Witcher Hate Thread

I don't get it Jow Forums, why are (((they))) ruining the Witcher? What political motives are there to black our television shows? I need some answers, but it's not like it'll make us breed with nigs faster

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Children below the age of ten won't notice these and they're more likely to accept the degeneration because of how late they notice it.

But as long as the fan base rails against it, spreads the message, and ACTIVELY keeps people from watching it they won't make enough money. If we all one star it, it'll die even faster

The progressives themselves are a) useful idiots and b) virtue signaling with xenophilia in order to signal their bourgeois socioeconomic superiority complex by the proxy of moral superiority, but the reason the Establishment sets those morals in the first place is a) to promote globalization (for profit, by taking all white products and making them "diverse" to appeal to a broader consumer market) and b) because progressivism is adept at forming electoral coalitions by making big pseudo-Marxist "us, the oppressed versus them, the oppressor" dichotomies

Or you're a shill astroturfing controversy as is an established practice with "brave and powerful" new media


So you think it's a virtue signal to make this about race and not faithful production?

>watching shows
>in 2019

There's a political plot to it, the question is what is it

Yes, for a shill with the media will totally complain there's blacks in a shos that's supposed to be white

Because they can, duh.

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I was legitimately surprised that they didn't make Triss the black one.

Poor gingers.

Witcher isn't just a video game, but I bet this same post is on /v/, /co/, /lit/, and probably even /tv/ right now.

You do realize that the author who was part of the Netflix creative team fucking HATES the games and hates fans of the games, right?

They made her a pooj so it's close enough

I imagine there are many loyal fans who are pissed

That's probably why he's doing it. He's been raving about how much he hated the show. He got payed 12,000 when the game license was first bought, and was spiteful it was even made. He then got even more mad when the game increased his book sales but "The game can't tell the story like I can"

That's not been the pattern though.
Definitely. He's super happy about putting as much distance between himself and the games and their fanbase as possible.

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It's insane. He's such an idiot. He writes good books, but I heard "The Last Wish" started to get super liberal. His distance is destroying his own creation I don't get it

yeah, the author is a total "ORIGINAL THE CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" dramatard, but damn the video games were actually fun and interesting, and better written in all story branches than anything Sapkowski has ever produced (which is probably the reason for all the butthurt)

He probably got enough from his lawsuit with CDPR that he doesn't have to worry about the money and can be as petty of a dick as he wanted, then Netflix money on top of that while living in eastern Europe?

not the first artist to torch the franchise and run

won't be the last either

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Show Yen and Triss look better than the game ones.

Oh and that netflix thing is actually kind of interesting because with them, the money is wholly up front. Not like traditional tv shows where if 4 episodes in things are shit, they can pull the plug before eating the loss for the rest of the season.

>Consuming corporate media
Just buy a secondhand DSLR and Tascam and go make your own films. They'll probably be better written and technically proficient than (((Netflix originals)))

They are being intentionally obtuse here which annoys me. They keep saying it's based off the book as if the book is the reason why it's popular world wide.

Their target audience would eat it up

By changing existing characters race the studios can sideline the "why don't you make more stories about my race, why don't you hire more minority creatives" demand.
Much easier to just change the hue.

They want to demoralize us by any means necessary. They don't care about profit anymore. They want to publicly cuck us with niggers, shove it in our face and laugh. Thats the whole agenga. Dont let it piss you off. Thats how you win.

Depressing thirdworld actresses. The ones playing Triss and Yennefer could be good fucks to any man but not presentable as official gfs. I'm not even gonna talk about the one playing Fringilla.

It just sucks. They where such good books too

Essentially, the shows absolutely suck

It's like they want to destroy themselves. The lack of creativity annoys me

If you don't get mad it forces them to escalate which is how they eventually fuck up and go too far

I doubt. The games made it popular, if the fanbase doesn't watch it they're done for.
They could just make stuff on Black folklore. See Wakanda or any of their tribal stories. Them blacking white stuff makes no sense

The books were alright, but the games were actually masterpieces. It's a shame this show couldn't follow the trend.

Author is turbocommie boomer; he thought game would fail and he set up contract in a way he would earn more money... But game was insane hit instead, boomer lost a lot of money because of his stupid/greedy contract. And you could say game had good, better writing than books so he is jealous asshat as well. People in Poland describe him as "author of bad Witcher fanfics" just to fuck with his turboboomer ways. Annoying greedy prick. It's incredibly apt how show where he is actually involved in is going to be smoldering pile of goo, he probably doesn't know it yet because he's greedy ignorant boomer lol

That's because black folklore sucks. It's so simple and childish in comparison to anything out of Europe that very few would enjoy it.

Can't show a white man breeding with white women in a Jewish manga.

Witchers are sterile.

It is. I was hoping it could be good. With that, I've never heard black folklore, this makes sense
This is great, I love Poland now. I heard the stories and he always came across as being rather greedy and self-centered. I just don't get why he's committing creative suicide

Trump pardons Israeli drug smuggler


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What a faggot

These faggots should've used pic related as yennefer not that bullshit.

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He's a drunkard, too.

I've heard a story that someone met him in a park when he was intoxicated, and asked for an autograph. He asked what should he write, the answer was 'anything', so he signed as JRR Tolkien

>we wuz elves n sheeeit

I'm just spit balling here but, maybe kikes want to get rid of white people?

In the long run it will backfire. All it takes is to live, date or work under diversity to get that long lasting redpill effect. Those who ignore it and engage in willful ignorance need to vacate the gene pool anyways.

Look, if these (((people))) really wanted a diverse society to work and be a utopia they can control and enslave, they would make the SOP equal. They wouldnt alienate whites like they have, and they would be pushing for equal measure. But they are not.

This means this is about destroying the other tribes. This is about God.

Get your minds right. Call on Jesus Christ, and start reading the sword bible.

He is a cuck, like literally.

Is this damage control?

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>black Flash
The perfect criminal

>tfw the porn parody is more accurate to the source material than the (((series)))

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could be worse, you could be Henry Cavill and have to romance all of them

>no transexual ciri plowing mommy Yen
Why live?

Money is the only thing that matters to the Jew. They're seeing which one they can make more shekels off of then they'll continue with that. Maybe. If they don't harbor some kind of hatred for whites that breaks their instinctual greed.

What a faggot

It's possible, but I've got no clue. I know there was a huge uproar when they showed who they casted

That's actually sad a porno did it better

witcher is Slavic lore. by blacking the show they are subverting Slavic culture which is part of the white culture

where were u when they ruined dragon age?
where were u when they ruined mass effect?
where were u when they ruined battlefield?
where were u when they ruined wolfenstein?
where were u when they ruined marvel universe?

you asking why?

If you still watch television, Netflix or Hollywood movies you are a retard. It's all garbage. Knowingly consuming the enemies propaganda is just stupid. I for one hope it all gets pozzed as fuck and the sooner the better. Maybe that will wake some people up.

well the games are better than his books so understandable but this is going to far.

This makes sense, Montenegro user. You destroy Slavic identity and you destroy one of the few places with implicitly white identity

I remember those days. Truth be known, I've been outraged and I want something to be done, but alas the enemy is to powerful

Why do you burgers have to ruin everything?

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and this

Soviets shouldve just went full nuclear

>sorcerers and witchers are sterile
Fucking waste of a full house comment

They blackwash literally every Netflix movie. Netflix is taking a huge hit rn and struggling though

You all don't get it. The reason is simple. It is all about selling stuff. Advertising puts black people in the ads because they are dumb enough to buy stuff because it is advertised. Ads with black men and white women (who are also dumb enough to buy stuff because it is advertised) are the perfect marketing demographic.
Netflix does it because that demographic is also the one stupid enough to pay for Netflix. If you are white and male, why would you pay for Netflix? If you do - well you know who you are just as stupid as.

You tell me m8

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Agreed, she looks the part. Or the original actor Yen was based off of in the game

"Diversity" just means niggers

Who cares? Witcher is reddit-tier garbage anyhow.

The alt-right shitstains complaining about Witcher casting are missing a crucial point: Things are not equal. Western films and television are not a medium that features predominantly Indian men, Black women, or focuses on stories from Africa. It's an industry that frequently tells the stories of white people and stars white people.

That's why whitewashing — casting a white actor to play a character of color — is not the same as race-bending — casting a black actor to play a white character. Whitewashing takes over the limited space people of color have to exist in the entertainment industry as complex, multifaceted individuals, and then shuts them out completely. On the other hand, racebending counters that in a way. It demands a space for people of color to exist in franchises where they are severely underrepresented.

Thus, wanting more people of color in stories that focus predominantly on white people doesn't work the other way. Wanting white people in spaces dedicated to people of color ignores that stories of white people already dominate film, television, and other creative media.

It's "what about me?" when everything is already about you.

Further, the defense of excluding people of color from a fantasy universe is nonsensical. We are talking about being comfortable with the inclusion of monsters and magic, but not the mere existence of people of color. It's not like the witcher series is all about accuracy and realism.

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Well Mass Effect and Dragon Age are made by Canadians so it was an inside job, they beat the Jews to it.

Nah, it means "anything but White".

Tht's not the case. we make up the majority and by removing us from the picture we leave, we pay more than the blacks due because of our sheer population size. It doesn't make sense the appeal to them when white people make and spend A LOT more money than them. With that, I can link you to another post where someone else show's it's SJW bullshit. It's not as simple as that, Hissrich goes on entire SJW rants on her twitter

nice bait

>It's okay to make people black because no-one watches black movies, but making people white in black movies is bad.
>Cope harder, Faggot. The Witcher is based on white Europe, not Africa

Western films and television have no obligation or responsability to feature anyone but Western Peoples i.e. White Europeans. Other films and tv industry around the world make no effort to include whites in their stuff, why should we ? You want black people in movies and tv shows go make your own in Africa.

I'm guessing he's never watched National Discovery

Why does it matter?
The books will not be changed, the video games will not be changed so what is the big deal if the series is a terrible piece of shit adaptation?
Don't watch it. There, I saved you some frustration.

They're trying to erode at the implicite whiteness of Slavs, Nords, and every other group. I'm pissed they're destroying our culture. They're also throwing in a bunch of SJW BS

They want to make eastern Europe "tolerant".

They don't realize that they will just get beaten up or shanked... Slavs are called "niggers of white people" ony due to their violent tendencies.

we can only hope the slavs won't bend like the west did.

if it doesnt matter, leave them as whites you fucking faggot

>stop complaining as (((we))) completely ruin and tarnish everything that white people like

Even the script/story is utter trash.
If you watch the trailer it's basically,
>muh elves hold all the mystical secrets and ancient wisdoms we must discover!
>the elves are all Women of Color
I think a lot of people are just not gonna watch it.

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I’m truly sorry

Werent the elves portrayed as niggers or were it the dryads?

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Does squatting count as bending?

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But Geralt von Riva(Geralt from Rivia) isnt a slavic Name.
Rather German or from the Benelux

This sounds like it will be interesting to see the backlash in Poland

Or just watch the pirated version

Not sure who the dryads are but the elves where portrayed as pretty close to the ideal Aryan, but with pointy ears (in the games at least)

They were stinky niggers in the Trailer.

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But the creator of the Witcher was a polish man, he is the bo$$.

Sure but its world isnt created just Polish culture.
Northern Realms=Germanic Slavic

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>muh suspensión of disbelief for magic therefore u must accept niggers


Everyone knows fantasy is telling stories which are rooted in European myth. Magic is a fixture of European myth. Niggers aren’t. If I am expecting fantasy, then a nigger is as congruous as a 747. There is no inconsistency in accepting one but not the other.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy. Occam's Razor is marketing saw if we stick some black tokens in our black viewership will rise from 10% to 40% or whatever. It's all about the benjamins baby.