What the fuck is this guy's problem?

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he's canadian.

Read SIEGE by James Mason.

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>having perverted sexual relations with everything


He's probably constipated as fuck from his fucked up diet.

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>What the fuck is this guy's problem?
he is shit

That's what I'm saying. I get that low carbs + high protein can be good for weight loss but this faggot eats NO CARBS and eats 100% meat. He must be malnourished right? Can any Jow Forumsizens weigh in?

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lol..... ITT: a bunch of retards


fuck off pussies

>eats only meat
you fuckers are giving him way too much money

vegetables cause inflammation


>fat white whores with gigantic asses
Dammit man I'm trying to stay good

Built for BBC

You get every vitamin from meat also. Read fat of the land. Many people have loved on meat only diets (Alaskan Inuits?) they have treated scurvy with raw meat.

>Eating estrogenic vegetables in 2019

Hey name is Anja Dee.
She is Canadian just like Jordan Peterson, so it's appropriate for her to get posted in this thread.

Clean room.
Still gets sent to the gulags...


Her name is Anja Dee.
She is built for any high testosterone Alpha male who tends to prefer his women thicc and fertile.

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Read Weston A Prices "Nutrition and physical degeneration" veggiefag


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Inuits don't get any significant amount of vitamin c from muscle fibers, they get some from organ meat. They don't get scurvy because they don't need at all as much vitamin c because they are in ketosis and therefore don't need as many antioxidants.

Real high testosterone Alpha males prefer curvy women with a body fat content that signals that she is capable of giving birth to healthy babies. Fat asses, thick thighs, wide hips, and big tits are all good examples.

If you are a man does not like it, that means you are a faggot.

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Nigger tier female.

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I honestly thought you were the guy who shot up the garlic festival.
>Jow Forums agrees with him on literally 90% of the issues
>hurr durr he doesnt talk about JQ so he is controlled oposition

Nigger detected.

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Faggot detected

user must be a feeder.

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Imagine being this bad at logic.

Niggers like weed and money too.
Does that mean everyone who likes marijuana or money is automatically a nigger? Plenty of respectable white men like their women thicc.

protein and carbs have same caloric density.
>but muh protein

As I understand it he's got some auto immune disease that fucks his shit up if he eats carbs
I think he said on the joe rogan interview (?) that he doesn't like the diet and wouldn't recommend it unless you're suffering from the same condition

Exactly so. Any white man who would find that disgusting, obese, ham beast attractive is a wigger, wannabe retard.

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I like curvy woman but the one in your gif is just fat and unhealty

Figures this wigger tard smokes dope. Clear your mind white man, and stop being influenced by kike approved nigger culture.

It's probably not wise, but I hope he triggers the fuck out of basedboys and vegans with this.
They are 10X worse than anything he does.

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I am reading it . Mason is the cure for all these pussy right wingers who vote for the same Zionist puppet every 4 years. Do you not see? Revolution is our only solution.

did meat only for two months, you're not constipated at all.. your body is so good at taking in meat. there's barely any waste. you have to poop maybe once a week, it's lovely

This. Kike approved Kardashian has warped the minds of pot smoking Onanite millennials and zoomers.

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> Photshopping into an Otaku's room.

wtf are you thinking?

>Plenty of respectable white men like their women thicc.

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You need 0 carbs, your body is perfectly capable of creating glycogens without taking in carbs. There are essential amino acids you can't get from just plants tho.

He is 100% malnourished. Just look at him, he looks miserable in most pictures you see of him.
Carbs, fats, and protein are all important for health. Fats are required for hormone production so his testosterone is probably really low.

No, that's his daughter.

Oh Peterson is fucking retarded.
He was a vegetarian or whatever and so was his daughter. His daughter was having health problems. So she went on an all meat diet. All her health problems stopped. So Peterson decides to do this too.
And all the while, this pencil neck skinny mother fucker never acknowledges he's an omnivore and is supposed to be eating BOTH.
No no. It's either one or the other.
Apparently you can't eat meat with veggies or fruit. No. They have to be separate.

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you can get all essential amino acids in a vegetarian diet

Why do we need vegetables? The modern vegetables are all man made inventions.

he did eat meat and green veggies
you're just retarded

>Gets called a nigger for his taste
>Posts a nigger woman to prove his retarded point
THICC fags are whites that have been demoralized by Mass media into becoming niggers.

If you're an obese fellow though, my statements do not apply.

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Fucking hilarious that the guy telling fat man-children to clean their rooms wont eat his spinach.

not a nutritionist, but vitamin c is a thing.
we straight-up cannot produce it ourselves, but it's so common in plants that it's not usually a problem.

meat has none.

>There are essential amino acids you can't get from just plants tho
fake news.


J peterson wants to get his asshole raped raw by a somali. He wants it so badly.

Guess scurvy will take care of him then.

Stfu. His room looks alpha as fuck.

>caked in makeup
>chubby (look at those gross arms)
>has that pouty face that screams “I take black dick”
>probably listens to city girls or some other nigger slut ramblings
>literally has the proportions of a dwarf

Meat is fucking expensive.
My """"protien""" is 100 whey powder garbage.

Ketones fill the molecular role of vitamin-c when only eating meat. As old sea captains would say, you get scurvy from bread but not if you’re eating meat.


Just helping his daughter's grift

You're just jealous you can't hit that.

There's tons of vitamin c in liver There is nothing you can't also get in animals.
You don't need that much vitamin c if you don't eat carbs though.

I used to be obese.
I worked out hard, changed my diet, and changed my life.
I ended becoming attracted to thicc women as my testosterone levels went up from all the working out I did.
When I used to be a fat low testosterone fellow, I was into skinny bitches.

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I suggest you become a real man and take the Pierce Brosnan pill.

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I remember him saying that his daughter was the one who introduced the diet for him and a lot of his health problems went away

And that's why they're faggots. Pic related is a fucking woman and has been for thousands of years, not your Jewish fantasy.

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How can he even afford to eat real meat? Most of us canadians are already eating the cockroach mush

>What the fuck is this guy's problem?
An auto-immune disorder that is exascerbated by several food groups. He's been pretty clear.