Are millennials worse than boomers?
Are millennials worse than boomers?
imagine the smell
wait... outside pittsburgh? this is too close to me.
They are going crazier and crazier for maximum attention: the next one will SHIT into your ice cream.
Screencap this post.
millennials are hands down the worst generation ever
La ogra de las Americas
Same here.. Fuck this shit. I'm so pissed. At least I wouldn't be caught dead buying food from Walmart
But isn't, like, excreting in Walmart a culturally acceptable thing in Amerimuttland?
Were they in the ground at the time?
boomers are to blame for creating millennials
millennials are by far the most degenerate, fucked up, retarded generation by a country mile.
The internet has broken our puny human minds.
I fucking told my friend people would start getting fucking ridiculous with this shit. 20 years for this whore, no exceptions.
Without a doubt. They are the biggest pussified, lying, Jew worshiping, coddled sacks of shit imaginable. The biggest obstacle we have in redpilling the masses, is the distinctly millennial addiction to lewd media like comic books and Cartoon Network shows.
BASED minorities pissing, shitting, and cumming on my food!!!!
I disagree with you. the only reason why millennials seem to be more degenerate than baby boomers is that the internet did not exist during the sixties or seventies in a form that could be used for attention whoring. However if you read the literature that was popular among boomers during this time, or look at the drug and lifestyle scenes that the boomers created for themselves you will find them to be every bit as degenerate as the millennials. Possibly more so, since the boomers were raised in a normal environment with christian values, while the millenials were raised in a dysfunctional environment (created by baby boomers) with baby boomer values.
3rd world people bring 3rd world problems.
She wants to know why this happened, Jow Forums. I think we should tell her.
she must've been pissed
In some states messing with food is a felony with a long prison term. Let's see what special deal she can get.
checked. shut the fuck up, nathan.
Nathan wants the potatos.
>she must've been pissed
Carlos...ah forget it, I chuckled
Millennials are without question the worst generation to ever exist.
call them stretchpants girl potatos and sell them for $1000 a piece
Millennials are the byproduct of boomers.
nonwhites are the worst
Gamer girl seasoned potatoes.
Looks more like genz desu
They're going to start banning women from stores to avoid this and only men can shop for them.
Fuck off you old piece of dog shit. I'm going to piss on your fucking grave when you die.
Boomers had millennials. Millennial have cats. Boomers at least propagated the species.
wait until gen z.
you haven't seen nothing yet.
Actually we're already seeing it. Most millennials are in their 30s or at least in their mid 20s, she looks younger than that
millennials are worse than everything
She’s too skinny.
upvote accelerationism, reddit non ironically destroying earth for dopamine hits.
>Said the gen X cuck who made the world to shit
Nigger every single oldfag goes on non-stop about being a fucking degenerate fucking faggot taking drugs all the fucking time
Also these kids aren't millennials you retarded gen X cucks, it's your precious Gen Z
Mulatto. Product of a coalburner
Omg I can see her nipple and boob. They are amazing
>the camelest of toes
>the moosest of knuckles
>the beefiest of roasts
Nah, just weeding out the weak ones. It's evolution, baby.
kek, ok that was a good one
Fuckin based.
It’s our culture
This if some neet buys the bath water of some ethot, piss covered potatoes are sure to be a great seller
>I fucking told my friend people would start getting fucking ridiculous with this shit. 20 years for this whore, no exceptions.
What is getting ridiculous? I feel like I'm missing some cold water challenge or planking normie shit going around on social media or something? I refuse toj use any of that shit so please fill me in
Trend starting of people opening, licking, then putting back ice cream in stores
Zoomers want to poison the food supply because funny
As a 28 year old boomer
Ill shoot them
Seriously, what is with all this God damn racism towards the Irish?
holy shit chekced.