Can we have a legit discussion on the homeless issue and how to solve it?

Can we have a legit discussion on the homeless issue and how to solve it?

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Exterminate them

Bus to Vegas and hand them 100 bucks when they exit the bus

Nerve gas them

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Let them starve

tax the rich to create a program providing them job training and job placement.
it's worked everywhere it's been tried.

The word "homeless" was invented by pussy liberals to distract from the real issues of prostitution, drug dealing, lunatic, and otherwise cosmopolitan degenerate lifestyle.

People don't magically become responsible adults when they're given unlimited medicine, food, and housing.

Thinking it's a problem to be "SOLVE" is a mistake. It's about management. Even a rich, authoritarian country like SIngapore has them. They just manage the problem in a way so that the normies aren't bothered..

some people don't want to go to war and this
is where they end up, you know how to solve it.

I've always thought that there shouldn't be a welfare system, if you need work, the government will find jobs/companies that are in need of jobs. If not, then you dont eat, it's simple. Get a job and you can eat, I've never liked unemployment either, unless you genuinely are incapable of ANY kind of work, then of course there should be something, nothing extravagant

For one thing, if you get a job and are paid to not work, there would theoretically be less crime

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You're in for a REAL surprise, you bigot. It turns out not all cultures have the germanic work ethic.

> implying this isn't the american dream

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Force them to work. Arbeit Macht Frei. Make them build their own communities, building facilities they will use daily to give them a sense of accomplishment and confidence and helps ready them to enter the blue collar job market. If this fails, gas them.

Kill them.

>bro, if you want anything in life, you just need to sell yourself into involuntary servitude
>maybe even take up the life of serfdom and work in the kings stables for table scraps
>trust me, it's the american way.
the absolute state of ameritards

Meanwhile China has practically zero homeless people.

>how to solve it?
start killing people in the streets.

Right, but we don't live in a fantasy land where this would happen.

I keep telling people work camps are the way to go.

Nobel Prize incoming

The same thing every marxist must do yo the lazy
Go full trotsky with lead!

Outdoor magazine should be using the homeless for tent reviews. Seems like the perfect opportunity. Or some enterprising blogger, interview homeless about tents... pluses vs negative... leaks etc... goldmine of info

You have to start by removing the corruption of local politicians who are defended by the corrupt police departments who are protected by corrupt judges who are protected by the corrupt news media who are also paid by the corrupt politicians.

Enjoy all the refugees
Especially when they take everything out of your hands

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no, you're comparing american social decay to the way that the rest of humanity wants to contribute to society.
anywhere that hasn't fallen ploy to capitalism and oligarchism has figured out that a government that acts as the employer of last resort is best for their citizenry and even for private enterprise.
Japan is the best example, but the Nordic countries, China, some South American countries that weren't fucked by Friedman, and anywhere else that has functioning Social Democracy has figured this out.

...and it's incredibly wasteful. I mean look at China's lead in ecological approaches here! Shooting them in the street causes civic unrest. Taking them to prison/work camps lets you remove critically valuable organs, and avoids disturbing the citizenry..

I suppose shelters, but a lot of homeless have mental/drug issues that exclude them.

And I doubt social programs would be of much help other than to strain an already teetering system.

What's your logic here? What laws and policies need to be passed that are being blocked?

Well let's take Seattle, for example. The local government has made it pretty hard to bust people for drugs, or vagrancy. So, the police that want to do their actual jobs either can't because drugs have been decriminalized, or wont because the offender will be on the streets the next day.

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Criminalize homelessness and panhandling.

Fix the retarded housing market in california and new york by getting rid of zoning laws that prevent more land from being used to make new homes. In some places there it is impossible to build anything because of regulations, and what happens when you can't build anything and the population is going up? Do the math.

this for starters

no thanks

Nah won't do anything. The reason why people are homeless is because they dont want to work or can't afford a house. And the reason why housing is stupidly expensive in some areas is because the value of the land is artificially inflated by regulations.


>just fuck the environment bro! Why do we even need farmland?

Suddenly they are more desperate and willing to kill or be killed, then what would you do? Better hope they are the minority

Lower immigration.

>they dont want to work

A lot of them have huge mental health issues, and abuse drugs. Who's going to hire that?

Specially made cities designed for homeless people.
In these cities there could be programs and the homeless could opt-in to take care of the facility, this could rehabilitate them and then those with the willpower will prosper and the ones who would otherwise just roam the street in a delirious haze will die out.

Loosen zoning laws and get rid of rent control

> the homeless issue and how to solve it
Clearly, we need more immigrants for cheap labor so the homeless people can have lower-cost electronics and avocados. Immigrants are awesome for increasing demand on housing. When the homeless do have houses, they will be rich!

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They aren't christian so they went to Hell. We cannot ever help these people. We need to wait for Satan to take what is his.

Invest into the infrastructure to train, feed, provide for homeless to start manufacturing products & goods locally. Would require industrialization of some rural areas but it's definitely possible.

Bring back insane asylums.
Make it illegal to camp on an public land that's not a designated campground.
Build large hostile-style shelters for the truly sane and down on their luck.
Enforce all laws regarding public drug use, shitting, harassment (pan handling)
End all programs that make living on the streets a viable lifestyle (no free food, free needles, etc.)

Find a way to get them treated for addiction, then have a program for post-treatment where they can have a job but also have to pass drug tests and speak with a therapist.

You can have enough land the people to build apartments and houses on while having enough land for farming and also enough to satisfy "muh envornmnet" cock stroking. I think you underestimate how big america is.

Send them to Canada.

Kill anyone with a net worth of less than $10,000. Sterilize the rest that are below $20,000.

If they have mental health issues then they can get welfare depending on the severity. And if they're drug addicted then they need to stop. But I don't think either of these things are the leading cause of homelessness.

Correct. But will never happen for obvious reasons. Therefore, you are a faggot.

dreams exist for you to attempt to realise them. Sky is the limit.

Alternatively start putting them in work camps.

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Lmao you need to take a road trip across America, these homeless people aren't congregating on old McDonald's farm

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That would be the vast majority of trumpsucking faggots though. Living at your parents house != net worth.

On the contrary, they are THE causes of homelessness. Normal people don’t say to themselves one day, “you know what, I’m tired of all this working. I’d rather live in a moist cardboard box so I can really be a sloth.”

im about to be autistic for a minute so watch out.
you are addressing a different problem. homeless means without a home. not without a job or a better housing market.
people are trying to fix a problem with a wrong solution.
which is why you see homeless people asking for money.
even the homeless don't know what to ask for.
if you want a better housing market then fix that, don't try to connect the dots between markets and joblessness or poverty.
if you simply want people in a cheap dwelling then my solution is viable.

>That would be the vast majority of trumpsucking faggots though.
Good. The right needs a purge of the degenerates, the scum, the dumb, the useless. They do more harm to their own movement than the opposition.

What do you do with rotten fruit in a bunch?

Did you just call China a social democracy? You really need to embrace the worlds cultures. Preferably without importing several hundred million of them in, without considering the social consequences.

I volunteered as an aid worker at one point in my life, and it changed my complete approach. Nothing wrong with the government being the employer of last resort, but you need to recognize it's limits.

1. There's a chunk of people between the limits of government and fucking prison or exile that this won't work for.

2. Extending the limits of government to reach further means extending the ability of government to infringe on people's freedom, which has side effects.

3. You can't beat B.F. skinner.

I think just one weekend in the DRC or if you're not that hardcore, Djbouti or Liberia outside the big resorts would do it. You know what the word argent means when hordes of people are screaming it at you?

Pic related. It's what happens when you combine roma culture and soviet infrastructure and social support.

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deport the fucking wetbacks.
every godddamned one of them.
>Opens up public housing and other services for CITIZENS who need it
>Wages rise

Homeless people are a symptom, not a disease. That said, given that we'll never address the root causes (lack of mental health resources, easy access to drugs/alcohol, destruction of the familial social net, abandonment of Christianity, corrupt politicians, etc), humane work camps might be the only viable solution.

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$200 hunting fee... tag and bag as many as you can dispose.

Salt Lake City literally did this when they hosted the Winter Olympics. Not that it matters much. It’s already Jewish administered Mexico here

>. But I don't think either of these things are the leading cause of homelessness.

This varies from place to place, but in America, it really is. Of the people sleeping on the street, and not quasi homeless especially, and alcohol abuse.

I don't think you seem to understand that the reason why california homes are so expensive is because of the plot of land the house resides on, not because of the actual house. The value of the land often exceeds the value of the house in some places in california. Because of this your solution won't really do anything since you still have to pay an ass load for the land. And you may also have a minimum plot size because of zoning, so you may also have to buy more land than needed.

send them to detroit and let them squat in the abandoned houses

Detroit's population is falling. Even the homeless are abandoning the abandoned houses.

This is not true. They sleep in McDonald's just like the homeless do in the West.

I don’t want to eat the homeless, just not have them bother me (which includes being seen in my city, trashing my city, etc)


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Why not just turn them into urban farmers, have them grow and harvest food on highway medians?
Don’t need more real areas getting covered over with ass-phalt.

I had a dream last night i was a rich dude and i had a private jet. But it was really cloudy and rainy out so i put it in a hanger. Then i went to my mansion and hopped in my sports car and was flying down the freeway. I stopped at a gas station and woke up.

Good dream.

remove all state regulations and restrictions in opening a business or selling stuff, problem solved

Container houses like back in the 40's

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Stop providing the billions upon billions of dollars worth of services we spend every year on illegal immigrants and build enough homeless shelters that provide food (and other services if necessary i.e. mental health) for our homeless citizens. Incentivize getting jobs (i.e. they can stay in the shelter and eat if they document actively looking for a job or job training).

We don't need to add any additional taxes to the rich or the poor... just make it extremely illegal (i.e. a very very severe federal felony) to provide services for illegal immigrants (i.e. the health care, education, etc we currently provide) if they can't pay for it. The money that we'd otherwise spend on vile sickening illegals would be more than enough to set up places for homeless citizens that provide shelter, basic services, and job training/placement, etc.

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In Aruba, they supply people with homes. Said homes cost the about $120 USD a month. People can get welfare and even a welfare bonus on Christmas.

>build enough homeless shelters that provide food (and other services if necessary i.e. mental health) for our homeless citizens
A lack of facilities and programs is not the issue. Most homeless people choose to be on the streets. They enjoy the lifestyle. It excites them. This isn't a problem that can be solved by throwing money at it.

China has plenty of homeless people. Slightly more than the USA. Add to that a person is not considered poor in China if they make $2 USD a day and you start getting the picture of how Chinese bullshit their way around poverty and homelessness. We know the rates of homeless ness and poverty in China are much higher than they let on.

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You need more jobs and housing. Stop all immigration and start deporting undesirables.

Let's start with the white invaders from Europe.

PIRTLE: Well, I became homeless in 2004 as a result of schizophrenia, untreated schizophrenia. It caused me to lose my job, and I wound up on the street.

SHAPIRO: And was schizophrenia part of your reason for avoiding shelters?

PIRTLE: Part of the reason was, you know, the paranoia and the fear of large groups of people that comes along with schizophrenia, but part of the reason was, and I think this is more generally the case with people, is that you hear a lot of terrible things about shelters, that shelters are dangerous places, that they're full of drugs and drug dealers, that people will steal your shoes, and there's bedbugs and body lice.

And yeah, unfortunately a lot of those things are true.

SHAPIRO: Those things actually happen?


how is shapiro shocked by this. what did he think the shelters were like? tea time and rec games?

He’s clarifying for the public, who generally have no idea what goes on.

>This isn't a problem that can be solved by throwing money at it.

I suppose it depends on what you spend your money on.

They're cheating on the numbers of course, because it's fucking china, but they're not trying to optimize for the numbers. but for the impact.

China's policy on homeless people is to push them to the margins of society to keep them from interfering. Reduce their impact on everyone else. The homeless know if they cause enough problems, they'll end up in a camp with the Ughyurs, or forced to a rural commune in the west, so they self segregate.

We already have FEMA camps built. We need to go back to the "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here" policy on the street. Let police arrest them, then send them off to camps for whatever they need to get back on their feet and be productive citizens again.
Liberals will scream "inhumane". but how humane is it to allow people to live in tents on the sidewalk and shit in the streets?

Lots of people have NO clue about what the shelters are and what they're like.

This would be perfect.

Having a job isn’t going to suddenly cure them of drug addiction or teach them to manage mental health issues.

"Non-Profit" advocacy groups often fight any legislation that will help the problem. Advocacy groups make a good deal of money by continuing the problem. They don't want it fixed. That whole gov't grant system and other systems that pour tons of money into non-profits need to be wiped out.

Let homeless people live in vacant buildings. Solved.

Simple problem, simple solution

Housing costs have very little to do with the massive homeless problem.

Then there's the problem of if they actually fix the problem they won't get any more funding, so it's in their economic interest to contribute to the problem. Similar to a politician.

They're not homeless in their minds. Every night they dream they're millionaires. Its just as good as reality.

You need to leave the city and go on a road trip. Then you will realize how much land we actually have. We're not going to run out any time soon.

Their only goal is to eat so they dont die. So they can dream again. And maybe buy some drugs.

This would be a good step in the right direction. Illegals take lower income jobs that many of these people used to have....or would be forced to have if their degenerate lifestyles were outlawed.