How would Conservatards survive without an ocean Port? LMAO

How would Conservatards survive without an ocean Port? LMAO

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Dunno, how would city retards feed their population without food, fresh water or manufacturing?

>Doesn't realize the entire coast and Puget Sound inlet wants King County fire bombed into nothing but ashes

How would liberals survive without the conservatives growing their avocados?


We can use the port of Catoosa, Oklahoma my dude.

There's a lot of farming and fishing in western Washington.

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Whatcom and Skagit county are ours.

By invading it

By trading access for the food and energy those high density "people" will be desperate for.

I used to have the most kick ass beach front property that you could throw a football off my deck and hit one of those huge tankers going down the Columbia River. This was in deep Red country. Now if I could throw a football off my deck and hit a tanker headed for a liberal shit hole in a deep rural white area with virtually no one around. Why would anyone make such stupid claims as OP?

I realize this is reverse psychology to start a WA Thread. But it's fun to think about just how fucked the blue counties would be if shit got crazy.

What will happen to eastern Washington when they realize western Washington can be self-sufficient?

>m-muh food

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by starving the cities out and watching millions die

The amount of smuggling would be out of control too. It would actually be so much fun for local WAbros if the boogaloo happens.

Organized civilization is three meals away from panic and nine meals away from complete chaos. Imagine that scenario with King County.

What trucker in his right mind is going to drive shit in? And if the UN shows up, how long is the UN going to last trying to maneuver through the red counties?

This is the real one where the counties where either trump or rand paul didnt won the primaries become blue
PS: rand paul didnt won any county, so if you take into account only trump the idea is the same

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Thats pretty rich considering the sound has just been contaminated with millions of gallons of raw sewage from the all the pajeets we imported over loading the pipe grid. How will you survive without the farms in the East?

I thought I was starting to see more Indians in Seattle. Is this an actual thing?


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>nuke Portland
>create huge crater
>water fills crater
>create new port that isn’t gay

As if you'd get the entire coast. You'll get what we allow you to get, nothing more.

>How would Conservatards survive without an ocean Port? LMAO

When the Civil War II is over all the libtards will be won't be here to stop us!


I live in Kansas and your map is horseshit.
>Implying blue is commie dem
Cruz won the primary by a gigantic margin.

>Cruz won the primary by a gigantic margin.
Yes, and I am assuming they voted cruz they arent redpilled, they just voted trump second turn because they hated alot the dems or they really love gop

They would probably celebrate for a month if they finally managed to secceed they've been trying to for decades ya fucking dolt. Does that sound like a dependent culture?

Cruz is a massive constitutionalist, brainlet.

All of Puyallup valley is warehouses not to many farms are left

What in the hell's the point of that?!
Y'know, besides autism.

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Fun fact. Kittitas county is the biggest exporter of hay in the whole world. Lived in Eburg for 5 years. Half of the economy is driven off of it.

The Port of Tacoma is one of the ten largest ports in the US. If coastal faggots tried to interfere with ships headed to Tacoma, eastern Washington could cut off western Washington's rail access, making the Port of Seattle much less useful. Both would lose out as traffic would shift to Vancouver.

isn't like everybody working those ports trump voters?

I have lived on both sides of the state, from Seattle to Coulee Dam. Nobody in Seattle gives a shit about the eastern side, while all the easterners do is whine about "those bleeding heart liberals in Seattle." They like to romanticize about seceding, but they'd become one of the poorest states without the coast.

Yes and so are most of the tradesmen here too

i literally need nothing from the ocean.

>Hahaha we don’t need you just look at these misleading data points I’ve collected to show western independence
>W-What do you mean independence... YOU CAN’T LEAVE US!!!

Conservatives control most of the East Coast ports. You know, the coast that is close to Europe and not China/Russia.

>eastern Washington could cut off western Washington's rail access
Easy peasy....

Sure thing faggot

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Bring our guns to the ocean port and kill all of you faggots since you won't have guns to fight back with. Then it will be ours and you'll beg us to use it.

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We don't really produce enough crops on this side to feed us nigger

Would just have to make a detour

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We could, but do you really think all of our food is local anyway?

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That's why local government is trying to get more farms from selling because Puyallup valley is houses and warehouses

I live in Bonney Lake currently, I drive by farms all the time.

I live in Puyallup and I see more farms land being turned into housing developments then ever. It looks nothing like it use to. It was all farms not that long ago

Perhaps you and my grandmother would like to get together and talk about how everything used to be farmland?

Your right let's turn a once white Utopia into a mecca for spics and niggers

Are the white farmers not the one importing all the spics to work on their farms? Fucking eastern washington, why do they hate the white race?

>Switzerland has no ports
>Is also one of the best nations in the world
>Makes me think...

It's called manual labor we dont need chinks to ship us crap

Pretty sure Russia would back whoever succeeded from the us. Think Putin actually said that exact phrase.