Mermaids UK (Transgender Org) partners with UK Schools, trains teachers to identify "gender dysphoria", transes children without parents' consent Literally the only choice for this mother to protect her 6-year-old daughter is to leave the country, if Social Security even allows her to
What the fuck. Yet another reason why I'm happy I don't live in a leftist police state
Jeremiah Diaz
I can bet my ass it's for military purposes. Damaging autists and pumping them with body and mind-fucking medications to turn them into hackers on HRT or some shit, also making them recluse and dependant on medical supplies which is the ultimate guarantee of allegiance to state/corporate interests
Landon White
You live in a EU-member state, it's a matter of time.
Isaac Cooper
I can't wait till these kids hit teenage. They are going to kill the freaks that did this to them.
Jonathan Torres
Sure hope so
Landon Barnes
I hate scomo but so long as he's telling these trans encouraging sex weirdo teachers to fuck off he's getting my vote.
>Mermaids UK >December 2018, the charity was designated £500,000 in funding by the British National Lottery >In June 2019 The Times of London revealed that they had discovered a serious data breach by Mermaids in which highly confidential e-mails to the charity had been made readily available through their website. The Times state that these included names of transgender children and their parents, together with contact details and intimate medical information. The newspaper reported that there were also internal e-mails from the trustees that criticised the leadership by Susie Green, and external e-mails from parents saying that the charity "felt like a 'cult'". Mermaids issued a press release on the same day, which acknowledged that a data breach had occurred checks out
Joshua Williams
>state enforced homosexuality
Wyatt Morgan
This is horrible!
The bongs are messing with young and impressionable children now, convincing them that they're the other sex while planning to put them on dangerous puberty blockers to eventually swap out their hormones and finally performing a highly experimental surgery with A 33% COMPLICATION RATE only for them to kill themselves.
Looks like I'll need to check who are the top dogs of this MermaidUK group.
Easton Butler
I used to be jealous of spack kids who got extra help in exams. If I could of made my self a spack for this extra hel I would of. Lots of kids will literally be raised the wrong gender because they see other kids get extra attention because of it.
Red pill your kids.
Jose Sullivan
>traditional gender roles are outdated and sexist >but if your child doesn't adhere to them, we'll assume they're mentally ill and want to mutilate their genitals Why is the world so fucking EVIL now? It's fucking Satanic.
Cameron Hill
Eh, I live in the countryside and people wouldn't take this shit. The son of a guy I know beat up the guy that was bullying him for months and the school tried to pull some "no violence" policy and punish him for fighting back. The dad came to school and "set them straight" (and everyone agrees he did the right thing). I can only imagine the shit the school would have to go through if they tried to push trans shit on kids.
Noah Powell
>Mermaids UK The CEO is (((Susie Green)))
Leo Howard
Karma for destroying the Third Reich and calling for bloodlust and war when the Germans only wanted peace with them.
Lucas Hernandez
War against the modern govts is inevitable, the plutocrats and their families and the feds who protect them will be mutilated and eradicated.
Gavin Ward
unironically its the fucking jews man.synagogue of satan
Isaac Baker
Holy. Fucking. Shit. This is pure evil.
Easton Anderson
The next global conflagration will start over the children. The pedophilia is next.
Andrew Thomas
This, but unironically.
Jeremiah Garcia
Using and abusing the socially awkward is normal in non meitocratic, machiavellian jewworld. In a non feminized world, no one would stop boys from beating people who treated them like this.
Aaron Lee
A girl can be masculine, that doesnt mean the girl is literally a boy.
You can find the answer of your gender by looking in your pants
its not quantum physics ffs
Eli Miller
This. If children can consent to 'sex changes' w/out parents permission -you know what's next.
Camden Gomez
Good I need some fresh faces in trans porn
Ryan Harris
Teachers are fucking cowards, it's why they choose to lord over children instead of competing with peers. Going after a kid who finally stood up for himself is easier than standing up to the real troublemaker dark triad fuck making everyone miserable. And it makes it look like you are doing something.
Joshua Torres
Cool it with the anti-Semitism, Adolf.
Luke Martin
That's unironically the reason why rat men are pushing this so hard.
Anyway, just some extra proof this is really happen: >Schools are supporting increasing numbers of transgender students, using a variety of guidance from the teaching unions and charities such as Mermaids (which has a grant of £35,000 from the Department for Education to deliver training to 35 schools).
And parental consent is not needed to trans your 5-year-old kid once they're marked as "gender dysphoric":
>Schools should be aware that the Equality Act is very clear about this – any child dealing with these issues has the right to be known as, and to be accepted as, the gender with which he or she affirms.
>“The bottom line is that if you have a child who has gender dysphoria, he or she does not need to have had any sort of treatment, or diagnosis,” says Susie. By denying children the ability to live and present as who they need to be, you’re telling them that something that’s so much a part of them is not allowed – that there’s something wrong with them. It’s essential that they are accepted, supported and loved, no matter what.”
When this happened at my school it was only for ADHD and I was only on Ritalin for a couple of years. To think I could have had my cock turned inside out is terrifying. We need to stop the psychologists networking with teachers to generate a client list.
Nathan Jones
Better yet who the fuck is selling these hormone blockers and hormone pills? It's always about the money who the fuck is selling this shit?
>letting jews control their own opposition All this means is that he's going to be doing little if anything at all about the problem, unless he for whatever reason actually cares about the fact that countless kids are getting mutilated for the sake of the tranny granny global homo.
Mason Scott
>tfw have a 3 year old son >tfw he is the only thing that gives my life purpose >tfw he loves trucks and construction equipment and all the things every little boy should love What are they going to do to him pol
This is another step in the normalization of pedophilia. The guy who started Gay Rights, Harry Hay, was a proud NAMBLA member. >NAMBLA = North American Man/Boy Love Association
They march at all gay pride parades.
Josiah Parker
Wyatt Miller
Checkd and you better red pill the fuck out him and his momma before he gets trannypilled in kindergarten.
>We've spoken with the jews that are subverting your school and they said it's not true, therefore we're locking this thread. Please seek advice from the jews instead. leddit, ladies and gentlemen
dont worry americans still have their guns they wont be actually forcing this shit on us any time soon
Luis Taylor
Why is /pol always right?
List the companies, look at lobbying efforts cross check board members to politicians and look at all that against foreign governments. There is a connection.
Yes it is. It's pure evil. I really don't understand why people are so ok with this. It's beyond the pale by a fucking light year. People must really be brainwashed to accept this level of perversion.
Adrian Ward
what happens if the kid is muslim
Lucas Peterson
I would unironically murder the teacher (in minecraft) for trying to push propaganda onto my child. God fuck this clown world bullshit.
Grayson Davis
God damn i hate USA It's all your fault shit like this exist in the world You are the world most degenerate country and the #1 super power
Wyatt Ross
Gender is the greater religion.
Children are typically diagnosed with gender dysphoria if they have experienced significant distress for at least six months and at least four of the following:
>strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that they are the other gender >strong preference for wearing clothes typical of the opposite gender >strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play >strong preference for the toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender >strong preference for playmates of the other gender >strong dislike of their sexual anatomy >strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match their experienced gender
Notice how 4 of them concretely rely on gender stereotypes. Which is all that's needed for your kid to be diagnosed trans and legally taken away from you and fast-tracked to puberty blockers @ 10 and hormones @ 13, lest you be declared as their 'abuser'.
Parents in Ohio lost custody of their 17-year-old daughter because they declined to put her on testosterone supplements. >When her parents wanted to treat her with counseling instead, Hamilton County Job and Family Services charged them with abuse and neglect, while transgender activists and pro-trans doctors compared their decision to denying treatment for asthma or even cancer patients.
Well in the bible it says in the end times people will be put in a great delusion for believing a lie. That's the only way I can explain today's world: Delusional. I mean you have people fighting to bring over Muslims to western civilizations while also fighting for Gay Rights and pro-trannyism, even though the Muslims kill faggots daily. They also attack Christians for simply telling gays they need to repent.
Grayson Sanders
Europeans came up with liberalism before the U.S. was created. This is all the result of that.
Asher Lee
Jesus that is such a waste of a good body.
Caleb Torres
Based Scotland amirite Jow Forums? Sticking it to those English cucks. Right, Jow Forums? Right?
Carter Gonzalez
So they're giving the teachers(usually left wing women) full authority to decide if your child is a tranny based on the 'training' given to them by a Jewish child tranny ((charity)) (with gov funding of course) that was exposed as being like a cult? Ffs...FFS!
Jackson Torres
Liberalism? You think liberalism is the fault? It is just another that got consumed en perverted.
damn fuck you white people, you ruined this white girl with that phat pink pussy
fuck you, i want to cry
Julian Walker
Not my kraut gook ancestors no. The ones my kraut ancestors fought in the revolution are now being little bitches of a totalitarian state. They're like 1984 but worse, cause 1984 didnt have immigrants or forced trannys
Daniel Hill
It would be worse if they started forcibly pumping them of testosterone at 13, worse still if the person wasn't even trans and was just forced into an identity crisis at 5 years old by a Mermaids-trained 'teacher'.
And then they will kill themselves? They may not of brought it upon themselves but I don't want to share the world with them.
Aiden Anderson
No. In about 10-20 years theres going to be a whole generation who hates you and what has been done to them, while having no possible happy future in sight. >much rage+nothing to live for=uh oh
Austin Gray
Yes it's about individuals putting their own selfish desires above everything else.
Charles Perez
We've gone from "Bake the cake, bigot" to "Wax my lady balls, bigot" to state-enforced transsexuality at record speed. Jesus Christ, please save us.
Zachary Sanders
you island niqqa, he body looks like a 2x12
Xavier Allen
They won't hate me. I didn't do it. But they will be begging for daddy's strong hand and thick cock.
that is what it used to be. Now it is perverted by altruism and empathy. It is time for people to realize that they should put the self above all else.
Dominic Miller
^^^^ /pol can we noose this mofo on day of the rope?
Dominic Nelson
Leftards like to install themselves in gatekeepr positions. It's called the long march through institutions or baka.
Camden Flores
Muslims won't be targeted for shit like this because they have strong community and social cohesion. It could result in a backlash and the creepy teachers who try to push this stuff are intimidated by them.
Whites are individualist and fractured, so we are easy targets. If some white kid gets targeted for brainwashing, the other whites will say "well it's not my kid so it's not my business." But the Muslim community would raise hell if it were one of theirs.
Jaxson Jenkins
More likely to have been a far right takeover by then or we will be so weakened that we are proxy puppet states cucked by China.
Isaac Gutierrez
>thinks they wont hate an enabler I think you're wrong user. Good luck
Hudson Lopez
Don't be so angry. This will be allowed in the ethno state.
Holdup you gave me an idea... The world databank has pretty thorough records on every country's trade.
Henry Phillips
>1% trans nope more like 0.1% and anyway it's a mental disorder and they need the pyre along with the gays
Anthony Lopez
I believe Muslims are actually our best tool to use in this case. Bring the current situation to their attention, bombard them with the knowledge that this is happening and that their children coul be targetted. Make them rage and protest against it like they're already doing against same sex school teachings at young age. Schools and other affiliated establishments responsible will be too scared and clueless on what to do against muslims they know they can't attack.
Parker Clark
We should be making sure the lgbt degenerate pedos cross paths with conservative Islam at every opportunity to force a war between the two. We can take power in the aftermath.
Nathaniel Brooks
>5 year olds saying 'I'm androgynous' or 'I'm born with two spirits' Any kid saying that is being brainwashed by their parent(s) or teacher