How does it feel that the other boards on this site either think Jow Forums is full of LARPers or full of retards?

How does it feel that the other boards on this site either think Jow Forums is full of LARPers or full of retards?

How does it feel to be the boogeyman to the other boards?

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It doesn’t feel like anything at all

Who cares lol

>caring what anime and magic the gathering bugmen think

without us they wouldn't;t even be allowed to talk about the things they like, We are the boogeyman so others are allowed to live how they want. It's the reason most of us became "Nazis",

we would first have to give a shit what retards thinks wouldnt we?

worried, because it means that Hiro wouldn't dubt at shuting down Jow Forums (along with the rest of red boards) if it made him lose shekels

now this is LARP


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Jow Forums is still a lot more influential in our culture and in the media than any other board, so I basically don't care one bit what trannies, gamers, and other degenerates think.

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I agree with them, Jow Forums is full of retarded boomer schizos

It oscillates between a validation and dismissal.

Feminine wording about how we 'feel', appeal to the rest of the social group, and shaming. You know the rules on /pol.

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Thats funny, because if I express a single right wing opinion on other boards I get banned for 24 hours. Maybe they don't really have great perspective due to the censorship they wallow in.

>meme flag

where as /b/ went full retard, Jow Forums still has memorable moments and still on occasion comes up with pretty funny media trolling.

Your world never existed, you fell for the jew propaganda.

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>think Jow Forums is full of LARPers or full of retards?
user i

All the oldfags and originalfags of Jow Forums are on Jow Forums now and all the other boards are newfags and redditors. Why would we give a shit what they think?

its a containment zone for angry virgins

>implying Jow Forums isn’t 97% newfag redditors trying to act edgy to fit in but end up being cringe
user i

This was my exact thought, pic related and all.

Other boards: We think you're all stupid! Hahahaha!

Jow Forums: We don't think of you at all.

whenever I go on a voice chat its literally Jow Forums incarnate so we’re obviously doing more than them, huh?

Idk. /his/ is just Jow Forums but in historical retrospective. I don't visit other boards.

>I don't care about them
meanwhile every time someone tells idiots to fuck off to Jow Forums they throw a massive tantrum and start accusing them to be discord trannies, JIDF, redditors, resetera trannies(whatever is that), tumblrfags, etc.

>All the oldfags and originalfags of Jow Forums are on Jow Forums now
lol no. there are only retards from r/the_donald and boomers from facebook/twitter here.

this thread is made by a seething kike. all boards are at least 90% pro pol there is just a screeching minority of D&C attempting trannies trying to sow dissent between brothers in arms

Holy shit.
There are other boards?!

>all boards are at least 90% pro pol

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>lol no. there are only retards from r/the_donald and boomers from facebook/twitter here.
There are far more newfags than oldfags. Of course this board is totally shitted up by them. That doesn't invalidate my statement at all.

This. If I happen to visit/mu/ or /tv/ I always encounter pol rhetoric

where is your proof that any board is anti pol, faggot pedophile jew?

>All the oldfags and originalfags of Jow Forums are on Jow Forums now
No. 9/10 of them went back to the IRCs, 0.5/10 went to cripplechan and there's only like 5% of them left here.
Then chanology happened and we got swarmed by summerfags who by that time had smartphones and thus 24/7 access to the board, which completely ruined it.

Except they don't. Pol 'culture' is on every board.

pedro i will take a quasdilla and 2 tacos throw me one of those jaritos too andale i got shit to do

other boards:
>how does it feel pol? we think about how much we hate you all day and night!!!!

>I dont think about you at all....


>How does it feel to be the boogeyman to the other boards?

>go to any politics-related thread on any board
>see if anyone already posted "fuck off to /pol"
>if nobody has posted it then post it
>watch hell set loose between Jow Forumstards calling everyone else trannies/kikes/discord shills and retards callin everyone who says nigger Jow Forums
happens every fucking time. there's a huge division on the site, even on more "pro-Jow Forums" boards like /tv/

shut up jose

We own the other boards on this site. Show flag

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The other boards are NPC's. Blue pills and NPC's aren't real.

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but the other boards love Jow Forums, see dont fall for j*wish propaganda

the politics threads go fine and the tranny leftist minority always gets BTFO and humiliated. literally everyone is laughing at you. rope day soon nigger

half of them like Jow Forums and the other half don't which is because half of Jow Forums is white and the other half are beige mixtrosities.

That should give some perspective about the demographics of the rest of this site.

This is from what Ive found to be the most vocal anti/pol/ people that are on this site. Either they have a crippling addiction to an autistic hobby and thus are socially retarded and just parrot what they hear online from others, or they are in a hobby that got globohomod badly and thus became indoctrinated. These are beta males who have low social status or maybe some wide as an ocean deep as a puddle efame status.

>The other boards are NPC's
>he says it after Jow Forums spammed the NPC shit everywhere like spambots for months

>the politics threads go fine
>rope day soon
keep dreaming bong. maybe your government won't arrest for that

just like a lazy mexican can't even get the name right on my order

>That should give some perspective about the demographics of the rest of this site.
We must secure a future for Jow Forums children.


Nigger please

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No one does, this is the dominant board other branch out from. Discord trannies/antifa have been running anti pol psyops for over a year now despite 0 success.

I never have pizza delivered. The smelly hippies who deliver them most likely have a filthy car full of roaches

This has to be one of your weakest attempts.

>1 post
Fuck this slide thread

kek it's a fucking fact that it's full of 15 year old cunts. LARPers no, that takes some kind of thought.

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Ide kill Jewish children

Who the fuck cares? Why should I give up my beliefs because some cartoon watching anime body pillow fucking retards are scared of the truth? The fact is, they know we're right. They just really really don't want to believe it, because it means that their stupid hobbies are going to get pozzed by globalists next. Head in the sand.

>How does it fee
Stopped reading there, Roastie.

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cope j*w

i'll go out on a limb and say it's mostly bots

seethe cUcK (while you still can)

>While you still can
18 or older buddy

>j*woid spic resorting to making empty, impotent threats online when BTFO'd by superior Anglo intellect
kneel dog

Idk. If I got told those words I might snap and use my CCW

I mean sure there will be some shitskins and kikes that hate reality and need their safespaces too

I'm 28, have three kids, and a wife and ide still blatantly kill Jewish and israeli children.

>empty threats
like your "day of the rope" shit?

A starving canadian just killed himself because of that gif. I hope you're happy.

Here in Alaska I can actually kill Jews and hide the bodies easily tho.

good for you

I get annoyed at crossposting newfags spamming Jow Forums memes on other boards. Fuck kikes and niggers, but for fucks sake stop posting twitter screencapbthreads and BASED HAVE SEX INCEL COPE TRANNY JEWS and making every thread about the jq.

>Insults based on social rejection
Are you a woman? Or just a soiboi?

you stink of newfag

The memes not a threat you autistic retard. Don't you understand basic human interaction? Honestly, why even come here if you can't even take the banter?

Real Jow Forums posters unironically have a higher average iq than the 16-20yo losers that frequent the other boards. Unfortunately most posters here are trolls of one kind or another.

Glowing mate

>Jow Forums is full of LARPers or full of retards
they are not wrong you know

/tg/ and /a/ both have a ton of Jow Forumsacks nigger fag.

Murder Jewish children.

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hahahahahahaha get the fuck out of here

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And now because you post such lies I post this.

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how many finger boxes do you own?

Poo in loo that is all

I have a digital one with an epic fail guy insignia

Dos cerveza por favor

Damn you are glowing bright

>How does it feel to be the boogeyman to the other boards?

Tg and his are currently overrun with leftists, less and less boards side with pol

I am used to being a boogeyman since i am German

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Kill all Jewish and israeli children

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Only children fear the boogeyman.

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There's other boards?

Those are the worst. I'm sure a lot of less people would hate Jow Forums if these spastic idiots were banned (alond with the faggots who defend their shit after others call them out).

>boards nobody uses
lel, I was surprised when /lit/ went full 1488 about 2 years ago. based