you lied to me Jow Forums

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Let him start a war with Israel, Turkey has a pretty strong military. But it's just saber rattling, Erdocunt trying to show he's a tough guy and his retarded followers will cheer for it. But gerally, muslims tend to be openly anti-semitic which is one of their nicer sides.

>not siding with israel
it's like you don't know that islam is your real enemy.
jews can be contained.

>always do the opposite of what Jews say
only works when you don't tell them you're doing it

Only stormweenie basedboys are antisemetic

I hate them both equally would have been a correct statement.

You're fired from Jow Forums

>Start a war with Israel
>Airforce battling
>jews winning, king roach mobilises tanks, ships and troops
>Able to invade jews from the sea.
>bibi gets mad pushes the nuke button
>turkey crippled
>the REAL JEW, then attacks( Greece)
>reaches all the way to Armenia.
A man can dream


No they cant! Thats their entire scheme, thats how they live and make a living you fucking idiot. Muslims atleast come at you with the sword. Jews just change their names like literal fucking spies and begin subverting your nation from the inside out over 2-3 generations and rape a people senseless for the greater good of their people. Id align with muzzies in a heartbeat to wipe out the jew parasite and then go back in the ring with them. Atleast they wont pretend to be on your team while feeding you poison in your water like the jews do.

you realize if there's a war involving Turkey, Germany will be the first to help, right?

it is a generic talk. nothing ever happens.

You realize that Germany is actively preventing the Turkey to join the EU, right? What might happen is that Turks living in Germany get drafted since they insist on having double citizenship.

all weapons go thru Turkey

Time to retake Thrace and Anatolia. It can be the Christian version of Israel and we can delight in seeing pics of Turks in cages for decades.

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I fully advocate treating Greece like a Christian Israel for the purposes of wiping Turkey into the dustbin of history where it belongs. Greece has to uphold its end of the bargain and actually have a good military though.

How in the fuck roaches are still in NATO?


NATO is nothing without the Turkchads

Islam only became a threat after Jews got out of hand.

Israel is the only reason we have a problem with Islam, Shlomo

>always choose the side opposite the jews are on
it's a trick, they're on the other side too but wearing a different hat.

>Jews can be contained
Says the goy after expelling jews 109 times, yet falling in the jewish web...

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Erdogan will bring about the final downfall of the Turks and it is a blessed time to be alive.

Fuck off Ahmed.

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
This is certainly not true. The muslims hate us just as much as the jews.

The US, Luxembourg and Turkey are the only countries with a net positive financial contribution to NATO. Turkey’s army is also the 2nd largest in NATO after the US.

They are a NATO ally because they’d be a CIS ally otherwise.

Being the second largest army in NATO is like being the largest ship in the coast guard.

does that look NATO to you?

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I thought he was getting a heart operation what the fuck he is alive?

>jews can be contained


>German roaches all get drafted
What would happen then?

Greece has S-300’s, after all.

Turkey has been moving into CIS influence for quite some time. Look at their closest allies (Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Albania), most are CIS or Chinese allies. We are retarded for giving the Russians an opportunity to exert greater influence in the area.

If Turkey weren’t mistreated by NATO/ EU for the past 30 years, they’d be a stronger ally. Ultimately, you can’t call someone an ally who acts against you (as the US did by listening to Israel and refusing to sell patriot missiles until Turkey wanted to buy S-400s... Turkey is entirely justified by then telling the US to pound sand).

Dude that's not fair I mean, we literally just bought a C17 and 2 helicopters.
We do not have tanks, the heaviest vehicle is a Dingo....
We also have one EOD bot, and a heavy blast armour.

>Thinks quantity still matters in modern warfare
Turkeys military gear is heavily outdated. The majority of their main battle tanks consists of upgraded M60's and early version Leopard 2 tanks. Most of their troops still use the G3 battle rifle as their main service weapon as well.

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You’re a net positive financial contributor. In battle, you’d basically be useless but you contribute greatly to finances due to remittances from Cargolux/ Luxair and other sources in your country.

STOP this

Geographically important? More so than israel, how will russia leave black sea if shtf and turkey locks it down?

let taiwan join nato

That’s why they’re trying to develop their own technologies, so they can modernize their forces without depending on geopolitical alliances (which may or may not contradict their own interests- for instance the F-35A’s delivered to Turkey would have needed an electronic US authorization and mission data to fly... what if they were attacked by US-allied Kurds?)

Doesn't Greece have one of the top 10 military forces in Europe?

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Would create an interesting situation, but Turks are really our smallest issue. The "refugees" from Africa are.

I support that. You’re the rightful government of China after all.

Greece, France and Turkey are the top 3 I think. Not sure in which order/ranking.

Islam is the kikes weapon.

The Turks are also actively kicking out Syrian and African refugees, and resettling others outside of major cities into the middle of nowhere....

We literally had no problems with Muslim countries until we created Israel and overthrew the Iranian government in 1953.

If only...

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Nonsense. Turkey trades enormous levels of imports and exports with Israel while larping that they hate them. Attaturk was a Donmeh Jew and these Jews helped cause the Armenian and Greek genocides I’ll fight alongside a Greek to rid the world of the abomination known as a Turk

Hundreds is almost nothing. Turkey has the biggest "refugee" camps in Europe (if you count them as part of Europe geographically).

Granted. I just wonder what that situation would then look like. Özdemir is on record declaring that the modern Turks will "take by their intelligence" what their ancestors failed to do at Vienna; I suppose the Berlin set would lose their shit and double down arming the "refugees".

Atatürk was a cool guy. He single handedly whipped the country into secularism and literacy.

but.....Turkish soap.

Ughh what can be....

Implying we wouldn't backstab them after they removed zion

This greek guy is so strong while having Russia support

shut the fuck up kike.