatlantic). This is something I can be proud of. Not 6/10 whores that look 15 years older than they really are.
Enjoy the infected wound in your crotch. Bro
>Thinking anything tonight in the media represents the majority
Do you have room for a brain with all that jew semen in your skull?
No wound~
ewww man into trannies are betas
cute student girl
What is a man now a days?
In spic land being a man is
>Getting piss drunk since 15
>Thinking with your dick
>Getting mad when a woman leave you after you cheat on her.
>Basically worshipping pussy while trying to act tough.
>Romantic ideals(see pussy worship)
>Overall, being an overgrown teen.
If I to actually had to fit those, I would rather be a tranny
Ah so you are just a man that likes playing dress up, why not just admit to yourself that you are gay and be done with it, why insist you are something that you really aren't and never could be?
that's actually a real girl, you faggot.
crossdressing =/= gay, newfag.
Why do you keep this faggot's pictures on your hard drive to post in all the fag threads? Do you wank to him?
t > closeted queer.
lol nigger stole his hairclip
Hate when that happens
>They founded a free country, away from kikery
the USA was literally founded by freemasons, the megajews (kabbalistic)
>Jews did this.
>I'm happy that the American "Empire" is collapsing just like the Jews intended
Good goy.
>Same, wtf has America ever done for the world?
Given them a 1st world country.
american empire is the ZOG