From Evola's letters to Guénon:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European, Nordic and Alpine women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur: a mythological creature half bull, half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.
Evola explains the majical Negro and the reason for white lust
girl in pic is a "porn talker" and does dirty talk requests for money. she has thousands of videos just talking about perverted topics that people paid her to talk about by the way.
Evola never said this once, and the only references to this quote indexed by google are Jow Forums and incel forum posts. It's a decent attempt at sounds like him, but it isn't a real quote and doesn't align with his (albeit often inconsistent) ideology.
one must ask why you feel the need to hide your flag
I had always believed seeing white women racemixing with Negroes was the sure sign of Jewish hands creating friction. Now I'm not so sure after going becoming an avid student of history. Racemixing is ancient, the most the Jew and done is to hasten the process.
Yeah I've never found a book of his that contains that quote
Christ Evola, what a cuckold. We don't need his occult BS to explain that preference, when the evolutionary explanation that intelligence =/= sexual favoribility will suffice. Why? Well, clearly black male children are superior at spreading around their monkeyseed in adulthood.
Rebel or be slaughtered white man.
Evidence of the correspondence was torched by dismayed followers upon their discovery. We are lucky this even survived.
>one must ask why you feel the need to hide your flag
One must ask why the option to hide your flag is available if it's use is so disdained.
He's never said it, it's an attempt to poison his well, which is comical considering his musings on the paranormal would be far more effective
Just show your fucking flag. If a leaf can do it you can too.
You hapa “men” are pathetic
This isn't even good b8
Fuck off Chang
Post proof or kill yourself, you fucking brainlet.
He's been vindicated.
Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.
Hans Lumenbauch, MD, MPH, PhD, Jones Wojack ,MD, PhD
Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have an user who feels it necessay to drag them into the conversation.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone"sheeit" comics,gifs,demotivational pictures,and webms -Jow Forumsusers secretly have a grudging respect,bordering on admiration,for the Negro.Although,if one were to ask them directly,they would vehemently deny the claim with all the passion of a shy,besotted teenager.
The nature of their fixation?The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.
Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and BLACKED generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness;for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the Negro whose masculinity has become a meme?
Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that Jow Forums is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological Negro-complex.
Hey shill go home
>Jones Wojack ,MD, PhD
for the uninitiated, this post is a vivid example of "jewish humour".
>Bla bla bla bla
>0 data
Negro males are 2nd least popular group in females after south asians.
she has vids where she eats her own shit btw
its hot
He never said this.
you just gunna say that without giving a link?
It’s Asian “males” doing it
Go and die of aids, Nigger. Blacks are fucking useless pieces of shit that were too weak to stand against the Western Powers, because they are nentally challenged monkeys who can't do anything by themselves. To call them somehow superior or dominant is absolutely idiotic, as they havent show those characteristics ever
This is bullshit created on pol as a meme
History bears this out.
Racial mixing was noted as a phenomenon by numerous Classical Roman authors.
Interracial unions were common enough in the time of the Roman satirist Juvenal (55-27 AD) for him to make specific mention of them. In his Satire VI, Juvenal, while discussing the advisability or otherwise of abortions, warns husbands that their wives may bear mulatto children:
>“Grieve not at this, poor wretch, and with thine own hand give thy wife the potion whatever is be for did she choose to bear her leaping children in her womb thou wouldst, perchance, become the sire of an Ethiop, a blackamoor would soon be your sole heir.”
- Juvenal, Satire VI, lines 596 – 600