
You Will Not Replace Us

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Why she hate guatemala?

Please keep the morenos out of Mexico. America will pay for a wall on our southern border. Thank you.

How problematic, those noble countries are not shitholes!

>don't you dare to take our immigrants

No country is a safe country for them - they make it an unsafe country

So shes saying it's a shithole right?
God I love how trump forces them to flip on everything.

You’ve already been replaced.

Unlike her, I've actually been there. I never felt particularly unsafe and I stood out as a 6'5" blue eyed aryan. Its a very hospitable place despite the poverty.

why don'y you respond to her tweet with what you said here:
>"racist, you will not replace us."
instead of posting here?

you're indian?
poo in loo, boy!

I vote for deporting our illegal Mexicans to Guatemala… particularly and all the better should Guatemala be "unsafe".

how many poos are tall with blue eyes?

why is she being so racist against Guatemala

So she's saying Guatemala is a shithole?

"human rights" and international law do not Trump US law. we have no legal obligation to allow any and every individual who comes to the border to enter... we want to be compassionate but we must have the ability to screen who seeks entry so we are not allowing violent elements to gain entry. Anyone with integrity who loves this country will agree.

which resort did you visit? any pics?

Who the fuck thinks that some laws affect all countries? Like, how do you even have that as a mindset? It's crazy to me how so many people, normies included, believe that this globohomo idea is normal and accurate and functional. I'm not communicating my frustrations clearly enough but I hope you understand that I see your point and agree with you.

Someone post a video of the woman who had all her limbs cut off

Fairly certain America has shit ton of gang violence, so we're not a safe nation either, move along.

So is it a shithole or something? Omar should be torn apart for this

We should start actively campaigning against the Geneva Convention

Sadly, most libs won't pick up on that.

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What would she know about Guatemala? She's in Venice eating pasta

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Why, is it a lawless shithole or something? Also, saying international agreements violate international agreements is peak retard and something that could only come out of the mouth of a woman.

so racist.
guatamela is a beautiful land of beautiful people with a beautiful culture.

its their world view.. they merely hope that by repeating it enough eventually so many people will adopt it as fact they can gain seats in congress to actually change our laws to make it fact.

That's fine. They can all stay in Mexico. Mexico IS a safe third country... it also happens to be the first they'd come across on their journey.

so is Sheila Jackson-Lee... i wonder.. is she a descendant of Robert E.Lee?

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So it's a shithole country?


Next time you faggots fall for her anti-Israel talk, remember that she follows JEW POLICIES. Shes for open borders, gun control AND she hates whites.

This is why the democrat jews protect her. Shes controlled opposition.

Fuck this nigger.

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wait is she unironically admitting Guatemala is a shithole

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Nonwhites are only safe when they are living near white people, also everything whites do is white supremeism that oppresses nonwhites

>dont call these countries shitholes racist
>tmigrants are not safe in these shithole countries

i hate this bitch with fury of 1000 suns

>Mexico IS a safe third country
that's where you are wrong, kiddo

Shut up Jew

Tourist locations don't actually count as "visiting" a country

>heavily implying that a country mostly populated by nonwhites is a shithole
So the MSM is gonna brand her a racist now right?

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We can agree with her when she's against Israel, and disagree when she's against us. We don't support people, we support ideas.

USA isn't safe either. Look at all the mass shootings we have.

What a racist bitch. Guatamala is full of very nice guatamalans and is very safe, you dumb bitch!

Safer than baltimore.

Is she calling Guatemala a shit hole?

>"It is not even a safe country for many Guatemalans."

Gee what's so dangerous about it for Guatemalans? Oh right, OTHER GUATEMALANS.

This is like letting lions into your home because they might get attacked by other lions. At the end your dead and the lions are still surrounded by other lions.

Is she saying that we have a moral obligation to invade and fix Guatemala?

yaas based somalian

>omar says israel bad
her israel talk is only to create sympathy for jews in the media. THATS WHY ITS ONLY TALK. Besides her talk, she is for jew policies. Shes a communist.
If you fall for this youre retarded.


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what she means is "We can only make $1,000 a month in Guatemala please let us take some of your jobs."

>None of the three are safe
Are volcanoes exploding and apex predators slaughtering people in the streets? Oh, they're not safe because they're full of their own citizens?

I would gladly pay for a wall on your southern border. And your northern border. And your eastern and western borders. Then I'd fill the whole thing with water.

The dangers of central America are gang rand drug related.
She shouldn't be saying such things about Guatemala, it's a nice place and fairly safe as long as you don't go near the ghettos.

>they dont know Mexico already has a wall

>I don't understand, what's wrong with Guatemala? For that matter, how about El Salvador?

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If literally every country south of America is considered "unsafe" for migrants then one starts to question if Central and South American people might have something to do with it. If that is the case then America, at 30+% hispanic, might have some sort of crisis on its hands and the very real need to remove these violent economic terrorists.

Guatemala is safer than Baltimore

It's the world view of a lot of virtue signalling whites who maintain some philosophical basis for their ethnomasochsim. For people like Ilhan Omar it's simply another knife to stick in white civilization so when it's dead her people can pick at its corpse.

>Shes for open borders, gun control AND she hates whites.

This is also true of every other leftist politician, and the "right wing" ones don't resist the anti-white agenda in any meaningful way (except on gun rights).
At least Omar is pro BDS, and is helping to bring Israel into the conversation. If she gets primaried in her next election by wealthy jew donors she will just be replaced by another 70 IQ Somali who will have the same beliefs but will play ball on zionism


That's pretty fucked up and I'm sure Guatamala is a beautiful place. Is she calling it a shit hole??

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>If literally every country south of America is considered "unsafe" for migrants then one starts to question if Central and South American people might have something to do with it
No silly, US meddling and climate change are the reason everything sucks down there. These people are gentle lambs but for the interference of whitey.

>international law
what do they even think this is?

Why this racist piece of shit is viciously attacking such an Amzing country with amazing people? Someone should tell this retard that we will not deal with her poisonous bigotry.

There are 3 people in a room. 2 more enter. Have the original 3 been replaced? No, they gave been joined. OP america is not a white nation, a christian nation or a judeo christian culture. We are a nation of immigrants from all over the world. There is no culture like Americas because we are a blend of all people and all nationsm

USA is not safe either. Half the nation is right wing extremist white nationalist nazis.

the 2 that entered fuck like rabbits nonstop and demand gibs from the original three

> keeping guatamalans in GA is a human rights violation

REALLY made me think

Damn, that nigger is being pretty racist with this.

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>another 70 IQ Somali who will have the same beliefs but will play ball on zionism
Good luck finding one. Jew hating is less controversial in these communities than it is in Jow Forums.

She has to go back

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Ilhan Omar is a dialectical subversion by Israel. They hire a muslim woman they control with blackmail (she married brother) and get whites to polarize against her and towards the "based jews" who oppose her.

This is a subversion in its entirety. Both sides are controlled by jews.


And all the guns...anyone in USA can go get a gun. Nobody is safe here. Surely Guatemala is safer.

many of them at least know their place and recognize the menace to humanity that is global jewry - """white""" Americans are wallowing in it

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Leftists live in a world where random chance and nebulous bullshit determines your lot in life. You can't really expect them to understand that a country's prosperity is largely determined by it's people.

They genuinely believe that if you just bring 3rd world trash to the west, they'll magically absorb the invisible shit that makes America wealthy. It's the same logic behind bussing whites to black majority school, or the opposite.

If they had the intellectual honesty to look at past implementations of that fantasy, they'd figure out that the lowest common denominator tends to drag everyone down with them.

That’s the move here. Ilhan is making racist tweets! Why would it be dangerous? This is worse than Baltimore!!

This is just pathetic now

This. Welcome to your Baltimore, Democrats.

>Half the nation is right wing extremist white nationalist nazis.
I wish.

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Shut your fucking face brother fucker.

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America isnt safe for POC with all these White Nationalists and guns around.

they'd definitely be safer in Squatemala.

The globalism ideal is basically a child's expectation of the world, "can't everyone just get along?" but the reality is we won't without borders and our own sovereignty.

Yeah, well maybe if they hadn't overthrown Ubico it wouldn't be the shithole of Central America.

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>jews want Muslims to publicly say bad things about Israel
They want positive things said, or nothing at all. Every time someone publicly says something negative about Israel, others take that as permission to do the same and that begins to grow like a fire. If you don't understand this, you're the retard.

Shut the fuck up with your pica-ninny bullshit metaphor you self-impressed fuckwit thats a willful mischaracterization of whats happening and you know it

We don’t fix guatemala or el salvador or whatever shithole by letting their poor in

It just ruins our country and theirs stays ruined

Turning the US into the rest of the world does nothing for the US and nothing for the rest of the world

She isn't for anything personally, she was installed by a special interest group like the rest of the "squad" and takes orders from them.

is she calling guatemala a shithole?

>They genuinely believe that if you just bring 3rd world trash to the west, they'll magically absorb the invisible shit that makes America wealthy. It's the same logic behind bussing whites to black majority school, or the opposite.
>If they had the intellectual honesty to look at past implementations of that fantasy, they'd figure out that the lowest common denominator tends to drag everyone down with them.

That's never going to happen because as time goes by mainstream leftist thought goes from being controlled by the utopian whites you've described to the 3rd world populations we've let in. And most of them will always blame their failures on the white majority, which is why that majority needs to go. Immigration to the west is reparations for the west causing the failures in the nations they're coming from.

Mexico is already so full of morenos they've overflown into the US, Esteban

Are you retarded? Mossad creates white supremacists all the times to fake shootings at synagogues all the time for media sympathy.

That fucking bigot, targeting the people of Guatemala like that!! How absolutely dare you!

Hey, Ilhan, ever since your African and Muslim and Jew brothers & sisters started showing up in the USA, America is not even a safe country for many Americans.

Fuck that filthy diaper encased bulb head.

That border is like two feet. Pay for our wall and you got it.

Seriously though, how bad are Guatemalans compared to Mexicans?

>Don't you dare take our voters

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>a shooting is the same as expressing an opinion

Damn, offensive to Guatemalans much?

Imagine caring what a bulbhead thinks.

Yeah we have a ton of dangerous guns and supposedly a gorrillion Neo Nazis running around targeting minorities too! And she wants to subject those poor people to that?!

Dumb bitch, El Salvador in particular has the highest murder rate in the world.

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