What is their ultimate goal?
Occult satanic freemasonry in plain site
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Nothing and you can find le weird coincidences like this in literally anything, people do it for fun coming up with fan theories for tv shows that of course turn out to be complete bullshit, it's called apophenia.
It just all seems so cohencidental.
your pic is incorrect.
the monument is 555' tall.
5 is the number of the shaper of the clay.
Just use the metric system
World domination for Enki Lucifer.
oooooh wow! that's creepy bro! that satan and his followers are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad dudes!!
Were you always a faggot, or just when mommy made you wear the dress?
it’s called schizophrenia
Oy vey
kek there is some faggot spamming some other board recruiting little boys to rape:
they already got flushed by pol user lol
Mass beheadings
>Its all a series of extremely unlikely coincidences goy
Satanic domination of the world through pure malice.
660 inches wide 55ft
too bad your island and relatives are anglos and full of masonic faggotry
your people are the problem
they chose to suck jewish phallic symbols and anus and turned their back on the world
What is that image suppose to say?
All of the Washington buildings are Free masonic, and arranged in weird occult patterns. Everyone knows this. You're such shills.
Washington D.C.: “As Above, so Below”
Washington D.C. has been mapped as an earthly reflection of the celestial canopy above, designed with over thirty different zodiacs matching the constellations in the sky. In the National Academy of Sciences, twelve of the zodiacs are displayed in relief on the metal doors of the building. The Federal Reserve Board Building adds an additional two zodiacs designed in glass which glow with light. The Library of Congress Building displays another five zodiacs, as do many other important buildings in Washington D.C.McMillan_Plan
Crucial to L’Enfant’s Design was Pennsylvania Avenue which stretched a mile west from the Capitol to the White House, which coincidently is oriented to the rising and movement across the sky of the star Sirius. Using Dupont and Logan circles as northern points, one can trace various interlocking streets to form a star, including the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Although the cornerstone laying ceremony was held in 1793, the construction began in earnest on the U.S. Capitol when President Thomas Jefferson appointed Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Director of Public Works and set him to work as Architect of the U.S. Capitol. Latrobe was initiated in the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London in 1788. When he came to the United States, he affiliated with Lodge No. 54 in Richmond, Virginia. By 1814, the Capitol was almost complete when the British burned the structure as well as many of the other public buildings in D.C. From 1815 to 1817, Latrobe was engaged in rebuilding the Capitol, which rose like a Phoenix from the ashes on its original site.
>human sacrifice
>red and white = violence, death, funerals
>red and black = human sacrifice
>pyramid symbolism
>dark water = dark moisture
>full moons are the night of human sacrifices
>sun and moon helicopter lights
>sun and moon lights around Jeff Goldbloom
>rhomboid sulfur pyramid = Satan
>CNN live streaming the ritual to the whole nation
imperial system is MUCh older than you think it is
Occult satanic freemasonry?
Oh, you mean the jews?
The true and final form of (((them))) and they are more in abundant then you might think, simple symbolism on their houses indicates that they practise freemasonary
In my opinion they are needed for The End Times that we are in right now, I can hardly have ANYTHING against them if it has been written.
imagine being so stupid that you have ancient books and take them literally and build shit like this. When 'those that return' arrive, they are gonna execute every single leader and rich person in our world. bye fags. oh, they will execute the military intelligence faggots sitting on air force bases posting on reddit and Jow Forums too. bye.
Or...its a dude getting eaten by a dinosaur in a movie about dinosaurs eating people? How far ya gonna go down the rabbit hole my man? The trick is, its really not that deep.
(((Those))) that return are most likely the Fallen Angels and ofcourse the LAB created (((messiah))) Who i truly wonder if he reveals himself this year.
Well the number of the beast is 666, not 6660. I’m 50% with you and 50% sure you have schizophrenia.
The pyramid thing that encapsulates the T-rex is shaped like both the rhombic sulfur pyramid, and the monoclinic sulfur bar. This symbolizes Satan in alchemy, and sulfur would be used in Satanic rituals.
>one eye
EA logo is square, circle, triangle alchemy symbolism.
Close, but no
How is the fpbp if you disagree with him?
Carbon: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons
every beast is made of carbon.
777 is azote which is translated as no-life.
You faggot worship some death cult.
666 is in the basis of human culture.
The three fives is a Freemason thing. Thre fellow crafts, of five men, who search for Hiram Abiff.
A lot of donated stones were incorporated into the monument as well. These donated stones (or bricks made of various material, like the native copper block from Michigan and the petrified wood brick from Arizona) often came inscribed. Some of the more… peculiar inscriptions include the stone brick from Wales, donated by the Welsh people of New York, with “Fy Iaith, Fy Ngwlad, Fy Nghenedl, Cymry am byth (or ‘Our language, our country, our birthplace, Wales forever’) written on it and a stone with inscriptions from famous calligraphers, donated by the Ottoman government. There’s also a brick from the Templars of Honor and Temperance that states, “We will not make, buy, sell, or use as a beverage, any spiritous or malt liquors, Wine, Cider, or any other Alcoholic Liquor.” Ironic given that Washington owned a whiskey distillery after he retired from the Presidency.
>And that stone from the “State of Deseret”? That was actually what Utah was called before it became a state.
Meme at all cost, even the cost of cognitive dissonance.
>The unfinished obelisk is nearly one-third larger than any ancient Egyptian obelisk ever erected. If finished it would have measured around 42 m (approximately 137 feet) and would have weighed nearly 1,090 metric tons (1,200 tons), a weight equal to about 200 African elephants or 57 U.S. creaturas.
TLDR; you are worse than NIGGERS
>Construction of the monument began in 1848 and was halted from 1854 to 1877 due to a lack of funds. The completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885 and officially opened October 9, 1888.
The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power.
Fuck me dead. Youre right. Fucking Masons.
t. /his spic always shilling multicultural garbage
>Deseret/Utah/Mormon-Mason land used the one eye and beehive
Finding Freemasonry expensive, and not open to his ideas, he founded his own society which was to have a system of ranks or grades based on those in Freemasonry, but with his own agenda.[6] His original name for the new order was Bund der Perfektibilisten, or Covenant of Perfectibility (Perfectibilists); he later changed it because it sounded too strange.[7] On 1 May 1776 Weishaupt and four students formed the Perfectibilists, taking the Owl of Minerva as their symbol.[8][9] The members were to use aliases within the society. Weishaupt became Spartacus. Law students Massenhausen, Bauhof, Merz and Sutor became respectively Ajax, Agathon, Tiberius and Erasmus Roterodamus. Weishaupt later expelled Sutor for indolence.[10][11]
>In April 1778 the order became the Illuminatenorden, or Order of Illuminati, after Weishaupt had seriously contemplated the name Bee order.[12]
the (((blackout))) of 10 minutes happend in while i posted here lol, i thought of this before i entered this one, it usually gets pruned or deleted fast so if you got anymore knowledge you can share with us, I would be thankful!
May God Bless You!
i also got a thread taken down yesterday about saturn worship
yes goyim its fact we are right
The jannies are cunts about Freemason stuff. I've wanted to do a mason media thread for awhile, but have been busy, and thy'll probably prune or bant it anyway.
This is the knowledge Jow Forums should truly be interested in lmao, Nike logo is also the Saturn ring, And there is no "space" since we can not go outside of the firmament, The stars in Heaven are to my Christian views unironicaly Angels.
Billie Eilish,Lil Xan,And alot of new celebs appear to be transexual, I wonder if they come out with a gigantic "I am trans all along" or if they will hide it for their (((Stardom))) But we are closing in to something.
Holy shit, to be as dumb as you. The thing is constructed you fool. Absolutely every inch of it was planned.
its everywhere
Fuck you dinosaur is good Boyz
Just do it.
life is a lie. sigil of saturn (aka satan worshippers)
Pic related
and all this
111feet underground.
Hogwarts is very reminiscent of some kind of Mystery School. The Rosecrusions call themselves "The Invisible College." Hogwarts accepts ten year olds. Ten was magic number to the Gnostics, and per-Christian pagans.
looks like a cabala
Ha dats smaller than my cock
Invisible College is the term used for a small community of interacting scholars who often met face-to-face, exchanged ideas and encouraged each other. One group that has been described as a precursor group to the Royal Society of London, consisted of a number of natural philosophers around Robert Boyle. It has been suggested that other members included prominent figures later closely concerned with the Royal Society;[2] but several groups preceded the formation of the Royal Society, and who the other members of this one were is still debated by scholars.
The concept of "invisible college" is mentioned in German Rosicrucian pamphlets in the early 17th century. Ben Jonson in England referenced the idea, related in meaning to Francis Bacon's House of Solomon, in a masque The Fortunate Isles and Their Union from 1624/5.[3] The term accrued currency for the exchanges of correspondence within the Republic of Letters.[4]
I think the JP Jurassic Park logo is a mockery of the Chi Rho sign of Christianity.
It’s a white supremacy monument named after a slave owner. It needs to be torn down.
ask the shade man who sits at the base of the statue for some spare change when the angle reaches solar maximum at equatorial noon on a sidereal circumpolar star scale of bad depth perception. steal his glasses and ask for some water in a plastic bottle in return. get dividends from coca cola in the coming quarters. Q confirms shark week next in a bear and rabbit market for wolves and other animals of wallstreet sex parties and drug fueled hollywood orgies
I am calling bullshit. The monument is wider at its base than at its top. This is the dumbest shit in the world. Of course somewhere it is going to be X inches wide, but that is only 1 place. You move down an inch or up an inch, the whole thing will change.
No I think it's a monument from when they was kings.
To help usher in the age of Satanism and enslave everyone. Jeez, how new are you? I hope Jesus comes back and fixes all this asap.
We are already enslaved
>21 feet (6.4 m) below ground
This game was ridiculously hard. I never made it through the first 4 levels. Fucking infuriating
Order out of Chaos
The biggest bullshit conspiracy lie was the catholic church making up 666, pentagram, and satanic shit to specifically target the USA during the Spanish American war.
It was propaganda, the founding fathers werent satanic, they were mathematicians and philosophers that though the european theocracy was for serfs.
>Nothing and you can find le weird coincidences like this in literally anything
You literally braindead. Coincidence? It was specificially built to those dimensions. In 2019 we have people who are so dumb they'll dismiss obvious deliberate acts as "coincidence" because acknowledging the truth that satan runs this world just blows their tiny little minds, and forces them to accept that if satan is exists, so does the Father.
Why is satanic an adjective that schizos use to describe freemasonry?
Is satanic ever defined or is it the boogeyman of religions, like the Jew on Jow Forums?
What’s your understanding of what freemasonry is?
(((Satan))) runs the world
>they chose to suck jewish phallic symbols
It represense the cock of osiris, an egyptian deity that is part of the sun worship cult.
Jews do not exist; they are simply renamed babylonians who converted their mysticism into "modern science theory" and have a lot of idiots believing what they believe...that humanistic knowledge will allow for a self-induced apotheosis of the 'species'.
>(((Satan))) runs the world
For a short while, unfortunately... but Jesus is always in control and nothing is happening that he has not written in his book.
Masons have weird architecture and creepy lodges, the one in Winnipeg, Canada is haunted (or filled with demons, notice the for lease sign)
Shit forgot pic
666 is a jewish used number. Masonry is an offshoot of Jewish mysticism and it originates from BEFORE Hiram Abiff... its to the origins of the Egyptian Pharoahs and before that Atlantis
do you even know what the fuck are you talking about?
Not only that, but we were enslaved a LONG time ago, in every possible way
Founders were freemasons you retard
Next you'll claim the pyramid with an eye was just a coincidental random design
Have you ever looked up Fallen Angels being all the ancient deities or (((gods))) around the world? I pray for them every day and i know there is a path to redemption if they accepted who they are!
Do you think we will see (((Aliens))) soon? Area 51 fake meme aside, There is alot of spirutual warfare going on.
More important than all this bullshit is that 666 is (biblically speaking) a reference to the wealth of solomon 1 kings 10:14.
The Rothschild family claims to be the line of Solomon, as does the Wahhabi dynasty. The king of the North, and the queen of the south will marry, and their son will be the Beast: Coming into power through flattery, not having desire for women (Daniel 11)
These threads just muse about what we already know: Jews are fucking evil, the synagogue of satan, if you're religious. And we also know that america (and the masons who founded it) are owned by jews...
These are redditpills
i like to group them
What makes you think there is redemption for them?