Why does Jow Forums refuse to accept Nazis fucked the nationalist cause harder than anyone?

Attached: antifa-and-nazis-comic.png (1000x500, 48K)


they didn't.
the media being a bunch of fucking low iq asshats talking to a bunch of low iq asshats is what fucked it.
illegal immigration is what brought it back.

>1 post by this ID

One of his weaker comics

>be memeflag poster
>1 post by this ID
Hitler did nothing wrong

>hitler=controlled opposition
>fucks nationalist cause
>suicide with no corpse
>jews get special status

checks out

Communists stopped hitler. They made him and his family commit suicide, just like the romanovs

he probably retired and spent the rest of his life in the bahamas

>Acting on your convictions means fucking it all up goy
>The other side outnumbering you means you're to blame for what they say about you
>Never act, only talk
Say "please", faggot.

This but unironically.

nazis were german nationalists
was there any nationalist cause towards other countries?

This guy's comics aren't funny

niggers tongue my anus

>invade all your neighbors
>why is everyone ganging up on me?

Hitler made 1 mistake...he lost the war

Yeah it was Hitler's fault that the jews made up things about nazi germany after the war. kys,

>Poland = all of Germany's neighbors
retard alert.

>not because they were modernists but because muh authoritarian anti-Sea People

Fascism is not NS.

Acting on your convictions does mean risking fucking it all up

The look on hitlers face makes it for me, but the message seems pretty normie. Good way to rope them in to his more extreme stuff though

Hitler killed himself with a PPK, not a Luger.

>hitler=controlled opposition
“Controlled opposition” waged war for years and bombed western Europe into rubble?

For what fucking purpose?

he made it easier for the USSR to conquer half of europe and americans the rest

That makes it sound like he was “controlled” by either the US or Soviets or both, and that seems like a ridiulous claim.