Your reptilian overlord

I am one of many. Ask me anything.

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I was going to call you a faggot, but now I'm scared.

When will CIA surrender to IRA and suck Terry’s cock?

Eat a bag of niggerdicks, desu

Can you give me light, gecko?

Why did you choose that gay picture.

What body temperature do you all run at, oh Lord of Trips?

Wrong Universe, this is considered Standard Reality. So Go 939527972952828 Lightyears down or left in our Multiversal Structure.


Do you suck dick and do barrel roll?

kys faggot

they are the same entity

no u

yes. It will be delivered to you shortly

this is me

Are Inanna and Utu coming in 2022-2023 as scheduled?

Show benis or gtfo

Scales or gtfo

>a leaf as multiverse cop

We're fucked aren't we?

why does our faggot overlord op use a memeflag your slimeyness?

you look like you die pretty easily

Jesus time is soon with mean your time is up demon...prepare yourself for hell await you

how gay are you

I ran into one in Phoenix we locked eyes and i couldn’t move

Can you blush?

What!? This isn't the Jews Backed by Extradimensional Reptilian Advisors Turn the Whole World into Tranny Sodomists reality?

Reptilians are gay.

Did you hear about the pastor that got shot countless times in the back of the head but lived? Crazy stuff, those martians.

how to become your overlord?

Tracy R. Twyman dead after researching Elsagate-related content with Isaac Kappy

>implying Molech worshippers are after only ONE reality. Come on burger get fuckin real

a hellish multiverse

Imagine the smell.

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Are you a native born earth or from an other star system?

There seems to be many types of reptilians. Which group are you from?

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can you go on snowboarding?

helllo BRO

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Ever tasted shitted from downs syndrome

proof glownigger

Story of humanity?

Story of before known history?

Story of everything that is?

"Reptilian" is a euphemism for Jew-nigger, Jew-nigger.

How long have you been on planet earth

What chemicals do I take to change sex?

I did.

Poop and poor pee

Can i get some light? Oh and an atomizer

Hows the weather in Tel Aviv?

Can you fly over my house tonight and wake me up so I can see you? I know you got those cigar shaped ufos...

Do you know Lacerta?

Tell me about chainlink. Will it make us plebs rich?

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wasted ...

You are clearly female. A male wouldn't care less about us surface dwellers.

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Take a selfie faggot

Is there a way of overcoming your mimicry?

Like are there glasses or a method to see for real like in "They Live" ?

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what happens when we fuck a hot ass lizard girl? are humans able to interbreed?

420 PEW PEW PEW PEWWWWW its never wasted

checked. we the reptilian space pussy at?

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if I cut your tail will it grow again?

When does the black hole explode?

Look at that skinny retard. I bet you were a 200ton lardass hamplanet. The fuck are those skin flabs, do you even lift you gay faggot? Disgusitng.